View Full Version : danger of salmmonilla

07-19-11, 01:14 PM
Well I just wanted to share with you all my experience with salmmonilla. As some of you may know my gf and I just had a baby girl. Five days ago while I was at work I got a call from my babys mother somthing wasn't right she was refusing to eat and fussy not to alarming but she called the dr anyway and they set up an appointment. An hr later she had a 102 temp was rushed to the hospital and then taken by air life to an advanced nato icu. She was put on a cocktail of antibiotics and antiviral meds do to suspicion of a mass infection. After many blood tests and a spinal it was concluded she had meningitis the bacteria or virus still unknow. Cultures wher prepared and we waited to discover what had caused our baby to become so it after 2 days we wher informed her blood and meningys spinal fluid and cerebral fluid had become septic with salmmonilla. First off we wash before we handle her and use antiseptic. We also was before and after handeling any of my snakes. My tanks are clean spot cleaned daily wiped down and gone over bi weekly and a complete clean monthly water bowls are cleaned daily or every other day. I am carfull. If she got this from the snakes we will never know. Do to theis events and reluctant to me for the sake of my family and because we will have our hands full while treatment continues for atleast 21 days I have rehomed my snakes wher I know they will
be cared for. It breakes my heart but I am at a loss and am very worn down from the events that have taken place I belive its for the best

07-19-11, 01:19 PM
Sucks man, what else other then the herps could it be from? Couldn't it be from food etc?

07-19-11, 01:31 PM
Oh yes most definitely we also had birds in the home we are eliminating any and all risks at this time. Ther is honestly no way to know how wher or when she came in contact with the bacteria and though I love my animals im admittedly taking the fastest easiest way to make sure she is safe in my home the scare was to much for us. I also didn't want any of them to suffer because I couldn't care for them. They are in good hands of knowledgeable people now and will be well cared for

07-19-11, 01:38 PM
Wow that's sad.. Hope your little girl feels better fast! I have a feeling I know what you are going through.. my son got salmonella at 3 months old. We where at a friends house and she hadn't washed the table down well enough after prepping dinner. Well I sat him on the table.. hand went on table then in mouth next day he was sick..

Glad you found out what was wrong with her!

07-19-11, 02:09 PM
She is getting better after many IVs her tiny veins wouldn't hold long they have put in a more permanent line and blood test are showing negative for infection for three days now her heart rate is still up and down and her temps spike here and ther no more feeding tube she's waking and alert at times we are praying ther is no permanent damage but ther very well could be

07-19-11, 02:17 PM
Keeping you and your family in my thoughts..

07-19-11, 03:23 PM
Good luck.. Thats really unlucky. I know people with a newborn and a 4 yr old. Theyve got 2 dogs and 2 snakes.. They dont wash after handling snakes or dogs and the dogs mess up their flat.... But still their kids dont get ill.. Not that I would wish that but things always seem to go wrong for the peoplle who try the most to do things the right way.

07-19-11, 10:11 PM
Thanx all today has been a good day this has been a very scary event I wouldn't wish on my enemies

07-22-11, 01:52 PM
I know this is late and after the fact (just joined the forum) but did you run any cultures on your herps and thier tanks to see if they were the cause?? It could have been many things.
