View Full Version : brazilian/columbian X?

07-26-11, 12:27 PM
Hi everyone. I recently got my first rainbow boa, and it turns out he/she is a brazilian/columbian mix. Is this common? Is it frowned upon? Does anyone know if there is anything I will need to look out for? I am going to love her regardless and I think he/she is beautiful, I was just looking around on the forums here and haven't really seen any posts regarding mixing the two. Then again, maybe I didn't look well enough. :) Thanks in advance, everyone.

07-26-11, 01:46 PM
It can be done but generally its not encouraged to do so. This is to preserve bloodlines. However if you like your new snake then all good. Im not sure if there is any ussues to look out for with a hybrid but make sure you keep its humidity quite high as theyre easy to dehydrate.. goodluck :)

07-26-11, 03:12 PM
So long as you are not looking to breed him/her, Locket, it should not be an issue. Breeding, however, would raise a lot of issues, as it's more or less a guarantee that somewhere along the line, some of the offspring or their offspring in turn will end up being bred and sold without dislosure of the mixed lineage. If just a pet, though...enjoy!

07-26-11, 03:42 PM
Depends who you ask. :) I don't frown upon anything other than people not taking care of their snakes properly and/or being dishonest about the snake's background. Please post pics, though!!

Congrats on the new rainbow boa.


07-26-11, 04:02 PM
I was wondering how you know it's a cross? Can we see pictures?

07-26-11, 04:07 PM
Yeah pics would be cool...

07-26-11, 04:13 PM
Pics!!!! :)

07-26-11, 07:34 PM
Thanks! She/He is definitely strictly a pet only. She really is quite pretty. I will post pics shortly. I have just been too lazy to post them to a pic site and then post them here. :/ But I will get going on it now. :)

07-26-11, 07:51 PM
You can upload them direct by clicking the paper clip in advanced.

07-26-11, 07:58 PM
OK. I finally downloaded and copied. Here are a few pics. I know Isis is a cross because my friend got her from her coworker and he owns the parents. I am being super careful about the humidity and temps. I just think she is gorgeous and I want to make sure she stays healthy. :) The lovely model with Isis is my 10 yr old daughter Katy. Katy adores Isis and is an excellent snakey helper.

07-26-11, 07:59 PM
You can upload them direct by clicking the paper clip in advanced.

Very good to know! Thanks! :)

07-26-11, 08:01 PM
Really nice. Lacks the orange of a brazilian but more than makes up for it with that awesome jet black patterning. Really cool.

07-26-11, 08:07 PM
Thanks! I think her markings are very pretty. Do you think her orange might get brighter as she grows? She was the most orange out of the clutch. The others were more muted and more brown than orange. She is very calm for being so young. Eats like a champ too! :)

07-26-11, 08:09 PM
Unfortunately probably not. I think it usually goes the other way, they fade slightly as they age. However i only know about brazilians not the hybrid so maybe she will ornage up after a couple sheds. Do you know approximately how old she is?

07-26-11, 08:17 PM
She was born April 4th, so almost 4 months old. I was just curious. Doesn't matter if she fades. She is looking ready to shed. Thanks for all the welcome comments and advice! I have only ever owned a corn snake before this. I have a feeling that I am going to be addicted to rainbows now. :D

07-26-11, 08:21 PM
My BRB is almost exactly the same age as your boa :) Look forward to seeing yours grow up!!

07-26-11, 08:23 PM
Beautiful snake. I agree, she probably won't get any more orange, but it will be interesting to see how she changes as she gets older. Thanks for sharing.


07-26-11, 08:53 PM
Thanks guys! I can't wait until she is all grown up! Of course, then I will probably miss her as a baby and want to get another one. uh oh...It starts... ;) Brylecc, it would be great to compare pics of our babies as they grow! :)

07-27-11, 07:11 AM
Great looking boa

07-27-11, 05:34 PM
Thanks! I think her markings are very pretty. Do you think her orange might get brighter as she grows? :)
If she take after the Colombian genes her pattern will fade and she will pretty much become one solid color. But If it takes after the Brazilian genes it could keep it pattern or color. You just can say for sure with cross. But it will be cool to see what she does look like with time.:)

07-28-11, 06:13 AM
thanks Stephan. What a coincidence! My hubby's name is Stephen (pronounced like stephenie) :) I do think she will be cool whatever way she decides to change, Marvelfreak. My neighbor has an older sibling to Isis and she is a gorgeous dark chocolatey brown with faint markings, but she always resembled the Columbian side more, so it will be interesting to see what happens. I will definitely post pics as she grows so we can all see what she looks like as a big girl! or boy, I don't know what her sex is. I just go with girl until proven wrong. :)

08-02-11, 05:51 PM
Any good reptile shop should be able to sex him/her for you. Til then, enjoy "her"! ;-)

08-03-11, 07:46 AM
I most definitely will! She just shed perfectly for me and is all rainbow-y pretty! I am so glad my hubby "let" me have her! (he doesn't care for snakes) Even though he isn't a huge fan of snakes, he does admit she is very pretty. I WILL convert him!!! hehe.

08-03-11, 07:56 AM
thanks Stephan. What a coincidence! My hubby's name is Stephen (pronounced like stephenie) :) I do think she will be cool whatever way she decides to change, Marvelfreak. My neighbor has an older sibling to Isis and she is a gorgeous dark chocolatey brown with faint markings, but she always resembled the Columbian side more, so it will be interesting to see what happens. I will definitely post pics as she grows so we can all see what she looks like as a big girl! or boy, I don't know what her sex is. I just go with girl until proven wrong. :)

Here's a good video on one non-invasive sexing technique for younger snakes. I assume it's very reliable (although nothing is 100% accurate), since I've heard of other breeders doing this as well.

‪How To Sex A Baby Boa‬‏ - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndI-87ObmUQ)

For what it's worth, I tried it on my young Jamaican boa that's supposed to be a female. I didn't feel any bumps that would indicate hemipenes, so I think she really is a she. :)

08-03-11, 10:16 AM
Here's a good video on one non-invasive sexing technique for younger snakes. I assume it's very reliable (although nothing is 100% accurate), since I've heard of other breeders doing this as well.

‪How To Sex A Baby Boa‬‏ - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndI-87ObmUQ)

Thanks! I will definitely check it out!:)

08-05-11, 01:31 PM
I think she is gorgeous!!!! I wouldn't care if she faded either, personally I like the muted colors of the columbian anyway so am probably showing favoritism, lol.