View Full Version : Demonstration speeches.
01-06-03, 11:50 PM
How would someone go about doing this? I've given basic talks on the crocs while in they are in their enclosures to friends and curious people, but a teacher of mine wants me to do a demonstration speech on them, with one at hand. I am totally stumped on an idea to come about with to keep my audience captivated. Any help would be appereciated. Xain
Now when I'm doing educational/display/entertainment talks here's basically what I do...
*Introduce the animal by name
*Have them guess what it is
*Tell them what it is (if they are right, if they arent correct them)
*Ask if they think it is full grown or not
*Ask where they think he comes from, environment and location
*What he might eat
*Cover things like lifespan, husbandry, captive requirements, safety when handling them, give reasons for everything
*Go into status in the wild and some of its habits in the wild and how it varies from that in captivity
Main parts are just to keep the audience involved and not just you talking to them, have them ask questions at the end and always elaborate and go into detail about all points that you can. Express the amount of responsibility these animals are, just so nobody decides it would be a great idea to go out and get one as a "pet". Hope this helped a little :) Good luck with your presentation ;)
01-07-03, 03:23 PM
Thank you.
01-07-03, 04:04 PM
you didn't mention the age group you would be talking to, if they are below 18 you may reconsider a display animal. the school could claim no responsibiliy an you personally would be liable for any accidents. i had to quit showing Cocoa my Bci because she was a possible danger to young children even though her temperment is good. if the facility will allow a display animal get permission in writing.
Rev .. just my thoughts on what you worte..
Ive done close to two thousnads shows varing fro elderlies to pre schoolers and I have demonstarted geckos to burms to crocodilians to all age groups .. i personally thin there are proper ways to shew them and that it can be done safely if one can control the animal and if you knoww the animl well enough..
Xain ..
Honestly - the best way of doing a show is to have fun .. let go .. and don't be shy ..
As stupid as this sounds .. have the show is entertaining them and keeping their interest... I often consider myself almost more of an entertainer than an educator..
You will do fine .. simply focus on what u know best about the animals .. and like Linds said .. ask questions .. its always a good way..
Best of luck
01-07-03, 04:52 PM
I 'ment to mention it.
I'm am showing in front of 17-19 yr olds. We already have written permission from both school and parents of the kids in class. That was the first thing we went through. I wasn't going to ask unless it was a deffinate that I was going to show the crocodilians.
Anyhow, thanks for the ideas.
01-08-03, 08:04 PM
I am 17 and do educational shows with groups all the time, and i'm pretty sure if I can do it you can too. Best of luck.
lol I'd have to agree If Sparkon16 (aka Shane) can do it .. anyone can .. lol He aint the sharpest tool in the shed lol
Sorry Shane but ure not only my slave at work but your my dunce at home!
Jk Shaggy
Take care
01-08-03, 10:15 PM
LoL, Thanks for the boost of convidence and Help.
Good luck with your presentation. If you are desperate, perhaps Dom can loan you his little tricycle :)
Be sure to tell us how it went.
lol man it was not a tricycle - it wa a bicycle lol thats why I kept falling on my side at first lol!
Best of luck bud!
01-09-03, 02:10 PM
lets just say at work I am nobodies biatch Dom, I do what needs to be done! In otherwords what ur supposed to do!!!!
PS that includes ur chck
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