View Full Version : strange BCI behavior

Them and Us
01-07-03, 12:12 AM
well i moved my bci into a smaller rubbermaid today because the 20 gallon long was much too large and wasn't utilized.And did not hold humidity well at all. i got all temps up and everything correct in the rubbermaid. well i just went to place a rock i got from outside in the rubbermaid as it adds a little something for shedding purposes and gives the rubbermaid a little flare. well as soon as i opened up the container my bci flew out and onto my arm up it and around my neck. has never done this before. ever. usually when the cage opens I get a look as if the snake is saying"why are you entering my home?". any thoughts? is this just weird adjustment to a new enclosure or what ?

01-07-03, 02:03 AM
The new container probably smells unfamiliar, where you on the other hand may smell familar and secure.

Them and Us
01-07-03, 05:47 AM
sounds logical enough.