View Full Version : Woot, got a stud coming in next week!

07-29-11, 02:33 PM
Found a friend with a 7X proven male Taiwan beauty snake, its about 5 years old, is already in brumation and I'm getting him sometime next week to breed with my female!!!

Woot, no more horny Kirana!
Woot, babies???

07-29-11, 02:36 PM
YAaaaaaaaaay BABY SNAKES!!!
I can't wait.. How long does it usually take for snakes to lay eggs? And once they're laid how long till they hatch...

07-29-11, 02:39 PM
Online I've read everything from 40-65 days after copulation and hatching 55-65 days later... My only issue is that EVERY website I look at says to incubate the eggs at 95% humidity... In my experience having humidity that high for that long is asking for mold and bad eggs.

07-29-11, 02:57 PM
That's tooo long .. they should just pop right out right away.. :D :D :D unrealistic.. I know :(

Hmm yea that seems a bit weird O.o nobody likes moldy eggs.. wahaha

07-29-11, 03:08 PM
Congrats can't wait to see pictures.

07-30-11, 05:39 PM
Hmmm...if I were you I'd research the standard humidity in the region that they naturally occur in, and use that as a starting point...if worst comes to worst, you could always split the clutch and incubate at different humidities. You'd lose half (probably), but it'd be better than guessing wrong and using them all :/

07-30-11, 05:40 PM
Hmmm...if I were you I'd research the standard humidity in the region that they naturally occur in, and use that as a starting point...if worst comes to worst, you could always split the clutch and incubate at different humidities. You'd lose half (probably), but it'd be better than guessing wrong and using them all :/

It would also be a good way of knowing that the humidity is for the future clutches if you split them half and half.

07-30-11, 05:47 PM
After looking online a bit more, quite a few people are advising 95-100%, including Taiwan Beauty Snake Care Guide (http://www.ratsnakezone.com/ratsnake-information/92.html) Taiwan beauty.

This is gona be tricky.

07-30-11, 05:57 PM
Definitely. Best of luck, buddy :)

07-30-11, 06:52 PM
Very neat snakes, too bad they are amazingly unpopular and have such a bad market, or I'd own a pair.

07-30-11, 06:59 PM
Yeh, they are bitey, and have a feeding response that never ends. Incredibly beautiful animal.

I wouldn't be breeding mine if I didn't already have 9 people who want babies. Most of my clutch if not all of it already has future owners.

07-30-11, 07:06 PM
How exactly do you find people that want reptiles before you even start breeding? I have been considering breeding my leos but finding people who want them beforehand to know if the babies would sell (have no room for lots of babies that never sell) is causing me some doubts to breed.

07-30-11, 07:15 PM
When you see Kirana you will know how crazy her color pattern is, people talk and I've gotten a few phone calls from people I've never met who want a baby. That and a few ssnakess members want babies aswel.

07-30-11, 07:30 PM
When you see Kirana you will know how crazy her color pattern is, people talk and I've gotten a few phone calls from people I've never met who want a baby. That and a few ssnakess members want babies aswel.

I forget you are in Canada where a lot of our other members are around the forum. You would think it would be easier here in Texas where you can own just about anything without a problem...-sighs- Its the one thing really holding me back from breeding anything. But at the same time it is an experience I want to...well...experience.

07-30-11, 07:34 PM
Beardies wont be such a big deal, they are inexpensive to feed. Worst case you sell them to pet shops after trying to sell direct.

07-30-11, 07:49 PM
Beardies wont be such a big deal, they are inexpensive to feed. Worst case you sell them to pet shops after trying to sell direct.

LOL Didn't say beardies but I get your drift ;) KyJinn is far to old and grumpy to deal with a woman right now!!

07-30-11, 07:52 PM
Err, leo. Leos are inexpensive to feed. Sorry, really tired lol.
Kayla has been talking to me since like 8AM on the facebook chat.

