View Full Version : thanks pet store!

07-22-11, 11:16 PM
So shortly after I picked up my carpets at a specialty store near me the green tree python I was looking at passed away....

Now I hve been tripping trying to figue out how my snakes got mites. Today while I was picking up feeders I talked to the shop owner and asked him how the gtp passed..

Turns out it had mites (which mine also got, they were in the same cage display up front) so they took it in back and put it in a cup with some **** to treat mites and only put one hole in the cup which killed it....

So my first gtp I wanted gave my carpets mites and then was killed off....

I'm officially done with pet stores :(

07-22-11, 11:20 PM
If you had any bills associated with your treatment of mites due to the pet stores contamination then maybe you can have them reimburse you, unless your sales contract says otherwise. After all, all animals for sale have to been in healthy condition prior to selling them.

07-22-11, 11:46 PM
Pet shops generally suck, but you can get good deals :)
Friend got a mohave BP as a normal for 80$, adult male.

07-22-11, 11:49 PM
Well so far the only bill is the $16 for nix....if it turns into a vet visit I'm gonna be very livid and posting the shop name n every snake forum I'm on

07-23-11, 07:48 AM
that does suck man, sorry, but not all pet stores are bad :), just most of them!

07-23-11, 07:49 AM
Its understood that pet stores suck.

07-23-11, 08:00 AM
Thats why i get my snakes from good breeders, all the snake i got from pet stores need a little TLC. But i have to say i like going into them because sometimes you find great deals like i got one of my hypo boas for a normal boa price($99) back in the day when hypos was about 250.

07-23-11, 08:42 AM
alittle tlc when buying from a pet shop can be understandable, especially if they dont specialize in reptiles as they will only know the very minimum and basic knowledge and some dont even know that.

however that is bad, usually mites can be treated easily, i have common house spiders that find there way into and share my snake tanks and so far i have no mites what so ever and the spiders dont bother the snakes.

you could try puting some common house spiders in with the snakes as the spiders will eat the mites off the snakes, but that is just a suggestion though.

good luck getting rid of the mites

07-23-11, 08:45 AM
I'm not sure if that would actually work, how are they getting in btw?

07-23-11, 08:51 AM
Even if it did work, I'd rather put my trust into NIX, then spiders who may or may not decide to finish the job.

07-23-11, 09:01 AM
Ilovemypets1988, you have no mites simply because you have not got mites yet. Not because of the house spiders. Hypoaspis miles will eat snake mites though....

07-23-11, 10:05 AM
Yah if I was buying from a pet store like petland/petsmart/petco or something like that id expect it 100% but this is a specialty shop where 90% of the store is snakes from all sorts of corn and kings to green anacondas and some burm and retics

07-23-11, 10:20 AM
Yah if I was buying from a pet store like petland/petsmart/petco or something like that id expect it 100% but this is a specialty shop where 90% of the store is snakes from all sorts of corn and kings to green anacondas and some burm and retics

Which means most of their snake most likely have mites and the don't quarantine properly.

07-23-11, 10:41 AM
the spiders get in through the gap in the sliding glass front im guessing, i dont mind, they aint causing any problems.

07-23-11, 10:56 AM
If you had any bills associated with your treatment of mites due to the pet stores contamination then maybe you can have them reimburse you.

In a Utopian world maybe, but good luck here.. sorry to sound so negative, but I hate most pet stores, and they are usually run by cretins.

07-23-11, 11:17 AM
Which means most of their snake most likely have mites and the don't quarantine properly.

Agreed. Im not sure if I just got lucky or if it was the Michigan weather but I never had mites on my snakes before the military, and after getting mites and reading into other diseases and such they can contract, Im done with petstores minus feeders when im in a bind, outside of that no thanks. From here on out Im sticking to people who specialize in a breed of snake and do it for a living, and even then the first thing that is going down when they come in the door is a nix treatment.

Grrrr, frustrating.

