View Full Version : Static Chowing down!

08-15-11, 12:13 PM
Now that I feed him in his enclosure he eats much easier, I just make sure he is hanging so he doesn't ingest any substrate.

08-15-11, 12:22 PM
My friend has that same fake wood his snake got cut up bad from the inside. Try stuffing a pillow case inside. You shouldn't have a problem with him swallowing substrate since jungles tend to eat of the perch if your worried put a plate underneath.

08-15-11, 12:25 PM
those are some awesome feeding pics!

08-15-11, 12:27 PM
My friend has that same fake wood his snake got cut up bad from the inside. Try stuffing a pillow case inside. You shouldn't have a problem with him swallowing substrate since jungles tend to eat of the perch if your worried put a plate underneath.

Which fake wood, the one in the left of the picture?

I will inspect it closure, and maybe take some sand paper to any edges that seem sharp, didn't look bad when I looked it over the first time.

Also, the plate idea doesn't work, sometimes he gets a little over excited about feeding and lunges off his perch he strikes so hard. he usually hangs on like a GTP though :)

08-15-11, 03:55 PM
@ Jay

Thanks so much man!

You are absolutely right.. I checked that fake wood closer when I got home and there are some spots that are razor sharp!
Enough to the point I removed it altogether from his enclosure, I will replace it with something safer.

Thanks again for the heads up.


08-15-11, 06:12 PM
Stunning animal.

08-15-11, 06:17 PM
@ Jay

Thanks so much man!

You are absolutely right.. I checked that fake wood closer when I got home and there are some spots that are razor sharp!
Enough to the point I removed it altogether from his enclosure, I will replace it with something safer.

Thanks again for the heads up.

Any time, I would hate to see that stunner get injured.