07-30-11, 07:54 PM
Oh good god! LOL Get some sleep silly! I mean it, FaceBook and Sssnakes will be here when you get up ;)

07-30-11, 08:22 PM
I'm waiting from a message from a friend, and my dad is leaving again for another year or so in a few days, getting in some bonding time.
Hes got this revolutionary design for a robotic arm hes working on at the university of sask, and i believe the carelton U,

07-30-11, 08:31 PM
You will have no problem selling the babies as they are rare in the pet trade, not as rare as the Asian Rat Snake, I'm trying to find one, no luck

07-31-11, 07:36 AM
Err, leo. Leos are inexpensive to feed. Sorry, really tired lol.
Kayla has been talking to me since like 8AM on the facebook chat.

Yea sure blame it on me -.-
You were the one that woke up so early. And you were the one that made me stay up till 12am. Not to mention you made me miss my nap XP

07-31-11, 09:53 AM
Congrats!!! Wish I could have one! Such gorgeous snakes! But maybe one day once we get a bigger place, we seem to be running out of room.

07-31-11, 01:14 PM
Kayla makes up stories. She wanted me to stay up so she could watch something:P.

07-31-11, 01:23 PM
That is the poorest excuse for a show.

07-31-11, 01:33 PM
Edited out the name, thats not what she was gona watch, was making a joke then realized it would have a negative impact on her image :P

07-31-11, 01:39 PM
Haha I do not judge character based on what they do in their spare time. I am sure a lot of shows/things I do and watch will seem stupid to some.

07-31-11, 03:12 PM
Kayla makes up stories. She wanted me to stay up so she could watch something:P.

I'm sorry what??? I stay up till 3 watching tv because you constantly talk to me on facebook and I have to pause it or go hour long periods before I can go back to watching it. -.-
And what did you edit out? Were you making stories up about me? Oh I am sooo going to hurt you in two weeks.

07-31-11, 03:23 PM
Lol suddenly Im rethinking giving you my facebook info frenchman lol.

Jk of course, looking forward to the snakes, sign me up for one :D

07-31-11, 04:54 PM
Can't wait to get that stud tomorrow! I added you to the 2 FB chats btw.

07-31-11, 06:47 PM
Can't wait to get that stud tomorrow! I added you to the 2 FB chats btw.
And we can't wait for pics.:):):)

07-31-11, 09:04 PM
Haha I do not judge character based on what they do in their spare time. I am sure a lot of shows/things I do and watch will seem stupid to some.

Ugh that is the absolute worst show. I definitely do not watch it.. I would rather shoot my brains out, and just have it finished with. lmao

07-31-11, 09:08 PM
Some people like that show, not sure why yet.

08-01-11, 08:54 AM
Because their brains aren't at a high enough level to realize how ridiculously STUPID and annoying it is. The fact that someone decided to make a show about something so stupid is insane, but what's worse is the fact that some people are actually that intellectually challenged enough to watch it.

08-02-11, 12:29 AM
I'm wondering what show this is...

08-02-11, 01:09 AM
Jersey Shore -.- ... Ugh

08-02-11, 10:29 AM
It's actually quite funny, I think; I'd be willing to bet there's two distinct types of people who watch it: idiots who watch it honestly and receive actual enjoyment from it, and reasonably intelligent people who watch it like one would watch a "special" pet dog attempt to murder a vacuum cleaner, kill and eat that evil water emerging from the hose/sprinkler, or break down the fence with its skull.

In the second case, the idiocy of the programming becomes almost endearing, in an admittedly annoying kind of way. I've only seen one episode, but during that episode some dude showed up wearing only an unzipped ski vest and designer jeans. It was endlessly entertaining to me how there was actually a subculture in America where stuff this was not only okay, it was (and is!) encouraged. And the malapropisms are to DIE for.

All that being said, I wouldn't watch it for more than one episode at a time; I'm fairly certain the Surgeon General has issued a statement regarding the effects of Jersey-centric programming on otherwise intelligent people.

