01-07-03, 12:35 AM
Just a Thought,
After seeing a few recent posts in a couple of forums here and there, I started to think about how many Canadians keep dart frogs on a regular basis? Probably over the last year or so (as long as I've had my frogs), I've seen maybe 10 (at most) names that have identified themselves as Canadians, come across the various "boards" that I "lurk" around. These were either regular contributors to forums and/or advertisers for frogs. Keeping in mind that there would probably be at least 5 or 10 times that number that don't post on the net (a guess), that still means there are only between 50 and a 100 Canadians keeping dart frogs (remember, these numbers are a stab in the dark, my gut feeling is that this number might even be significantly lower than the 100 speculation ). That just doesn't seem like a lot of people for a country of our size. What's the reason these great amphibians haven't caught on? Sure, you don't interact with them in the same way you can a ball python or leopard gecko, but tropical fish keepers abound while the dart frog enthusiasts are rare.
This brings me to my next point, I know a couple of the reasons that people don't keep darts is cost and availability. I only know of 3 individuals who regularly breed and supply frogs within the country (2 in Ontario and 1 on the west coast), although I'm sure there must be a couple more. The point is, that unless you live in proximity to these individuals, its going to cost the price of at least another frog to bring it to where you are (plus shipping in the winter also has risks . . . even if the breeder guarantees live arrival).
Which brings us to the cost. First of all, I think that the breeders of Canadian frogs are very reasonable in what they charge. Depending on what you're looking for, you can get started with some really nice, more "common," darts for $75 - 100 each CDN. I guess the problems add up when you want to get a small colony and/or you want to end up with a pair and so you need to buy 4 or 5! (plus the cost of the shipping puts you into the $500 - 600 range). Maybe that means only the fanatics and the determined few with resources can keep dart frogs?
I guess this brings me back to my first point, unless you search the net for a Canadian dart frog breeder (and again only one or two may ever appear in a search) the only exposure that "Joe Public" . . . "Future Dart Frog Keeper" . . . will get is if they happen to see one in a local pet store (usually a big chain store). It will usually be a huge price and will often be a single specimen (after all why bring in more than one, nobody in their right mind would ever spend that kind of money on two or more of these frogs . . . right?). Witness the single black and green D. auratus ($149.99), Powder-blue Tinc ($199.99), Green Striped Trivittatus ($139.99) and "Orange-striped Dart Frog"($164.99) for sale in a local pet store in my city. Incidently, the "orange-stripe" is their words not mine, I think it might be Phyllobates vittatus (which I thought was illegal in Alberta . . . but there's another issue too!), but it might be a Trivittatus too (I didn't get a great look, and having never seen either before, I wasn't exactly sure how to make the distinction).
Anyway, I'm rambling a bit, but I was curious as to what people thought. Are my numbers way off? What could the dart keepers of Canada do to increase their communication? to create a greater interest/demand? Do you think that this is even something that should be pursued? Maybe I'm jealous of the $25 US D. leucomelas that I see for sale fairly regulary south of the border, but it seems to me that if more people keep more frogs, the greater the knowledge that will be accummulated and in the end, greater availability and lower costs. Don't get me wrong, I would hate to see dart frogs go the way of the feeder goldfish (a "disposable" starter fish in many people's books), and I could never really see this happen, but it bothered me a bit when Laurier posted earlier in a different thread about E. tricolors being used as feeders!
Well, enough said. I don't know if I've coherently brought out anything that I originally intended to; but if nothing else I hope it will make for some interesting discussion.
After seeing a few recent posts in a couple of forums here and there, I started to think about how many Canadians keep dart frogs on a regular basis? Probably over the last year or so (as long as I've had my frogs), I've seen maybe 10 (at most) names that have identified themselves as Canadians, come across the various "boards" that I "lurk" around. These were either regular contributors to forums and/or advertisers for frogs. Keeping in mind that there would probably be at least 5 or 10 times that number that don't post on the net (a guess), that still means there are only between 50 and a 100 Canadians keeping dart frogs (remember, these numbers are a stab in the dark, my gut feeling is that this number might even be significantly lower than the 100 speculation ). That just doesn't seem like a lot of people for a country of our size. What's the reason these great amphibians haven't caught on? Sure, you don't interact with them in the same way you can a ball python or leopard gecko, but tropical fish keepers abound while the dart frog enthusiasts are rare.
This brings me to my next point, I know a couple of the reasons that people don't keep darts is cost and availability. I only know of 3 individuals who regularly breed and supply frogs within the country (2 in Ontario and 1 on the west coast), although I'm sure there must be a couple more. The point is, that unless you live in proximity to these individuals, its going to cost the price of at least another frog to bring it to where you are (plus shipping in the winter also has risks . . . even if the breeder guarantees live arrival).
Which brings us to the cost. First of all, I think that the breeders of Canadian frogs are very reasonable in what they charge. Depending on what you're looking for, you can get started with some really nice, more "common," darts for $75 - 100 each CDN. I guess the problems add up when you want to get a small colony and/or you want to end up with a pair and so you need to buy 4 or 5! (plus the cost of the shipping puts you into the $500 - 600 range). Maybe that means only the fanatics and the determined few with resources can keep dart frogs?
I guess this brings me back to my first point, unless you search the net for a Canadian dart frog breeder (and again only one or two may ever appear in a search) the only exposure that "Joe Public" . . . "Future Dart Frog Keeper" . . . will get is if they happen to see one in a local pet store (usually a big chain store). It will usually be a huge price and will often be a single specimen (after all why bring in more than one, nobody in their right mind would ever spend that kind of money on two or more of these frogs . . . right?). Witness the single black and green D. auratus ($149.99), Powder-blue Tinc ($199.99), Green Striped Trivittatus ($139.99) and "Orange-striped Dart Frog"($164.99) for sale in a local pet store in my city. Incidently, the "orange-stripe" is their words not mine, I think it might be Phyllobates vittatus (which I thought was illegal in Alberta . . . but there's another issue too!), but it might be a Trivittatus too (I didn't get a great look, and having never seen either before, I wasn't exactly sure how to make the distinction).
Anyway, I'm rambling a bit, but I was curious as to what people thought. Are my numbers way off? What could the dart keepers of Canada do to increase their communication? to create a greater interest/demand? Do you think that this is even something that should be pursued? Maybe I'm jealous of the $25 US D. leucomelas that I see for sale fairly regulary south of the border, but it seems to me that if more people keep more frogs, the greater the knowledge that will be accummulated and in the end, greater availability and lower costs. Don't get me wrong, I would hate to see dart frogs go the way of the feeder goldfish (a "disposable" starter fish in many people's books), and I could never really see this happen, but it bothered me a bit when Laurier posted earlier in a different thread about E. tricolors being used as feeders!
Well, enough said. I don't know if I've coherently brought out anything that I originally intended to; but if nothing else I hope it will make for some interesting discussion.