View Full Version : crested gecko or blue tongue skink
herp krayzee
01-06-03, 03:03 PM
Over the last couple of months I have become very interested in the keeping of reptiles. I have done a lot of reasearch and it came down to two almost opposite species when it comes to cage setups and so on and i was wondering what everyone suggests. Crested geckos or blue tongues. Also where could i find a breeder or store with a good reputation in the Peterborough/Linday Ontario area.
01-06-03, 03:35 PM
I personally think that Crested are one of the best starter lizards. I know nothing about skinks however, I do own 2 crested geckos. I love them. The only think I don't like is that my one gecko likes to poop on me when she's had enough and wants to go back into her cage. Their fairly easy to care for and fun to watch. They are also really easy to provide food for because they eat (well mine do at least) mealworms, waxworms, crickets and also baby food. They also don't get too big. Hope this helps you out a little.
I think what you will find is that crested geckos are cheaper to set up and easier to maintain. The animals themselves are more varied in appearance, cheaper and easier to find. They are very rewarding captives.
On the other hand, BTS are easier to handle. They are larger, and slower. They also have great personalities.
It might just depend on how much you are willing to spend, and how much space you have. :D
Blue Tongues make great starter lizards. Many people think cresties do, however I wouldn't recommend them if you wish to handle your pet much, as with most arboreal geckos, they seem to be better suited to display due to their thin skin and I find them also to be quite skittish.....
Really? Do you have juveniles, or adults? I've only got a couple skittish ones. Any that i've handled a lot are quite tame. They can still hop a bit, but are pretty decent to handle. I've also never found their skin to be too delicate...
Of course, I'm saying this with no hatchlings on hand. Hatchlings can be a bit more delicate.
And on that topic, they are a REALLY fun breeding project. I've only got 6 eggs cooking so far, and I'm already excited...never know what color is going to pop out.
Actually, I've never had the opportunity to work with hatchlings. Only adults and subs. Not a big crestie fan in the first place, anything that sticks to glass and goes really fast doesn't sit well as a pet with me, but I still have to work with them all the time, and that's just my personal preference, they are still loved by many people. I've found them to be quite skittish and love to jump :eek:
I think being handled as hatchlings has everything to do with it. I have some that I got that are just <i>gorgeous</i>, but they weren't handled as all as little 'uns. They're quite skittish now.
Any I've handled a lot are great, same with adults I've gotten from people who handled them as babies.
And yes, they LOVE to jump. They get that look in their eyes, flex, and GO. One of said skittish geckos wound up having me play 'gecko under the dresser' for a while.
So yes - I'd suggest getting a young animal to start with.
And who knows Linds...maybe you'll get bitten by the crested bug yet. ;)
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01-07-03, 12:43 PM
My cresties like to jump but it's usually onto another spot on me, like from my hand to my chest then crawls up to my head and sits there. I might have lucked out as mine seem to like being handled. I put my hand in to refill their water dish and they both jump to it and sit there! I love them. And to think I used to think they were ugly!
I agree. Cresteds are easily my favorite gecko, I've been keeping them for almost 7 years now and I have never come across one with a bad personality. They are great starter pets and they cost less to house and feed than blue tongues. I know some excellent breeders in Toronto and Peterborough, pm me if you're interested.
I hope you enjoy whatever you end up with! :)
01-13-03, 06:20 PM
As Youkai already said, it really is dependent upon what you're looking to get out of the keeping of a reptile.
I currently own and work with both species, therefore I've got a dual perspective on the matter. Initial cost really is the biggest difference, enclosure-wise, Blue Tongues being slightly more costly.
I find the Blue Tongue to be, typically, more of an "interactive" pet, whilst the crested tends to be a very interesting species, both in its behaviour, as well as in its husbandry and propogation.
If you're looking into an animal that you can take out of its cage on a daily basis, and not have to worry about stressing the animal, a blue tongue would be more up your alley. Keep in mind, this animal really does feed on a daily basis *they are garbage disposals and will eat practically anything*, and needs cleaning almost three of the four days of the week, and sexing is almost impossible *almost*.
Whereas, the Cresties tend to be slightly more "hands-off", though many are fantastic to handle for a SHORT time. Diet is rather unique w/ this species, as they can be fed exclusively on a No Insect Diet, which can be benificial to many keepers. These lizards also have a knack for reproducing w/ no stimulus what-so-ever, and heating and incubation is almost uneccessary if you have a warm house or room...
As I said, this decision really is up to you, and depends solely on what you're looking to get out of this experience. Good luck!! Either is a fantastic choice, that's why I bought both!!
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