View Full Version : new here, and new snake!

07-23-11, 09:22 AM
so i just pikced up my first snake a ijc python, and its a baby very thin and about 2 feet?

i currently have it in a 20 gallon with 2 hides and a big piece of driftwood for it to climb. i used to have jungle earth as substrate but have since moved on to a mix of plantation soil mixed with it to keep humidity in. now the humidity in the tank is very high and i have lights on it alot for it to dry up quicker.

anyways it is very friendly and nice, but i was just wondering if it is behaving normally, since i fed it last night in my shoe box, when i tried to picked it up to put it back into its tank, it was always moving and always had its head in the striking position so i was cautious. but since i put it back it has been sitting at the top of the branches and resting there since. is this normal for it? or should i be worried?

the tank is at about 87-90
and the humidity is about 70+ (trying to get it to dry out now. no more towel on top)

any other tips and suggestions for it?

thanks alot!,


07-23-11, 10:37 AM
sSnakeSs.com - Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules)


07-23-11, 10:50 AM
welcome to the forum, you need to leave your snake alon for at least a couple days after feeding, I personally dont think their is a need to remove your snake for feeding, i did way way back in the day, and now i dont and their is no difference. gl and I, would love to see some pics

07-23-11, 10:52 AM
after feedingy, its normal for them to be a little aggressive, everything smells like food.

07-23-11, 11:06 AM
Hello and welcome! Your snake will be fine in a couple days after it digested it's food. I feed my snake in their cage so i don't have to move them afterwards. The last thing you want is to stress them out after eating. If they regurgitate their food you'll get to smell one of the nasty smells around. Once your snake settle down in a couple days we love to see pictures.

07-23-11, 11:10 AM
it sound like perfect snake feeding behaviour tbh. also as the other have said, dont disturb your snake for a few days after feeding as doing so can cause problems.

pictures are a must btw lol.

also very much welcome to the forum.

07-23-11, 11:14 AM
Where in Canada do you live?

07-23-11, 11:17 AM
I assume by IJC you mean Irian Jaya Carpet? If so that humidity is a little high, in the uk we class carpets as needing "normal" humidity which is 50% here. I think your hot temp may be slightly low too but my brain isnt working properly at the moment for me to remember - maybe someone else can confirm this to save me having to get up and check? ;) ;) :)

07-23-11, 09:11 PM
pics will do for sure! it is shy of the flash...

anyways yea its been 24hrs and there is still a lump in his body and i dont really notice it moving down its body... should be fine?

as well, it hasn't come down from the basking area in the past 24hrs. its fine?

and my tank temp is about 34c high and 27 low now after misting it just now, as well it was a 40% humidity and now about 55 aftermisting.

should i handle it tomorrow? or give it another day?

07-23-11, 09:12 PM
Where in Canada do you live?

toronto, ontario for the summer.

waterloo, ontario for school.

Coffee Black
07-23-11, 10:44 PM
Hot seems fine to me. I try to keep 80-83 ambient with a hot spot around 90 . Humidity can definitely come down though, yes. 50 is good and I bump it to 70 for shedding, if I notice. She has gone into and out of blue without my noticing twice now and at 50% humidity I still got perfect sheds.

07-23-11, 11:05 PM
Hot seems fine to me. I try to keep 80-83 ambient with a hot spot around 90 . Humidity can definitely come down though, yes. 50 is good and I bump it to 70 for shedding, if I notice. She has gone into and out of blue without my noticing twice now and at 50% humidity I still got perfect sheds.

do there eyes just cloud when they are ready? they stay cloudy for a day atleast right? dont wanna miss it lol


anyways its been a day since he has eaten the mouse and it is still a lump on the body. it should be gon soon and be a pooop?

the humidity is still relativly high about 65. but it should be fine if its just chillin there still and hasnt moved from the spot since?

Coffee Black
07-23-11, 11:39 PM
He will digest it fine. Needs more than a day. I give mine two to three days before handling or even messing with the cage. Poop may take up to a week or more depending on prey size and the individual animal. Eyes will cloud but you won't always see it. Some people say a couple days and some say a week . Again, it all depends on the animal. DONT FRET! Haha. Humidity seems okay. If it stays around 50 I would let it be unless you notice he is in shed. Around about 40 or below is when I would spray.

07-23-11, 11:44 PM
also i am using coconut fibre+jungle earth substrate. will it be hard for me to see its poops and stuff? should i switch to a wood one where i can see the poops and where it is more natural? or is what i have good?

