View Full Version : What snake should I get?!?!?!

08-11-11, 08:48 AM
I can't decide what snake I want! I'm torn between a BP, BRB, and a KSB. It has to be fairly cheap since I'm buying it myself :P I don't really want a colubrid but it can't be too big! :P See the dilemma here? Have any suggestions for a new snake?

08-11-11, 08:49 AM
The only colubrid that I want is a Hoggie!

08-11-11, 09:03 AM
Brbs get much longer then BPs, I prefer them by far. They are also more active.

08-11-11, 09:07 AM
Yeah, that's what I was thinking at first. I need more people's opinions though!

08-11-11, 09:09 AM
Spotted python, way better choice then all of those IMO.
You should look them up. I just bought 4 a week ago.

08-11-11, 09:12 AM
Wow spotted python is a definite possibility.

08-11-11, 09:20 AM
Hmm.. Well I love to hold snakes.. so I think I'd want to go with the ones that are most active.. but that' jut me.. I looove the iridescence of the BRB.. but I also think KSB's would be pretty cool to watch.. hmm..
Tis a tough decision

08-11-11, 09:26 AM
I also love holding my corn but I don't really want a hyper snake like a corn or milk. I want a lazy snake that doesn't mind being held :P

08-11-11, 09:42 AM
The ball python is a cool snake and I do recommend it, but the husbandry requirements are alot stricter for a ball than for your corn. Also balls can be finicky eaters, and you don't want to jump into a situation where you'll have to spend alot of time wondering why your pet won't eat.

Look at irian jaya carpet pythons, they're the smallest type of carpet to my knowledge. But don't get me wrong, balls are awesome and come in all kinds of colors, I have a bumblebee and definitely enjoy him.

EDIT: just read your thing about wanting a lazy & easy to hold snake. Buy a ball! but get a morph ;)

08-11-11, 09:51 AM
The ball python is a cool snake and I do recommend it, but the husbandry requirements are alot stricter for a ball than for your corn. Also balls can be finicky eaters, and you don't want to jump into a situation where you'll have to spend alot of time wondering why your pet won't eat.

Look at irian jaya carpet pythons, they're the smallest type of carpet to my knowledge. But don't get me wrong, balls are awesome and come in all kinds of colors, I have a bumblebee and definitely enjoy him.

EDIT: just read your thing about wanting a lazy & easy to hold snake. Buy a ball! but get a morph ;)

Yeah I held a ball the other day and I like the nature of the snake and a BP is definitely possible not to mention fairly cheap. Whatever snake I get I'm not getting it until October so I have plenty of time to figure out what my choices are.

08-11-11, 09:56 AM
Scratch all those choices and get a carpet python! They are very hardy, generally eat like horses, and are active, docile and brightly-colored. I personally find BPs very boring. My carpets are always curious and out and about.

08-11-11, 10:00 AM
Scratch all those choices and get a carpet python! They are very hardy, generally eat like horses, and are active, docile and brightly-colored. I personally find BPs very boring. My carpets are always curious and out and about.

Don't get me wrong I would be all for a carpet but I feel like they might be too expensive and big. How big does one usually get?

08-11-11, 10:07 AM
I think irian jayas max out at like 7 feet. But if u get a male, itd be more like 4-5 feet. Same as your corn :) carpets are awesome man. I can tell yo really enjoy sage and like to watch her, take pictures etc. I would 100% suggest a carpet for you, specifically irian jaya. They are high yrllow and jet black in the nicer specimens, eat really well, and my carpet(or any carpet for that matter) has never struck at me. Definitely check em out!

08-11-11, 10:13 AM
Wow 4-5 ft! I thought they got bigger. Def. looking at some IJ carpets!

08-11-11, 10:15 AM
The overall median is 5-7. However a male will very very rarely exceed 6 feet.

08-11-11, 10:20 AM
okay I've handled a 6 foot bci with no problem so I don't think it's a problem it he hits 6. The only thing is the cost of a enclosure :P What would be an appropriately sized enclosure for a adult IJ male?

08-11-11, 10:25 AM
You could use a 40 gallon critter creeper, and stand it on its side. Irian jayas love climbin. Use a uth or flexwatt or something like that at the back top or bottom of the tank. The critter keepers screen top slides out, so you can use it vertically. That would be good for its whole life. Also if you're a little concerned with six feet, you'll probably get him as a baby. Then you gain handling experience with your snake as it grows :)

08-11-11, 10:27 AM
A male IJ carpet was my first snake and I would recommend them to anyone. They don't get huge but they still have some nice size to them. Carpets are good eaters and the ones I have always get extras from my ball pythons deciding not eat. They are pretty tame in my experiences. Of course there are exceptions but there are exceptions for every snake out there. I'd go with a carpet, but whatever you decide to go with make sure you research and know their husbandry inside and out.

08-11-11, 10:35 AM
I'm definitely leaning towards an adult IJ male :P I've always had a soft spot for carpets but I thought they got too big for me. Does anyone have a rough estimate on the cost of one? Enclosure, hides etc.

