View Full Version : Is this normal or fat?

07-23-11, 03:49 PM
This guy has been posting his snake for sale for a long time and I am curious if that snake is suppose to look like that or is it fat?

Albino Blood Python (http://fortcollins.craigslist.org/pet/2509582181.html)

07-23-11, 03:51 PM
yea thats pretty normal they get bigger than that.

07-23-11, 03:52 PM
Thats normal.

07-23-11, 03:58 PM
That's a health Blood Python. You see a lot that are even fatter. People tend to over feed Bloods. They're a short fat snake to begin with and then many people over feed. They are lazier than Ball Pythons. They are a short-tail snake like Balls. So that makes them look fatter also. They have such a slow metabolize that they only poop once every 3 to 4 months as adults.

The price not bad on it either. You just have to watch out some can be really pissy. At 4 foot it would have the power of say a 8 to 9 foot Burmese or Retic. They are pure power.

07-23-11, 04:14 PM
You just have to watch out some can be really pissy. At 4 foot it would have the power of say a 8 to 9 foot Burmese or Retic. They are pure power.

Yikes! Can they even coil around you with all that mass? The power has to be in their mouth, right?

07-23-11, 04:19 PM
Its body power, unless it gets around your neck it probably won't kill you.

07-23-11, 04:21 PM
Dang its been flagged... damned craiglist :P

07-23-11, 04:23 PM
This guy has been posting his snake for sale for a long time and I am curious if that snake is suppose to look like that or is it fat?

Albino Blood Python (http://fortcollins.craigslist.org/pet/2509582181.html)
It's healthy, if it's the same snake I think it is, it's very healthy and he takes good care of it.

Dang its been flagged... damned craiglist :P
4 ft Albino Blood Python (http://denver.craigslist.org/pet/2479239570.html)

There is the same snake, listed in Denver.

07-23-11, 04:31 PM
It's healthy, if it's the same snake I think it is, it's very healthy and he takes good care of it.

4 ft Albino Blood Python (http://denver.craigslist.org/pet/2479239570.html)

There is the same snake, listed in Denver.

Yeah, that's the one. So at what point can you say this snake would be fat? How would it show?

07-23-11, 04:39 PM
Its pretty obvious, but its normal for them to look fat.
Touching them is the easiest way to tell.

07-23-11, 04:42 PM
Wow that head looks like a boa constrictor I never noticed that

07-23-11, 06:20 PM
Telling if a blood is overweight is pretty difficult for those not familiar with the species. It really varies a large margin, and the best way to tell is by handling and feeling the animal. Visual hints are crap with this species, seeing as how most are a bit jumpy and puff up often

07-23-11, 07:20 PM
Dam it i use to have a chart that show six different sizes of bloods showing obese, to fat, to chunky, to healthy, to under weight, and to starving. I looked all day and can't find it. Had it on my old computer until it crash and lost everything. I found it on the web, but don't remember where.

07-23-11, 07:27 PM
Yikes! Can they even coil around you with all that mass? The power has to be in their mouth, right?
The six to seven foot might, but not good enough it could hurt you. It's the power they strike with you have to watch out for. About like getting shot with a potato gun. For as fat as they are man do they have speed when they strike.

Coffee Black
07-23-11, 10:33 PM
That sucks for the owner. Unless his lease specifically states reptiles are not allowed then the landlord shouldn't be able to force him to get rid of it. My landlord doesn't really care but expressed concern over the weight of the large water dragon cage we are building, which I can understand. However, if it doesn't have the potential to ruin flooring or molding then I dont think it should be a problem.

07-24-11, 12:03 AM
That sucks for the owner. Unless his lease specifically states reptiles are not allowed then the landlord shouldn't be able to force him to get rid of it. My landlord doesn't really care but expressed concern over the weight of the large water dragon cage we are building, which I can understand. However, if it doesn't have the potential to ruin flooring or molding then I dont think it should be a problem.

It's not necessarily about spilling water, but about the ceiling holding the weight. A lot of older places do not allow waterbeds upstairs.

Coffee Black
07-25-11, 07:22 AM
Thats what I was referring to , yes. Luckily it isn't finished and we are moving ha .

07-25-11, 09:27 AM
That's a really nice blood. I love the red albinos. They do pretty much all look morbidly obese- they should be stocky and round. They are ambush predators and generally lie in wait for something to attack. For such lazy, fat snakes...when they strike they are lightning fast and hit with FORCE!