View Full Version : getting my scorpion tomorrow!

07-27-11, 12:09 PM
so im getting my scorpion tomorrow! im going to where i use to live and pick one up, ($15) :)

any way, just want a basic checklist of stuff i need...

going to start him/her off in a 5 gal tank, just to get started, then upping to a spare 10 gallon i have...

going to use eco earth and moss with plenty of lil cork bark things.

small water dish

thermometer ..

anything else?


07-27-11, 12:32 PM
Looks like ur good to go. Are u going to handle it?

07-27-11, 01:06 PM
i plan to... still not sure... i'm not allergic or anything to the venom.. ( i think, not allergic to anything at all ) so i plan to.

07-27-11, 01:48 PM
Yeah I'm not allergic to anything I know of yet too :P It's kinda cool not having to worry about reactions!

07-27-11, 03:15 PM
You probably wont ever get stung, they dont really tend to ever use it..

07-27-11, 04:03 PM
if its an emperor, you can feed them on your hand, very rare does mine even sting its pray, and when it does, its like a surgeoun, it ever so gently picks a nice spot and slowly injects its stinger, But if you try it and get stung, dont blame me, just get us some pics of it lol I think they are very cool. i like when i hand it a cricket with the tongs, he grabs it with his pincher and doesnt even kill it, just starts munching on its head lol lots of pics when you get it please.

07-27-11, 08:15 PM
It's the same with a snake, I don't want to get bit, but sorta do just to see... although, I will never do it intentionally. I will post a tin of pics!!!! Tomorrow also is cleaning day, so bunch of pics should be up.!!!