View Full Version : So Proud :)

08-19-11, 09:25 PM
Well, my cousins had their kids over at my house today, and one of the kids expressed an interest in seeing Vermicelli. In spite of his young age and small stature, he handled himself like a perfect gentleman; not only did he not strike or musk, he didn't even freeze, rattle, or breathe hard.

And for my cousin's parts, the kids were wonderful! Very gentle, very calm (which is AMAZING given that the median age was 3), and even better, every single kid left with a desire to learn more about snakes and other reptiles.

Just thought I'd share :)

08-19-11, 09:47 PM
nice :)
i enjoy seeing/hearing about open minded people and children.

08-19-11, 10:28 PM
Yeah my cousin took in interest in my little Corn. It was her fourth birthday when she handled him for the first tIme

08-19-11, 10:43 PM
I love it!! So great when a kid's first reptile experience can be positive; so many (including my mom) had the curiosity scared out of them, either by parents or bad experiences with reptiles in the past. Kudos, Youngster :)

08-20-11, 02:27 AM
Woot, go you.

08-20-11, 02:28 AM
We need more stories like this. Congrats on teaching the kids and getting them excited about snakes!

08-20-11, 07:12 AM
Haha I asked her if she knew what a reptile was and she replied "like a black mamba?" :) She was pretty excited when she saw the little guy.

08-21-11, 09:35 AM
Hahaha that's hilarious!! Gotta love the zeal with which kids go about day-to-day life...miss those days :)

08-21-11, 09:41 AM
Hahaha that's hilarious!! Gotta love the zeal with which kids go about day-to-day life...miss those days :)

me too, mine are teenagers now, think they know it all.

08-21-11, 12:20 PM
Hahahahaha As a recent teen, I have to remind you, Wayne: they DO know it all.

Much in the same way that we used to KNOW that the world was flat, a dude in a chariot pulled the sun across the sky, and the rest of the stars and planets rotated around Earth :rolleyes: :yes:

08-21-11, 12:23 PM
Hahahahaha As a recent teen, I have to remind you, Wayne: they DO know it all.

Much in the same way that we used to KNOW that the world was flat, a dude in a chariot pulled the sun across the sky, and the rest of the stars and planets rotated around Earth :rolleyes: :yes:

Wait you mean thats all a lie!? lol My mom hates anything that doesn't have fur I don't even live with her anymore and she told me I wasn't allowed to have a snake just cause she'd be afraid to come to my place hahah. I'll eventually get her there though. My dad used to be the same way but he will at least hold my iguana now

08-21-11, 12:30 PM
Hahaha sounds like MY mom...she's actually touched Vermicelli though...progress. Slowly but surely :)

bad kitty
09-06-11, 06:43 PM
My folks were actually really interested to see Iggy (BCI) for the first time! My dad was a little hesitant, but my mom was all for putting him around her neck! LOL!

I had a gorgeous snow corn named Demon, 38" long, up until a year ago, and i actually took him to a reptile demo in the next town, put on by some friends of mine who are a real reptile loving family, and i must say, i was impressed by both Demon's behaviour, and the childrens' behaviour too! The kids loved him! And he acted like a perfect little gentleman too! i instructed the kids (ages 3-6) to be gentle, not squeeze, etc., and they just had a ball! It was nice to see kids interested and not getting scared, seeing snakes as beautiful creatures rather than icky monsters!

Just to show off, here's a pic of Demon...

09-06-11, 07:37 PM
Love your snow, I have one as well!! My 5 year old niece loves to come visit my snakes. She baby talks to them and thinks they are the cutest little things. She also loves to look at a picture of my husband, her "Uncle Leo", with a friends albino burm wrapped over his shoulders. That is her favorite pic and she always tells her Mom, my little sis, that she is going to have a snake like that one day. My sis always tells her no way! I'm gonna laugh one day when she gets out on her own and gets herself a gorgeous albino burm, lol !! She is only 5 but very bright for her age and is full of questions about what they eat, how to take care of them, and even helped my daughter and I clean their enclosures. Next Sunday she is coming over for feeding day!!! Two more kids that see the beauty in snakes, I love it!!!

bad kitty
09-07-11, 06:17 PM
I wish all kids could have a positive first experience with snakes!