View Full Version : Lrrr feeding on superworms, and he decides to attack me. ENJOY

07-27-11, 01:00 AM
Hey everybody! Lrrr has been on his new permanent insect/crustacean diet for a while now and I decided to release this particular feeding video, because he decides to attack me :)

I guess my toes look like worms, needless to say I hid behind a microscope case like a sissy.. but hey! he was comin right for me LOL

Hope you guys have some fun at my expense :P


Thanks for watching!

07-27-11, 06:55 AM
haha, funny video. But one question, why did you name him Lrrr? :P

07-27-11, 07:17 AM
Cute sav, looks like he was asking for more though :P

07-27-11, 01:08 PM
haha, funny video. But one question, why did you name him Lrrr? :P

Thank you :)

Well, I decided to name him Lrrr after the Futurama character "Lrrr" a big, alien overlord who tries to dominate earth several times in the series. Lol I think it fits him well :)

Cute sav, looks like he was asking for more though :P

Thanks! he is a cuttie when hes not trying to chomp my feet xD But yeah he wanted more and I gave him about 5 after the video :yes:

Thanks again!

07-27-11, 01:55 PM
That dude looks like he could annihilate big ol' cockroaches, grasshoppers, locusts, and crawfish! LOL

And as far as the name goes with him attacking your feet....I feel a quote is in order:

"Would you like some human with that salt?"

07-27-11, 02:27 PM
That dude looks like he could annihilate big ol' cockroaches, grasshoppers, locusts, and crawfish! LOL

And as far as the name goes with him attacking your feet....I feel a quote is in order:

"Would you like some human with that salt?"

LOL! I bet he could take down any of the mentioned feeders, seeing as he use to eat 3 eggs at once or 2 - 3 adult mice in one feeding :)

I am trying to get my hands on a crayfish/crawfish to feed him but all the pet stores near me fail and don't have them, but I will keep trying rofl

Love the quote btw! gave me a good giggle (if I recall thats the episode where the hippy gets eaten LUL) :P

Thanks for watching!

07-27-11, 02:38 PM
LOL! I bet he could take down any of the mentioned feeders, seeing as he use to eat 3 eggs at once or 2 - 3 adult mice in one feeding :)

I am trying to get my hands on a crayfish/crawfish to feed him but all the pet stores near me fail and don't have them, but I will keep trying rofl

Love the quote btw! gave me a good giggle (if I recall thats the episode where the hippy gets eaten LUL) :P

Thanks for watching!

It may seem odd but depending on where you live try bait shops. Sometimes they sell crawfish. And if they don't sell that maybe try shrimp? I dunno about that though. But I couldn't imagine a shrimp or two being overly bad for him. If you do manage to get some crawfish you BETTER video him taking it down! That would be epic to see.

And yes that was the episode where the hippy got eaten and Lrrr ended up tripping something awful from it. Good on you for knowing something about Futurama...especially since you named your guy after it ;)

07-27-11, 02:44 PM
It may seem odd but depending on where you live try bait shops. Sometimes they sell crawfish. And if they don't sell that maybe try shrimp? I dunno about that though. But I couldn't imagine a shrimp or two being overly bad for him. If you do manage to get some crawfish you BETTER video him taking it down! That would be epic to see.

And yes that was the episode where the hippy got eaten and Lrrr ended up tripping something awful from it. Good on you for knowing something about Futurama...especially since you named your guy after it ;)

HA! You got it, I am gonna hunt down a crawfish and tape that battle ASAP. I have wanted to for a good while now so I think its time :) Maybe even today :yes:

We'll see what I can do :P (because honestly, I want to see that just as badly! :D)

07-27-11, 02:58 PM
A nice feisty crawfish...fun fun fun. Just watch your toes now for Lrrr's mouth AND crawfish claws.

07-27-11, 03:11 PM
A nice feisty crawfish...fun fun fun. Just watch your toes now for Lrrr's mouth AND crawfish claws.

shoot! another hazard for me to be aware of lmao.. Although I have a interesting choice for my feeders.. go peacefully, or by force! :)

07-27-11, 03:20 PM
Isn't it always "by force" when it comes to live feeders? I dunno any that just "roll over" to be eaten.

07-27-11, 03:26 PM
Isn't it always "by force" when it comes to live feeders? I dunno any that just "roll over" to be eaten.

Very true.. but I'm talkin about them feisty ones that bite you and try their best to avoid being chosen. Those get fed off the fastest LOL

07-27-11, 03:42 PM
Since I only deal with crickets, its usually the ones that jump INTO my hand are the ones that get chosen first.

