View Full Version : Southern scrub retaining shed

08-13-11, 09:35 AM
My young male Aru Amethystine went through slough this week, but he's still retaining about a third of his old skin. This is his third shed in the eleven weeks I've had him, and his last ones were fairly smooth, a couple pieces.
He has an elevated soaking dish, and consistent, monitored humidity (60-70%), and plenty to rub and wring on. He does seem to be making an effort but he seems to be having little success.
Could these retained patches impede growth or cause discomfort? Do I need to help him undress, or is this something he has to learn on his own?

08-13-11, 10:03 AM
Try soaking him an luke warm, NOT HOT, water for ten minutes and see if you can help work the shed off. Retained shed can impede blood flow eventually. soak him ten minutes a day and give him a little help. He should be fine.

08-13-11, 04:54 PM
Thank you.

08-22-11, 02:59 PM
A humid hide is also a good thing.
A rubbermaid with some damp spagnum moss works good as snakes will usually use a hide but not all of them will soak while in shed, Mark

09-10-11, 11:14 AM
If it helps.When my corn had a retained eyecap and shed I put her in a warm rubbermaid with a very damp papertowel overnight and one hide, next day it all slide off.I dont know anything about Ammies but it worked for me.

09-11-11, 07:30 AM
My Ij does this some times regardless of humidity.

Soak an old towel in warm water and lay it on the floor of the enclosure

Shed should be gone next day

09-11-11, 08:31 AM
My Ij does this some times regardless of humidity.

Soak an old towel in warm water and lay it on the floor of the enclosure

Shed should be gone next day

an IJ shouldn't really need elevated humidity to shed properly, I would suggest there is something wrong.

09-11-11, 12:29 PM
an IJ shouldn't really need elevated humidity to shed properly, I would suggest there is something wrong.

Where a person lives & their setup has a lot to do with it ;)
I'd imagine the relative humidity there would be considerably higher than here in the CDN prairies & likely not much of an issue ever.
My IJs never have issues mind you its pretty humid in the snake room with all the water dishes & heat in there & they all have thier own large dishes as well.
Mine do not soak but they do sit with their heads hanging over the water quite often.
A person with an enclosure in a nonreptile room with a screen top would have more humidity issues for sure, again depending on where they live it could be just fine still or way too dry. Cheers Mark
P.S. of course in some cases poor sheds can be contributed to external parasites as well

09-11-11, 02:57 PM
exactly my point with something being wrong mate, I suggest that the set up is less than ideal.

I have found that my IJ's tend to soak from time to time, they seem to appreciate some humidity more than any other carpet I have ever kept. That said I keep no specific humidity just a wooden vivarium with a decent sized water bowl.