View Full Version : Live plant for a snake cage

daddy and son
08-06-11, 10:45 PM
Hi all, trying to do some learning and such before I get my snake. (it'll probably be late Sept. before we actually set it all up and put a live snake in the tank). Anyway, asking questions and learn. I want to put some live plants in the tank. I'm thinking philodendron. It will grow in just water, no dirt required. It will add oxygen and humidity to the tank, requires very little light (people grow them in offices with fluorescent lights all the time). They're a vine so will add to the decor. I just want to make sure they're not hazardous to a BRB. Thoughts on this? Thanks in advance. Michael

08-07-11, 08:33 AM
Not sure if theyre harmfull to brb's but depending on the answers here, i might try this aswell lol.

daddy and son
08-07-11, 08:41 AM
Thanks Jay. I know they're not toxic to humans. But then again neither is cedar. And snakes aren't humans! LOL Since this is something new for my son and I, I'm really trying to take time to learn what I can, before running to the pet store, getting a snake and watching it die a slow death cause it has an idiot for an owner. Daniel (my 7 year old son) is really anxious to get his snake, but we're trying to do it right.

08-07-11, 12:19 PM
Well done for taking the time to learn first... im sure someone who knows will be along soon.

08-07-11, 01:15 PM
personally i wouldnt use that sort of plant (but thats only personal preference) but take some time to take a look at bromeliads, these are the most common group of plants used with reptiles, they do need some soil to grow in, but you can just put some eco earth in a spare water dish and plant it in there which will add to the decoration.

daddy and son
09-10-11, 05:22 PM
I finally found a solid answer for this. Talked to a guy that is a herpetologist with a primary focus on snakes. He said a philodendron would be fine and would in fact help maintain humidity and oxygen levels. The one suggestion he had was to make sure I was the leaves good first to make sure there's no mites or other kinds in micro-critters present.

09-10-11, 05:44 PM
Yes, they are safe.....although your snake may kill it! Reptiles have no respect for plants :P

09-10-11, 09:01 PM
the only reason i would NOT use live plants in any of my tanks,is my carpet pythons trash their tanks on a regular basis

they can destroy silk and plastic plants so i figure a live plant would be killed in no time

i don't know how hardy the plant in question is or how destructive a species of snake will be housed in the tank

on a more positive note.....

live plants in set ups look really nice and natural,its just a pity my carpets do drunk rock star in a hotel room impersenations :yes::yes::yes:

please put up some pictures if you decide to do it (before the snake goes in :yes: )

cheers shaun

daddy and son
09-10-11, 10:29 PM
The philo is actually a vine, so I figure I can run it along the sides so it doesn't get crushed. Right now a Brazillian Rainbow is on the top of the list, but a BP is in the running along with a couple of other breeds. I'll add some pics when i get it all set.

09-11-11, 05:11 AM
I have to agree, most snakes are just to heavy for live or plastic plants. They just destroy them.

09-11-11, 08:40 AM
i love the idea of vines.
If you were to attach something along the walls inside the cage for it to grow. and you gave the cage a few months before sticking a snake in there.
It should do really well.

daddy and son
09-12-11, 08:34 AM
i love the idea of vines.
If you were to attach something along the walls inside the cage for it to grow. and you gave the cage a few months before sticking a snake in there.
It should do really well.

Yup, thats the plan. Already have them in there and twine strung along the back. philo grows pretty fast. Planning to have the snake in there in about a month. getting a corn snake. had wanted a brb or bp, but I think a corn would be a good one to start off with for my son.

09-12-11, 08:39 AM
my GTP has English Ivy growing in her tank, it grows in anything and provides lots of little hiding spots she loves it

09-12-11, 09:06 AM
Hmm. I will look into this. I am building large retic enclosures soon.
Although anything on the ground etc would be wrecked. doing the ceiling with something a vine could catch and the upper back wall, would be pretty cool :)

Anyone got link info for these vines?

09-12-11, 10:57 AM
my GTP has English Ivy growing in her tank, it grows in anything and provides lots of little hiding spots she loves it

be for warned, english ivy has a liquid in its leave that will kill a snake in ingested, its basically arsenic to snakes so please be careful using that stuff

daddy and son
09-12-11, 11:56 AM
Thats why I went with philodendron. It grows in water (no dirt needed) and isn't toxic unless the leaves themselves are ingested (eating the leaves can cause mild irritation of the throat). Since I've never seen a snake strike a plant, I doubt there's much problem there.

09-12-11, 12:01 PM
Thats why I went with philodendron. It grows in water (no dirt needed) and isn't toxic unless the leaves themselves are ingested (eating the leaves can cause mild irritation of the throat). Since I've never seen a snake strike a plant, I doubt there's much problem there.

My beardie tries to eat the fake plant in his tank. I took it out cause 1. He's from the desert and 2. It was distracting him from the actual food :P But beardies are omnivores so yeah snakes are good. :)

09-12-11, 12:22 PM
i had to remove a plastic leaf from my ij's throat... so they can strike them

09-12-11, 01:17 PM
its not so much striking the plant, its the plant getting in the way of there normal feeding, ingesting leaves aint the only problem, its when a leaf splits for some reason, releasing the liquid and then the snake licking the split in the leaf. the liquid released from the split goes into the snakes mouth and then into the blood stream and so on

09-12-11, 01:22 PM
be for warned, english ivy has a liquid in its leave that will kill a snake in ingested, its basically arsenic to snakes so please be careful using that stuff

OMG thanks for the heads-up, the supplier I got her from said he has it in all his enclosures and I assumed it was safe! I think I better take it out and put something safer in there.

09-12-11, 05:13 PM
OMG thanks for the heads-up, the supplier I got her from said he has it in all his enclosures and I assumed it was safe! I think I better take it out and put something safer in there.

your very much welcome. try some of the bromeliad or orchid family, there fairly strong and will look amazing too