07-27-11, 03:59 PM
Since I only deal with crickets, its usually the ones that jump INTO my hand are the ones that get chosen first.

ha! they don't even know what's coming huh :P Im sure if they did they would be more hesitant to come to you :crazy:

07-27-11, 04:07 PM
Might want to try earthworms, really slimy ones. they stick to the ground, and flatten out when they are in danger. Might make for fun times watching him try and eat em.

07-27-11, 06:43 PM
ha! they don't even know what's coming huh :P Im sure if they did they would be more hesitant to come to you :crazy:

Oh its a panicky time whenever I come around but the crickets never seem to know if it is a food and refreshing the home day OR a day that means their numbers will be thinned. They are crickets of course...you can't expect much from the little buggers.

07-27-11, 10:42 PM
Oh its a panicky time whenever I come around but the crickets never seem to know if it is a food and refreshing the home day OR a day that means their numbers will be thinned. They are crickets of course...you can't expect much from the little buggers.

very true, they are after all just insects. But do you ever get the feeling they know?

Two examples, One is when I was filming this I picked up a superworm from besides Lrrr (like a MORON, I could have easily been bit getting so close to his mouth with my fingers.. especially during his feeding frenzy induced attack!) it bit me!

Well, tried. I think it was going to bite me but it got the fingernail and then I threw him to his demise lol

if it hadn't been feeding day, I don't think id have been bit. Usually I go into the tub that I am breeding them in, and I check for deaths ect ect. and I never get bitten

only during feeding time

And on a more intelligent scale, when I use to bring home 2 - 3 live mice for Lrrr, they would freak the hell out all the way home. But when they were being purchased in store they were fine

Its an interesting topic :) who knows whats really going on with them. May not be emotional fear.. but I would guess it's an instinctual reaction, Perhaps they can "sense" whats coming

FOOD for thought :Wow: (lol lame pun)

Might want to try earthworms, really slimy ones. they stick to the ground, and flatten out when they are in danger. Might make for fun times watching him try and eat em.

Thank you for reminding me! I was actually supose to get ahold of some of those from Big Als to feed him but never got around to it (got caught up in my superworm breeding haha!)

But that will happen soon too. Hopefully I can get some earthworms and a crawfish, then we would have one intense feeding video :)

I'm on it!

07-27-11, 10:50 PM
LOL You are just epic. I have never been bitten by the mealworms...but then again the beasts you are buying are HUGE and I can imagine their little mandibles chewing into a finger quite easily. Those mealworms are what? 6 inches long LOL (joking of course)

I used to feed live mice to a couple of corns I used to own a while back...usually 3 at every feeding. Anyways the mice always clung to my hand when putting them in with the snake. Never got bitten or anything but they didn't like the idea of the snake to be sure. Mice and rats are smarter than people give credit...especially rats. Rats can learn their name, perform simple tricks, ect ect.

Oh and I wanna share this little clip of my Bell Leopard Gecko eating a cricket today. Reminds me of a mini Lrrr

Bell Eats Cricket (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLw3deIXhR8)

Wish I knew how to post videos...

07-27-11, 11:29 PM
LOL You are just epic. I have never been bitten by the mealworms...but then again the beasts you are buying are HUGE and I can imagine their little mandibles chewing into a finger quite easily. Those mealworms are what? 6 inches long LOL (joking of course)

I used to feed live mice to a couple of corns I used to own a while back...usually 3 at every feeding. Anyways the mice always clung to my hand when putting them in with the snake. Never got bitten or anything but they didn't like the idea of the snake to be sure. Mice and rats are smarter than people give credit...especially rats. Rats can learn their name, perform simple tricks, ect ect.

Oh and I wanna share this little clip of my Bell Leopard Gecko eating a cricket today. Reminds me of a mini Lrrr

Bell Eats Cricket (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLw3deIXhR8)

Wish I knew how to post videos...

lmfao, yeah the "beasts" I am buying/breeding are pretty big. A good 2 - 3 inches full grown :nerd: and you got one thing right, their evil pincer type mouth parts pack a punch :( But its like a needle, over in a second

Loved the video of your Leo! its cute how she (he? :) ) waited for the cricket to get close then BAM, gone lol

I have a leo too and they are tons of fun! nothing like seeing a relatively small lizard act so though and aggressive during feeding time.. but they are so gentle after :D

Keep those leo vids coming! I love watching leos eat (My leo went on a 4 - 5 month hunger strike so im giving her total isolation this summer to regain the little weight that she lost, so usually I don't get to see her eat :( )


PS - forgot to mention! To post a video you just gotta take the last part of the youtube video URL (after the =).

so for your video you would just put in wLw3deIXhR8 into the youtube video tags (regular URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLw3deIXhR8 )


hope this helped!