08-02-11, 10:39 AM
It's actually quite funny, I think; I'd be willing to bet there's two distinct types of people who watch it: idiots who watch it honestly and receive actual enjoyment from it, and reasonably intelligent people who watch it like one would watch a "special" pet dog attempt to murder a vacuum cleaner, kill and eat that evil water emerging from the hose/sprinkler, or break down the fence with its skull.

In the second case, the idiocy of the programming becomes almost endearing, in an admittedly annoying kind of way. I've only seen one episode, but during that episode some dude showed up wearing only an unzipped ski vest and designer jeans. It was endlessly entertaining to me how there was actually a subculture in America where stuff this was not only okay, it was (and is!) encouraged. And the malapropisms are to DIE for.

All that being said, I wouldn't watch it for more than one episode at a time; I'm fairly certain the Surgeon General has issued a statement regarding the effects of Jersey-centric programming on otherwise intelligent people.

Have Kaylas babies, K?

08-02-11, 10:53 AM
We have lots of these types of shows on British TV, they are generally set up, imo, to take the mickey out of the "stars" in such a way that they have no realisation that they are in fact the butt of the joke. Good for an hours non thinking entertainment but wouldnt watch it all the time.

08-02-11, 11:50 AM
We got what I think was a lockup last night, the tails were turned towards eachother at the cloaca, for about 2 hours. From the angle I was at I can't be sure.
Either way, I'll; let them lock up a few times and see where that gets me. I've got the male for 3 weeks.

08-02-11, 02:26 PM
Have Kaylas babies, K?

Have my babies O.o... Geez now you want me to have someone else babies as well? I think I'll just stick to yours, it's easier and you're closer. LMAO

Woooooo on snake sex. Can't wait to have the babies :D :D

08-02-11, 02:30 PM
Possible snake sex, not sure yet.
Tell you one thing though, the new one might be more aggressive then mine, lol.

08-02-11, 02:37 PM
Woooooo that's awesome.. so he was just playing nice at first.. now we are getting some where... Now he's getting angry with her little 'hard to get' play :P

08-03-11, 01:35 AM
I'm glad this thread finally found it's way back to the original topic.

08-03-11, 12:01 PM
I'm glad this thread finally found it's way back to the original topic.

This is a Stephan thread. Could you expect anything else?

08-03-11, 12:03 PM
You have too much faith in the wrong thing Adam.

08-03-11, 04:56 PM
This is a Stephan thread. Could you expect anything else?

Lmao exactly.. to think that the subject wouldn't change 20times means you must not read many of his threads :P

08-03-11, 05:11 PM
Randomness is the key..

08-03-11, 09:58 PM
Lockup achieved! Few more and we will be in biznis.

08-03-11, 10:39 PM
I still can't believe you never quarantined this snake. Just tossed it in. Poor show of care in my books.

08-04-11, 03:30 AM
It was technically in quarantine for over a year at its owners house, he treats it with the best care... and its his only herp. If i had 100 herps I still would have tossed it in with mine, but instead I would have put mine in isolation with his away from my collection just in case.

08-04-11, 04:48 AM
But Stephan ... you won't have 100 .. unless Kirana starts to pop some babies out you'll still have one.. Babies >.<

08-07-11, 05:02 PM
Stephan, I thought you were smarter than that. Your 'quarantine' practices are embarassing and you should not go around talking about them publicly. You're gonna lose:
1. Respect with the responsible breeders and
2. Sales.
3. Animals to illness due to bad quarantine.

08-07-11, 05:20 PM
If his animal has been kept indoors for upwards of a year, and not come in contact with any other animals. I'd consider that quarantine. I know the person as a friend, an spend at least a few days a week in his home. Generally I keep any new animal in isolation for 6-9 months but in this unique case, I made an exception because I knew the animal was clean.

08-07-11, 05:24 PM
Are you sure it was clean? How do you know?! Other friends of his could bring stuff in on themselves if they keep reptiles.

It's not quarantine unless it's within your care.

I have gotten animals from Mykee for a number of years now and I still quarantine all animals from him. He knows it and doesn't take it personally.

08-07-11, 06:50 PM
I guess I didn't think it through, I understand that point of view and will change my methods in the future.