View Full Version : Really Odd Tarantula Behavior

08-03-11, 08:01 PM
So today i went to check on my Tarantula, and it honestly looked dead. It had spun some webbing on the side of its hide, and appeared to be stuck under the webbing. It was lying upside down with legs sprawled. She ate less than a week ago and has fresh water. Her humidity is about 65% and its enclosure at 82ish degrees. She is on eco earth. When I discovered her that way, I immediately but carefully removed the webbing, and she "came back to life" rather slowly. Like she was almost surprised she can move again. She seems to have made a full recovery, as she is once again alert and responsive to my prodding. This is my first arachnid. Anyone ever experience anything like this? Help appreciated as always.

08-03-11, 08:14 PM
For a second there I thought she might have been having a bad shed, then you said webbed itself into a corner... Not sure how or why it did that?

08-04-11, 05:05 AM
I am in no way experienced with arachnids but dont they lie upside down when they are due to shed?

08-04-11, 06:03 AM
Not always, and I've never seen one web itself in.