08-11-11, 10:47 AM
You could probably get away with a ten gallon for its first year if you get a hatchling. It doesn't have to be fancy. Most big breeders keep their babies in hatchling tubs for their first year. So I think a ten gallon would be good for awhile. Then you could save up for a 3x2 or 4x2. Some people say adult males are good in 3x2, others say 4x2. It'd really be up to you. Thats where you could do research and decide what would work best for you.

08-11-11, 10:48 AM
DIY enclosure under $50, or find a cheap one online, ij $50-$500 hides maybe $20.
For food the average price for a large rat is about $5 @ 2 or 3 feeding a month when it's an adult would cost you about $200 a year x that by a 10 year life span that's close to $2000. Not expensive at all, I left out a vet bill or two.

08-11-11, 10:59 AM
I was planning on getting an adult and doing a DIY enclosure I have a good amount of lumber left over from other things. Thanks guys.

08-11-11, 11:02 AM
Just beware that adults tend to be a little more pricey. Just sayin.

08-11-11, 12:42 PM
I think irian jayas max out at like 7 feet. But if u get a male, itd be more like 4-5 feet. Same as your corn :) carpets are awesome man. I can tell yo really enjoy sage and like to watch her, take pictures etc. I would 100% suggest a carpet for you,!

I agree with this.. I dont recommend a Brb they are active almost exclusively at night... They have more husbandry requirements by far then either of the two species you listed with it.

08-11-11, 01:20 PM
My BRB is a ghost in the day, never to be seen. Almost always burrowed in damp sphagnum or in her humid log hide. However I stay up late. She doesn't stopp all night roamin around. I have found that with one or two humid hides, and a thermostat ensuring temps don't exceed about 80-82, the husbandrys not that bad. Humid hides are so key. As long as the snake has the option to go get hydrated, the tank does not need to be in the constant 70-90% humidity range. This is just what works for me.

08-11-11, 03:18 PM
carpet carpet carpet!!! Or maybe a carpet? Yes, I say a carpet! :D

08-11-11, 05:36 PM
Haha everyone's been a great help basically it comes down to money for me. I'm gonna make as much money as possible and I'm gonna make a custom enclosure and essentially I'm just gonna decide at the expo I'm going to. If there's a really nice looking BP I'll pick em up and same with a carpet. But if I can I'm gonna get a carpet over a BP.

08-11-11, 05:43 PM
I got my carpet at the NH expo in april, 150$ which for mine was REAL cheap! I saw some going for 90 or 100 so not too bad. The old quote, you get what you pay for! And carpets are real badas* snakes!

08-11-11, 05:55 PM
I got my carpet at the NH expo in april, 150$ which for mine was REAL cheap! I saw some going for 90 or 100 so not too bad. The old quote, you get what you pay for! And carpets are real badas* snakes!

I may have asked you this but are you going to the one in October? I CANNOT wait for it :P It'll be my first expo!

08-11-11, 05:58 PM
yes I am! That's where I get my mice!! :D I'm excited too! The april one was great, this ones supposed to be bigger!! :D

08-11-11, 06:04 PM
yes I am! That's where I get my mice!! :D I'm excited too! The april one was great, this ones supposed to be bigger!! :D

Yeah they're moving to a bigger space it's gonna be huuuuuuuuuge!

08-11-11, 06:07 PM
going to be awesome!! :D

08-11-11, 07:05 PM
From what I've seen, BPs are really expensive. At pet stores they're around $80 whereas you could get a red-tail for only $40. Online it's common to see morphs over $1000 or $650. I got mine for $70. And you can look at boas or other pythons on the same sites selling for only $150-$300, even for adults.

08-11-11, 07:18 PM
expo ball pythons - 30$ for norm

08-11-11, 08:10 PM
yeah ball pythons are one of the cheapest snakes you can find. the irian jaya carpet pythons im looking at tend to be in the mid 100s whereas you can find a normal bp for 30-60 and its not a huge deal as long as its not super expensive

08-11-11, 11:19 PM
I guess I've been looking at the wrong places then, lol.

08-12-11, 07:23 AM
Here's my question:

Since IJs are the smallest carpet, could you keep a male IJ carpet on mice it's entire life?

08-12-11, 07:26 AM
To feed mice large enough to satisfy even a small carpet would mean the snake taking a lot of fat whereas a rat of the same size would have more protein in comparison. My JCP is about 4.5feet and eating rats almost as large as my SD retic, if i fed him mice he would either need about 6 of them or ones that are so fat that they would be unhealthy for him to eat.

08-12-11, 08:36 AM
It sounds like you have your mind made up... however, i will throw my vote in for BRB... they are NOT that hard to care for as alot of people say they are, i had my baby in a 10 gal for about a year and had no problem. as long as you keep the temperature around 80-85, and humidity up around 90 percent they will do fine, i know keep mine in my rack in a 41 qt tub with a smaller tub of water by the flexwat and humidity is perfect, along with heat... they are awesome snakes, by far is my favorite!! and they read around 6-7ft... maybe a tad too long for ya, but still a fantastic snake.. mine has only stuck at me about 3 times..

regardless on what you get, post pics!!