View Full Version : A few of our boas

04-22-02, 05:42 PM
Here are a few pictures of my boas. We only started collecting redtails about 5 months ago, so our collection isn't as huge as other people. Our animals are more pets then "future projects". If they breed thats great, but theres no pressure for them.

Heres ours female Hog Isle Boa
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<img src="http://www.silverdragonsnake.reptilecentral.com/images/beamer.jpg">
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And our Male Guyanese
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<img src="http://www.silverdragonsnake.reptilecentral.com/images/guyana1.jpg">
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And our female Guyanese
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<img src="http://www.silverdragonsnake.reptilecentral.com/images/guyanan1p.jpg">
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Our Male And female Suriname Red tails, female is the smaller of the 2, shes is about 4 feet long, we currently bought another suriname female, but don't have pics yet, shes about 2' long
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<img src="http://www.silverdragonsnake.reptilecentral.com/images/suris1.jpg">
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04-22-02, 05:48 PM
That male Guyanese looks AWESOME! :-D OMG, so slick so beautiful!

Beautiful pets u got there!

04-22-02, 08:45 PM
I have to agree, that male Guyanese is awesome. Love the stripe, the tail, the color, heh. He is sweet.

04-22-02, 08:59 PM
Beautiful snakes!

04-22-02, 10:17 PM
beautiful boas, don't know which one I like best....they're ALL gawrgeous!! Like the background the male Guyana is sitting on:)

Grant vg
04-22-02, 10:43 PM
Nice snakes!
I like the white on the guyanese the best! wicked!!

04-23-02, 04:12 AM
i'm gonna have to jump on the band wagon and say DAAAAAAAMN!!!! great guyanese!!! the hogg has some nice coloring to!! :) sweet pics jaime!

04-23-02, 05:48 AM
Thanks, i thought you guys would like the stripe
guyanese. His name is JAG, lol.
Although my favorite is still our female suriname
boa. shes so pretty...LOL
g2g, time to go to school.

04-23-02, 10:44 AM
AWESOME collection!!!

I'm with the majority on this one...The male Guyanese is my favorite!

But all of them are BEAUTIFUL!!

Just curious, is that pretty hog mixed with a CA or colombian? She has a lot of color for a hog. I actually like the way she looks more than the typical hogs I've seen. Either way, she's gorgeous!

Keep posting! :)

:cool: Brian

04-23-02, 01:31 PM
She is 100% Hogg Isle Boa!
Yeah, she has weird colours at times.
She'll change from white, to a peach
as seen in that picture. thanks