I dont expect someone to cover my bills, i guess thats what i get for not being thorough enough, I was just over come with "OMG CARPETS!" as they normally carry more of the Hots and the larger species of Boas and Pythons. Oh well, I still love my carpets to death and i dont regret getting them, I just feel bad that they were sitting in that display cage with mites for who knows how long.

The sad thing is, inside the cage were my 2 Carpets, a set of young IJ's and the GTP that died, when i went to the store last night to get some frozen feeders.....the little IJ's were gone too, and I dont think anyone bought them, i know they were force feeding them because they werent eating, so im guessing they are in snake heaven now too :/

07-23-11, 11:19 AM
Might be worth being extra careful with your carpet, allot more then mites could have killed those snakes.

07-23-11, 11:41 AM
Agreed. Im not sure if I just got lucky or if it was the Michigan weather but I never had mites on my snakes before the military, and after getting mites and reading into other diseases and such they can contract, Im done with petstores minus feeders when im in a bind, outside of that no thanks. From here on out Im sticking to people who specialize in a breed of snake and do it for a living, and even then the first thing that is going down when they come in the door is a nix treatment.

Grrrr, frustrating.

I dont expect someone to cover my bills, i guess thats what i get for not being thorough enough, I was just over come with "OMG CARPETS!" as they normally carry more of the Hots and the larger species of Boas and Pythons. Oh well, I still love my carpets to death and i dont regret getting them, I just feel bad that they were sitting in that display cage with mites for who knows how long.

The sad thing is, inside the cage were my 2 Carpets, a set of young IJ's and the GTP that died, when i went to the store last night to get some frozen feeders.....the little IJ's were gone too, and I dont think anyone bought them, i know they were force feeding them because they werent eating, so im guessing they are in snake heaven now too :/

I would call animal control and report them. Me and a buddy did it to a pet store where all their snakes had mites. We pointed it out to them and they were like oh thanks we'll take care of it. Month later we stopped in and they still had them. So we turn them in. Plus the cages were nasty and dirty. Had no water in the bowls.

Now you go in cages always clean and you don't see mites climbing all over the snakes. Plus the owner got rid of the girl who was suppose to be taking care of the snakes. Turn out she was scared of them so never cleaned their cages.

07-23-11, 12:34 PM
Wow that's horrible! I did call them at first to ask aout nix stuff and they said just soak the snake in room temp water .......I was like........wtf?

07-23-11, 02:39 PM
Agreed. Im not sure if I just got lucky or if it was the Michigan weather but I never had mites on my snakes before the militar:/

Its good luck because i had a yellow rat snake that had mites but good thing i had him in QT so none of my owner snakes got mites.

07-23-11, 03:55 PM
There's a specialty reptile store real close to me and they always have healthy animals. Now, with petsmart and petco, some of them have healthy animals and some don't. It just depend if they have someone that knows what they are doing or not. I only buy from petsmart or petco if they get in a rarer morph. I actually got a striped hypo lavender corn there. Anyway, for the most part, I only buy from breeders and that specialty reptile store.

07-23-11, 04:25 PM
If/When a snake has mites isn't that something you see when you inspect the snake before buying it?

07-23-11, 04:28 PM
Should, if you give it a full inspection, if there are only 1-2 its sometimes hard to find em.

07-23-11, 06:06 PM
They weren't showing mites and idnt have any signs for a while after I got them, I handled them 2x before buying and never saw any on them or my hand, they weren't soaking in their bowls or anything, admittedly, with this being my fist mite infestaton, I might not hav caught it, but I would have noticedany insects on them if they werev large enough

07-23-11, 07:32 PM
Other things could have killed them. WORSE things.

07-23-11, 08:58 PM
Yeah after reading up on diseases I'm kinda worried, but at the same time, stupidity killed the gtp, as for the IJs they looked pretty poor shape when I saw them the first time and it was like almost a month later before they treated the gtp.

Idk, I mean someone could have bought the IJs but I don't know. This whole experience has left a sour taste in my mouth :\

07-24-11, 06:29 AM
This whole experience has left a sour taste in my mouth :\
That the taste of stupid people running pet shops. It a taste that never goes away.:no: