View Full Version : Some question about ticks.

08-17-11, 09:11 AM
Hi guys, i recently found some snake mite on my bp, and rainbow bao, but i just wonder do they will get on my dogs? 2nd question, will the snake get the tick fever or same infectious just like dog if they get some bite from tick?
pls help thanks. cuz i asked the vet, but they told me the answers was " í'm not sure about the reptile mite." sigh.......

08-17-11, 09:43 AM
The mites that a reptile gets arent the same type of parasites that are attracted to dogs, cats, etc. You wont have a problem with them getting on your dogs. As for the tick fever, I am not for sure but i think if you remove the tick before it has been on your snake quickly then there shouldn't be any infection. You should pick up some mite-off and give it to your snake and that should rid it of the parasites.

08-17-11, 10:04 AM
Nix will solve the issue quick.

08-17-11, 11:12 AM
Thanks man, but i think it's hard to get Nix in H.K....they just have "mite-off".
I'm still think go to ship some good mite control product to H.K.

08-19-11, 08:25 AM
Really it's hard to get nix? It should be carried in any pharmacy. I get mine at walmart. lol.
They can get on your mammals, but can't complete their life cycle.
Your furry babies should have some sort of topical treatment like revolution (That's what we use, I don't know what you guys have there) on them already anyways.

08-22-11, 06:03 PM
I don't see why it'd be outlawed, you could probrably just order it somewhere online and have it there in a few days.

If all else fails I'm sure someone would be willing to sell/send you some, I would but realize my post count is low and I'm not as trustworthy as others on this site.

Mite off only works for live mites and even then it's not great. the eggs are what you want to kill, I spent money on Mite off and regret it because one treatment with Nix and my BP is happy as a clam and mite free for almost a week now.

08-24-11, 11:16 AM
I don't see why it'd be outlawed, you could probrably just order it somewhere online and have it there in a few days.

If all else fails I'm sure someone would be willing to sell/send you some, I would but realize my post count is low and I'm not as trustworthy as others on this site.

Mite off only works for live mites and even then it's not great. the eggs are what you want to kill, I spent money on Mite off and regret it because one treatment with Nix and my BP is happy as a clam and mite free for almost a week now.

Thanks, i guess is not many good working treatment for the reptile in Hong Kong, so once i know those product (Nix) is exist, i'll try to get it. Now i found so many buddy in here man, thx y'all ~~~

08-24-11, 11:25 AM
Ok, I AM NOT experienced in snakes, but have worked with dogs my whole life.

"Tick fever" is actually "lyme disease" which you can only get from an infected tick. You need to find out (usually from a vet) whether Lyme disease is prevalent in your area.

As far as I know, (check with a vet tho) only mammals can contract lyme disease.

Althought the part that confuses me is what has "tick fever" to do with mites as they are different pests?? (at least in mammals they are)

08-29-11, 12:41 PM
Ok, I AM NOT experienced in snakes, but have worked with dogs my whole life.

"Tick fever" is actually "lyme disease" which you can only get from an infected tick. You need to find out (usually from a vet) whether Lyme disease is prevalent in your area.

As far as I know, (check with a vet tho) only mammals can contract lyme disease.

Althought the part that confuses me is what has "tick fever" to do with mites as they are different pests?? (at least in mammals they are)

hahaah thanks man, i have one Dobermann and Mongrel, that's why i'm kinda worry lol, but it brings up another question here, what if the mite or tick already get the tick fever and pass it to my mice? since i feed them to my bp. Does my snake get the tick fever after they ate some "tick fever mice"?

08-29-11, 01:05 PM
again, not completely sure on the snake front, but in dogs, that would not happen because the parasite that causes the disease has to get into the bloodstream and a dogs stomache acids are too strong for most parasites/bacteria. So they would be killed long before food nutrients hit the bloodstream.

What I would suggest for your mouse colony is to dust thier bedding with DE (diamatacious earth (sp?)) this is ground up, fossilized sea creatures. This is all natural and only harmful to creatures with exo-skeletons (you can even feed it to your dogs for internal parasites!) so it will take out fleas, ticks, and mites. This would keep your colony free of these parasites. I buy DE at the local hardware store (garden section). make sure you get PURE DE. In pet stores they sell it but they add crap to "lure" the fleas to the DE-don't get that.

DE works because it punctures very small holes, cracks into the exo-skeleton of the pest and then they dehydrate to death. It does not harm creatures with skins, because to animals with skin it is textured almost as fine as talcum powder.

DE is very cheap and you would use it for everything, your mouse colony, dogs, cats. Household wise it takes out ants, spiders, silverfish, earwigs, ect (pretty much anything that gives you the shivers, this product will kill).

09-02-11, 03:05 AM
Thanks Snake Food,
i'll try my best to get it.

09-02-11, 08:38 AM
just dont use the DE in the snake enclosure as the fine powder may cause a RI