07-24-11, 12:03 AM
Waiting for my severance to pick up one of anthony's carpets. Beautiful snake, how much did u pay if u don't mind me asking?

07-24-11, 01:12 AM
also i am using coconut fibre+jungle earth substrate. will it be hard for me to see its poops and stuff? should i switch to a wood one where i can see the poops and where it is more natural? or is what i have good?

Oh you will see it. It usually comes out with the urate which is their type of urine. Urate is a dry form of urine because snakes try and preserve water so instead of urinating liquid they retain the water and excrete the dry urate, which is usually white, can be greenish white too.

07-24-11, 06:54 AM
Waiting for my severance to pick up one of anthony's carpets. Beautiful snake, how much did u pay if u don't mind me asking?

about 140 i think for the lil baby. from port credit pets.

marionsclan - so i will for sure see the poop or partial mouse when it does do its owrk?

07-24-11, 08:35 AM
yup you wont miss it :P and they digest everything, and you will smell it it their before you see it most time lol

07-24-11, 02:24 PM
I assume by IJC you mean Irian Jaya Carpet? If so that humidity is a little high, in the uk we class carpets as needing "normal" humidity which is 50% here. I think your hot temp may be slightly low too but my brain isnt working properly at the moment for me to remember - maybe someone else can confirm this to save me having to get up and check? ;) ;) :)
similar words almost escaped my mouth

07-24-11, 02:46 PM
about 140 i think for the lil baby. from port credit pets.

marionsclan - so i will for sure see the poop or partial mouse when it does do its owrk?

Wow you scored that thing off anthoney for 140? Ihate you now lol

07-24-11, 04:28 PM
similar words almost escaped my mouth

well the humidity is about 50-60 now so its all goood. and the temps are about 27-32 degrees.

also since the snake was sitting up top for so long like the past 2 days i decided to help it move down, :p and i put it in the water bowl.... and it chilled there for a bit and left but here are some pics.

Wow you scored that thing off anthoney for 140? Ihate you now lol

yea about 140-150 dont remember cuzz than there was tank and stuff too. here are some pics, he is nothing out of the ordinary, but its mine. :) lol


07-24-11, 04:32 PM
That snake looks awesome :P

07-27-11, 06:34 AM
so i think it just went poo last night. was looking around the tank this morning and notices a white piece like styrofoam looking thing.

about the size of a push pin. a little bigger. i took the snake hook and poked at it. and it was soft and stuck to it. and had alot of coconut fibres on it. i smelled it and it smelt like iunno. not good though. its poo right? lol

also once it poo's can i feed it again?

07-27-11, 08:05 AM
If its white it is urates not poo, you should really have a fixed schedule for feeding rather than waiting for poo, some snakes rarely poo. Also if you are feeding prey with little or no hair then 99% of the prey will be absorbed so little waste to pass.

07-27-11, 08:28 AM
Yes I do. 1 fuzzy mouse a week I fed it last Friday. But can i feed it early today?

Okay so if the prey I feed it has little hair than it's normal for such small poops?

07-27-11, 10:42 AM
All normal - personally i stick to feed day whatever happens, snakes in the wild dont get to eat as soon as they are hungry they get to eat when they go off and hunt something down so a couple of days of them hunting around their viv wont hurt them at all.

Also once he has fed consistently a few times for you then get him switched onto rats, as an adult you could end up feeding LOTS of mice at every feed to fill him up and it is much healthier for him to take rats instead.

07-27-11, 02:59 PM
so i should get it started on rat pinkies?are rats alot more healthier? how about soft furs?

07-27-11, 04:25 PM
Rats have less fat content than mice and also are much bigger so when snakey is full grown you should be feeding one orvtwo rats instead of eight or more mice

07-28-11, 11:15 AM
pics will do for sure! it is shy of the flash...

anyways yea its been 24hrs and there is still a lump in his body and i dont really notice it moving down its body... should be fine?

as well, it hasn't come down from the basking area in the past 24hrs. its fine?

and my tank temp is about 34c high and 27 low now after misting it just now, as well it was a 40% humidity and now about 55 aftermisting.

should i handle it tomorrow? or give it another day?

carpets have NO specific humidity needs

i and all other carpet keepers i know don't mist their snakes

hot end 86f to 90f

cool end 76f to 80f

use the above temps as a guide and let your snake tell you the rest

i give 3 days for digestion before handling

he's up his basking area because he's just fed,they like the extra heat to aid digestion.mines stay up the hot end for 2 or 3 days after eating

cheers shaun