View Full Version : Best Axanthic Line?

08-23-11, 04:37 PM
What is the best axanthic line, I mean like which ones brown out less and keep there baby colors?

08-23-11, 10:14 PM
I believe they all brown out to some degree but I hear that the VPI line tends to keep the best colour.

08-24-11, 11:00 AM
yes i agree, i got one it's very nice color, but i fed her just now so i show u the picture later. cheers~~~

08-24-11, 07:10 PM
yes i agree, i got one it's very nice color, but i fed her just now so i show u the picture later. cheers~~~

if i can see a pic that would be great, is yours a VPI?

08-29-11, 02:33 AM
if i can see a pic that would be great, is yours a VPI?


Yes, she is from VPI, but i bought it from the Hong Kong...very nice man...

08-29-11, 12:43 PM
I love that snake on the right. It looks amazing.

08-29-11, 12:50 PM
I love that snake on the right. It looks amazing.

Thanks Nismo, i lover her too, but she has a bad habit, she just like eat the
live mice, if i try to feed the frozen one, then i need to put the frozen mice into the live mice tank, make all the mice run back and forward on the frozen
mice...then she may take it or not....sigh....sounds stupid right .......

08-29-11, 12:58 PM
I had to scent my first few frozen mice for my BRB but now she takes frozen like a champ. I hear bp are finicky eaters though (that is a bp right lol) what morph is that snake?

09-02-11, 03:12 AM
I had to scent my first few frozen mice for my BRB but now she takes frozen like a champ. I hear bp are finicky eaters though (that is a bp right lol) what morph is that snake?

hahaha my brb take take everything into their mouth, but just my female Fire bp and Pinstripe bp have to pls them to eat...sigh, i got 2.2 BRB one is adult female. For the BP

Axanthic 0.1
Fire 1.1
Lamon pastel 1.1
Lesser 1.0
Pinstripe 0.1
Spider 1.0
Normal 0.1
but going to purchase yellowbelly 0.1 and pie 1.0 soon
Red Ackie monitor 2.1.3