07-27-11, 11:39 PM
I dunno if you have heard of them before (I have always called them NightCrawlers) but they are supposed to be a type of fishing bait and I *think* are a type of dragonfly larvae. They are nasty piece of work LOL but could be fun for your lizard to chow down on.


Bell is a year old and it most certainly a she :) Bell is a fantastic eater. I only managed to get a couple of crickets in the video but tonight she ate 8 in total. My other Leo will only usually eat 2-3 at a time every other day. I plan on getting some better videos of Bell eating when she is stalking and her little fat tail rolls around all crazy like.

07-27-11, 11:45 PM
I dunno if you have heard of them before (I have always called them NightCrawlers) but they are supposed to be a type of fishing bait and I *think* are a type of dragonfly larvae. They are nasty piece of work LOL but could be fun for your lizard to chow down on.


Bell is a year old and it most certainly a she :) Bell is a fantastic eater. I only managed to get a couple of crickets in the video but tonight she ate 8 in total. My other Leo will only usually eat 2-3 at a time every other day. I plan on getting some better videos of Bell eating when she is stalking and her little fat tail rolls around all crazy like.

damn nature, you scary!

I keed I keed :) But seriously that thing is narsty. I have heard of nightcrawlers but for some reason that is beyond me, I thought they were a type of worm. Now that I've seen one my mind has been blown :)

Im gonna have to make a feeding video that involves earthworms, nightcrawlers and crawfish. The more I add to the list of things to feed the more excited I get rofl

Good to know Bell is a good eater, No fastering during the winter? My little girl Lily went off feed just because she knew the seasons were differen't :l I kept temps and humidity the same but i guess she just wasn't interested

Would your 2nd leo happen to be a male? Females seem to eat a lot no matter what.. but it seems males are much more picky when it comes to food (but there are exceptions ofcourse)

I subscribed so, I am sitting tight for more Bell footage :D <3 leos lol

07-27-11, 11:57 PM
I will make more feeding videos just for you! Maybe next time KyJinn, my 5 year old bearded dragon guy, gets his 40 crickets put into his tank I can get video of him gulping them down like a pac man. So so so funny to watch him. But I will be sure to grab up more videos of Bell eating.

As for the reasons Eclipse doesn't eat as much...not sure. I think she prefers to eat mealworms and on top of that in her tank with Bell. However the crickets and mealworms can easily find to many places to hide thus she doesn't always get them. Eclipse is a female and is also a year old.

I have yet to spend a winter with them yet, but considering the room they are in they will probably go off feed. The room gets a bit cold overall. Probably will get some real enclosed hides and a bigger UTH for them. Right now I don't have to do anything. Texas this time of year = 100+ degree heat even at night.

07-28-11, 11:41 AM
I will make more feeding videos just for you! Maybe next time KyJinn, my 5 year old bearded dragon guy, gets his 40 crickets put into his tank I can get video of him gulping them down like a pac man. So so so funny to watch him. But I will be sure to grab up more videos of Bell eating.

As for the reasons Eclipse doesn't eat as much...not sure. I think she prefers to eat mealworms and on top of that in her tank with Bell. However the crickets and mealworms can easily find to many places to hide thus she doesn't always get them. Eclipse is a female and is also a year old.

I have yet to spend a winter with them yet, but considering the room they are in they will probably go off feed. The room gets a bit cold overall. Probably will get some real enclosed hides and a bigger UTH for them. Right now I don't have to do anything. Texas this time of year = 100+ degree heat even at night.

Great! can't wait to see those vids!

I guess Eclipse is just a finicky eater, but as long as she's health I see no problem :) And if you expect for them to go off feed during winter, just beef them up as good as possible before.

I didn't feeding Lily more in preparation for winter because I 100% didn't expect it. But she was about 80 - 82 grams and after 4 - 5 months of not eating, her tail had only shrunk a tiny bit, barely even noticeable. She came out of the fast at 74 grams :)

And yeah, an extra large UTH would help. I use 40 - 50% of cage floorspace in heat pad's and it seems to do the job, even though I control the temp of the room all year round (im in Canada so.. freezing or extremely hot :l)