View Full Version : Popping? And sexing BP's

08-02-11, 06:49 PM
OK so first get your mind out of the gutter! Kidding. :yes:

So I have yet to have my ball sexed but apparently the breeder that sold it to me some how pops the rear to sex them.

A) Is this safe?

B) This is not something I have even herd mention of on the forum. Which makes me even more leery.

On a more pleasant note, we had our first successful one piece shed and subsequent feeding. Richie's a happy snake...wont be if we squeeze his junk though :no:

08-02-11, 06:56 PM
Popping a snake is fine IF done correctly.
Probing works too.

08-02-11, 07:05 PM
Cool, makes me a little nervous if don't hear much chatter on forum about something. Thanks

08-02-11, 07:08 PM
Its harder to pop adult snakes so most people just probe them if they are adults.

08-02-11, 07:33 PM
Hey, while I have your ear, I noticed that a bumble bee that i was checking out at breeders seem to have a completely different body type than what I would call a normal snake. The body seemed to get almost triangular shaped in the middle. When I asked how old it was, he said a month, which my snake is twice as old and didn't weigh as much. Is the triangular body something that happens when you make morphs?

08-02-11, 07:40 PM
Never heard of that, can you get pics? Was it food making the body that shape?

08-02-11, 08:09 PM
No, and it just didn't look right. I couldn't figure out if the snake could even move naturally. It just wasn't normal snake shaped.

Coffee Black
08-02-11, 08:41 PM
I've seen some look triangular. I think it is Gore the muscles are due mostly to poise , though that is a guess. What position was out in?

08-02-11, 09:34 PM
hey brother you cant pop a grown snake this dude dont know whats up. You can only pop a snake if its a juvinile. once they develop there muscles all your going to do is hurt it trying to pop it and you still wont know what it is. If its grown you have to probe it. Most reptile shops or experienced herpers will do this for you. Its quick and doesnt hurt the animal.

08-03-11, 03:09 AM
I've seen large animals popped so it's not an absolute "no no". Adult snakes just have way better control over that area so it's super difficult to do without possible injury.

08-03-11, 03:09 AM
Yes but if the snake was popoed as a neonate then alls good. The OP wasnt askin if he should do it now, he was saying its already been done and is the practice safe. Good luck.

08-03-11, 05:22 AM
I've seen some look triangular. I think it is Gore the muscles are due mostly to poise , though that is a guess. What position was out in?

He had brought it down for me to look at. He had taken it out and to me it seemed fat and lazy. From the tip of it head until about eight inches down it appeared normal, but then the body got very triangular. It didn't even try to coil, wrap, move or do much of anything. It look and felt healthy other wise. It just didn't seem natural for a snake to have that appearance to me. I have a ball python book, I couldn't find a single one in there that had that appearance.

My snake is only two to three months old tops, so if I have it popped soon, it shouldn't be an issue for it. Still don't really like the idea, I don't seem top have a lot of herp people in my area.

08-03-11, 06:15 AM
If your not comfortable having it popped then wait till its older and have it probed..

08-03-11, 09:28 AM
"If its grown you have to probe it."
I pop adults. They just have more control over their muscles, so it is not recommended by a novice because of the amount of pressure you have to use and the damage that can be done if done incorrectly.
I pop all of babies out of eggs, and the odd one that I'm unsure about, I probe. Either can be done at any age, but probing is most recommneded for adults.
The "triangle" thing that you are talking about, if I understood your post correctly, happens when an animal is underfed.

08-03-11, 10:13 AM
Notice you say the use of extreme force! Why? So you can potentially Hurt your snake and stress it out when all you have to do is a quick probe. Makes no sense man. "not recomended for a novice". Well if you where "experienced" you'd probe em, one it's easier and second it's safer. I don't care if you a novice or professional. It's something that should only be done to juvinile snakes.

08-03-11, 10:26 AM
Notice you say the use of extreme force! Why? So you can potentially Hurt your snake and stress it out when all you have to do is a quick probe. Makes no sense man. "not recommended for a novice". Well if you where "experienced" you'd probe em, one it's easier and second it's safer. I don't care if you a novice or professional. It's something that should only be done to juvinile snakes.
If Mykee did not know what he was doing, he wouldn't risk it. He also never said "extreme force".

If you dislocate your shoulder, I could put it back in for you easily, if done right there are no issues, but if done wrong it can suck. He knows how to do it without harming the animals.

08-03-11, 02:32 PM
"Notice you say the use of extreme force! Why? So you can potentially Hurt your snake and stress it out when all you have to do is a quick probe. Makes no sense man. "not recomended for a novice". Well if you where "experienced" you'd probe em, one it's easier and second it's safer. I don't care if you a novice or professional. It's something that should only be done to juvinile snakes. "

Oh oh.. another one of "you"...

08-03-11, 02:51 PM
From what knowledge I have gained from this form, Mkyee is a professional ball python breeder who has years of experience, knowledge and a lot of Royals. It would be a waste of time to probe the amount of snakes he has when he can simply pop them all. Simple for him but for the novice keeper it's risky.
@Swan don't argue with a respected breeder when you have invalid points, you're wasting everybody's time when they read your uneducated "facts"
@O.P take your snake to a reptile shop ask them to show/teach you to probe. IMO it is easier to probe when you only have one or two snakes

08-03-11, 03:00 PM
@O.P take your snake to a reptile shop ask them to show/teach you to probe. IMO it is easier to probe when you only have one or two snakes[/quote]

Sounds good to me, thanks......wasn't looking to get anyone fired up guys just looking to do the right thing. :yes:

08-03-11, 03:03 PM
There will always be someone looking to get a rise out of people on the internet. lol
You're doing a good thing, responsible of you not to try it, hurt your snake then ask questions.

08-03-11, 09:16 PM
All this garbage aside I find it easier and safer to pop a baby; reason being, if you apply too much pressure with the probe, you can esaily poke right through the end of the hemipenes leaving your male infertile.
Popping can't do that kind of damage.

08-05-11, 02:14 AM
i agree with mykee an adult snake can be popped if done correctly, ive seen a cid on youtube of jeremy stone popping adult male boas cause they breed on aspen and when the snake brings his penes back in it takes in some aspen and they have to get it out so they pop them and clean it, also ive seen ralf davis pop adult male bp's it can be done but for an adult probing is the recommended practice.

08-05-11, 10:59 PM
All this garbage aside I find it easier and safer to pop a baby; reason being, if you apply too much pressure with the probe, you can esaily poke right through the end of the hemipenes leaving your male infertile.
Popping can't do that kind of damage.


i would pop up until 6 months old then probe after that

cheers shaun