View Full Version : My little guy shed!!!

08-13-11, 08:09 AM
I'm so excited right now because when I wOke up a few mInutes ago I saw that my baby cOrn snake Sage shed for the first tIme in my care. Any good ways of preservIng the shed?

08-13-11, 08:11 AM
Btw it was a beautiful One piece!

08-13-11, 08:36 AM
It's just a shed, yes it was your first but it should not be praised.

I think that could be debated. It's my very first snake's first shed and I want to preserve it.

08-13-11, 08:49 AM
It's just a shed, yes it was your first but it should not be praised.

Cum on, its the kids first shed. I was excited the first time my first snake shed.... and most times after that :)

08-13-11, 09:01 AM
Did you save it's first s**t lol

Well that's a very decent amount different. Would you take pictures of your child's first time walking? Yes. But would you take pictures the first time they took a dump? Hopefully not. Keep in mind I'm 13 years old so we may have different thought processes.

08-13-11, 09:05 AM
Each to their own, but let youngster have his minute of excitement. I didnt save my snakes first poo, they keep me in a fresh supply of that.

08-13-11, 09:07 AM
It's just a shed, yes it was your first but it should not be praised.

Actually it should be praised - it shows that the snake is being kept properly in the right conditions and is healthy. Leave the kid alone - if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all!

08-13-11, 09:10 AM
actually it should be praised - it shows that the snake is being kept properly in the right conditions and is healthy. Leave the kid alone - if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all!

:) :) :) :) :)

08-13-11, 09:29 AM
Oh god, really? Why I was just stating that it should not be praised it should be expected. Yes save your first one Dow what you want it's your snake. I'm not sure how I would preserve it though. It's going to dry out and become brittle

08-13-11, 09:54 AM
Dont know if the heat would damage it but you could laminate it against black paper.

08-13-11, 09:58 AM
Where's the post shed pics?

08-13-11, 10:15 AM
Did you save it's first s**t lol

You really aren't being nice ... no need to be like that.

youngster.. I'm happy for you!! I was so excited the first time my snakes shed in my care! I do not know how to preserve it though. I hope you find a good way to do so. I think looking back at that shed in a year would be kind of impressive to see the size change!

08-13-11, 10:54 AM
Congratulations Youngster!!! I'm 33 and was very excited the first time my boa shed, last week. I was excited because it made me feel like well, he's eating, seems alert, and his shed went well so I must be doing something right!!! My daughter is 12 and has her first snake, a little corn named Juno and is anxiously waiting for him to shed. I'm sure she will be just as excited when he does as you are about Sage's shed. I'm going to have to get her to set up a profile on here, your corns look about the same size.


08-13-11, 10:56 AM
Did you save it's first s**t lol

The moderation on this site as well as the vast fount of friendly informative people is what brought me to this forum as well as many of the other new posters. Let's keep that friendly rapport flowing shall we?

Any good ways of preservIng the shed?

As far as saving a first shed, I found that if you want to save it you would do so that same way I preserve some of my other DRY medical curiosities. This is the cheapest and easiest way to preserve a skin or shed, mind you there are other ways that work as well.

1. Find a good picture frame, a small block of black foam core board and cut it with a box cutter/razor/scalpel to EXACT picture frame specs, make sure it fits as tightly as possible.

2. Position the dry skin/shed on the foam core the way you want it. A dab of glue stick or fine mounting paste will not degrade the sample.

3. Squeeze the foam core in and latch the frame closed. As long as the frame/core fits together tightly your skin/shed will remain for a very long time to come.

08-13-11, 10:57 AM
Where's the post shed pics?

I'm about to make a new thread with them in it!

08-13-11, 10:58 AM
Congratulations! You should totally preserve it! I remember when Brood first shed and how happy and relieved I was but I couldn't save it since he tends to ball it up and poop in it...four sheds and it happens every single one! Good Job!