View Full Version : phib pics

08-26-11, 03:35 AM
Pictures by spencerburgo - Photobucket (http://s1136.photobucket.com/albums/n488/spencerburgo/)
hi there, this should let you in to my album enjoy,

cheers spencer...............

08-26-11, 06:32 AM
Great pics! How they likin the dubias? :P

08-26-11, 02:02 PM
Sweet pics. What kind of frog or toad is it.

09-04-11, 06:39 AM
hi there sorry for the late replys, the computer's went down on the boat so had no internet acess for 8 days, im home now though, the pics are of african bullfrogs <giant> and cane toads <surinam or giants> and tiger salamanders, there is one normal cane toad in there to,

cheers spencer.................

09-04-11, 07:16 AM
Man I would love to have a Cane Toad! And Africa Bullfrogs are bad mo-fos for sure. How did you acquire them?

09-04-11, 10:02 AM
Man I would love to have a Cane Toad! And Africa Bullfrogs are bad mo-fos for sure. How did you acquire them?
my surinam marine toads came from south america, to america, then germany, then england, they were ordered through a dartfrog dealer as a favour there very hard to get hold of, the normal cane toads do not get no were near as big, or as tame, only the one's from surinam and guyanna,

cheers spencer............