View Full Version : New BCI's coming

08-14-11, 08:13 AM
After 6 months of having the corns and things going smooth as can be, I am confident that everything that went wrong a decade ago with my pythons was due to misinformation and I am ready to deal with the big snakes again.

I've carefully researched things as I did with the corns, and prepared their vivs beforehand. I decided Nicaraguan or Guyanan boas was what I wanted to go for and have been looking out for a good deal or an exceptional specimen and last night I hit two birds with one stone. I paid $130 for two female Anery Nicaraguan hatchlings and I think they are amazingly gorgeous. They should be shipping out early this week.

Here is their pic and I will post more when they arrive if I manage to find my camera chager by then
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/228943_1724836020385_1822936562_1099811_7416596_n. jpg

08-14-11, 08:18 AM
Stunning looking boas, congrats :)

08-14-11, 08:24 AM
Stunning, are they unrelated?

08-14-11, 08:36 AM

I think they are probably from the same clutch, though I don't know. I got them from a dealer, not a breeder directly. Based on the way this dealer buys and sells things and the time of year it is, I am assuming that they would be sisters though.