View Full Version : Gecko has a broken foot

07-18-11, 11:08 PM
My friend's baby lavender Gecko looks like he has a broken foot. I took a closer look and the right hind leg is just flapping in the wind. He sort of walks on it but generally doesn't walk at all. He hides in the coldest area and feels cold to the touch. It has been a couple of weeks now and she is not going to take him to the vet because she doesn't have the money for the surgery.

My hands are tied because I don't have the money either and really can't make her do anything with him. I'm upset about it and was hoping (against hope) that you guys may have some suggestions. If it were me I would hand him over to the Humane Society to have them fix him so he is no longer in pain and then adopt him out. Not a solution that I would prefer but one that gets him out of pain for sure. But like I said, any suggestions welcome!

07-19-11, 01:09 AM
ugh, that sucks.

07-19-11, 03:39 AM
Find a way, and take it to a vet.

07-19-11, 03:40 AM
Lol.. Only a vet can help with something like that.. Theres no quick fix. Or even a do it at home remedy.