View Full Version : Looking to get an 8 legged "friend"

08-21-11, 09:51 AM
So I have been thinking about getting a tarantula. Spiders creep me out but I think they are beautiful. I would like to get one that will be a display only. I have noooooo interest in handling it so having a grumpy one doesn't matter. I am going to my reptile shop today to look at them and pick a few I like then coming home to research.

Anyone have any suggestions as to a really nice looking spider that is fairly easy to keep for a newb spider owner? I would also appreciate some good care sheets I can read up on. Since I know very little of them I don't want to be misinformed. Thanks

08-21-11, 12:07 PM
Don't assume that a grumpy display animal is a safe animal. You still need to spot clean and feed. I had one run up the tongs I was using...

08-21-11, 02:30 PM
I keep ~50 T's and the one I would enthusiastically recommend would be the Green Bottle Blue. Stunning coloration, no humidity requirements (keep them almost bone dry), fast growers.

They'll flick the occasional hair but nothing bad and they are reluctant to bite.

http://www.creepyspiders.com/assets/images/db_images/db_Chromatopelma_cyaneopubescens__Green_Bottle_Blu e_1.jpg

08-21-11, 04:51 PM
That is a gorgeous looking spider, creepy though.

08-21-11, 04:54 PM
I agree, Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens is a good choice. Here is my spiderling.


08-21-11, 06:03 PM
His bum is smiling.

08-21-11, 06:13 PM
Awesome, thanks. Are they arboreal or burrowing?

08-21-11, 06:18 PM
Awesome, thanks. Are they arboreal or burrowing?

Neither..Its a terrestrial species with a tendency to appear arboreal because of webbing. That being said floor space is more important.

08-21-11, 06:25 PM
Great, thanks so much everyone
One more thing...can anyone suggest a good site with care sheets I can read up on?

08-21-11, 06:54 PM

08-22-11, 04:10 PM
His bum is smiling.

I can barely contain myself. My son corrected you though. "But isn't that his abdomen mom?" :D

I agree, green bottle blues are gorgeous choice.

tarantulaguy1976 did an episode on youtube about pretty choices for beginners but some people disagree with what he said. may be worth looking into, nothing on there too aggressive, but some hair kickers and quick movers. tarantulaguy1976's Channel - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/tarantulaguy1976#p/search/0/zmRUhCmm8MQ)

Hope that helps! I'm kinda in the same place as you, just starting out with T's, though I got stupid and bought some aggressive ones first knowing full well they were fast moving, strong venom and mean, before having much practice with mellow ones.