View Full Version : new here :D

07-27-11, 09:38 PM
hey guys. my name is blake rhodes and i am 15 years old. i love snakes ad lizards of all kinds. my current breedin projects are raptor, blazzing blizzard, and paternless lepord geckos. i have a breeding pair of hognose snakes for next season adult female and a male thats almost a year old so will be ready next season. both hognoses are 100% het for albino so hopfuly this project will go somewhere soon like my lepord geckos. the only reason i could even imagen to have two 100% hets at my age and budget is beacuse a personal friend brent bumgardner. he has many hognoses on kignsnake.com and has many first morphs of hognoses such as anacondas back in 2004 albino anacondas and much much more. also another projects are my corns. i am still looking for a good mate for my snow corn to see where this project takes me. the corn is only about 3 months old so this project wont be for a few seasons. i do also have a breeding pair of mexican black kings. god i love these animals! there feeding responce is great. perfect wraps every time. its so amazing. i am so exicted to breed these guys ina few seasons. i am still figureing out genitics for some of my animals but i think some cool morphs cold come from mbks. they arnt really worked with but they are soo amazing. i also just purchesed an adult male milk snake so i think that could be also a cool future project. i am currently trying to build racks for snakes. my collection consits of less then 15 snake at the moment but hope to expend with my breeding projects and get some awsome hold backs. my last project is one i am feeling really exicted about. my friend has a spider ball python and i am looking for a pastel. the options from there are litterly limitless. well thanks for reading and i look foward to getting to know you.

07-28-11, 12:17 AM
sSnakeSs.com - Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules)


07-28-11, 12:30 AM
Welcome to the forums, I look forward to reading about your future breeding projects :)

07-28-11, 10:45 AM
thanks, i am looking foward to producing some cool morphs. i want to geying into bigger snakes like redtails, condas, retics, and burms, but my mom is bearley allowing me to breed in the basement. i dont wana push it lol

07-28-11, 10:46 AM
geying= get lol its earley in the morning

07-28-11, 11:04 AM
hello and welcome

cheers shaun

07-29-11, 04:06 PM
Hello and welcome to the zoo.