View Full Version : 40 Gallon Long Aquarium

07-22-11, 12:24 AM
So would a 40 gallon long aquarium (basically it has been called a breeding tank but dunno why) be appropriate for a full sized adult ball python? And do they make glass tops for aquariums or would I basically have to make one on my own?

Just contemplating the amount of work I would have to do once my largest tank clears up in a year or so.

07-22-11, 04:15 AM
That should be fine.

07-22-11, 05:19 AM
They do make glass tops for 40 gal. I think they run around $47 at Petsmart or Petco. It would be cheaper to get a screen top and cover 2/3 of it with Coroblast (plastic type material that signs are made of) to keep humidity in. You can find Coroblast sheets the size of poster boards pretty cheap online.

07-22-11, 01:02 PM
Thanks Marion. Though if I know my husband he will want what "looks best" which is why we don't use tubs to keep our snakes in. And considering we already have the aquarium (which was expensive) I will more than likely be able to by the glass top.

Of course now that I think about it the tank itself is a reptile tank and thus has a fitted lid. The dimensions may be different than a standard 40 gallon tank you use for fishes.