View Full Version : Found a expired heron

07-17-11, 08:17 PM
Sorry if any of this bothers anyone...

So I found a expired heron near my house today. Apparently it got hit by a car and broke its neck. With the 100+ degree heat even though it doesn't appear to have been expired for long it is already pretty much in a state of being "mummified" or "baked". Because I enjoy collecting skulls (I have a fox and coyote skull) I am thinking about using the same technique I used on them to get this bird's skull. If it isn't messed up that is.

Because there is such a variety of people on this site I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a "progress report" of how things are going as I do the process? Complete with the technique I learned to retrieve the skull without having to boil or use insects. Could also include a picture or two along the way of it...keep in mind any pictures will not be bloody or gory in any way.

Would anyone be interested? Or is it just to disgusting for all of you?

07-17-11, 08:21 PM
I personally would love to see it ....

07-17-11, 08:36 PM
I'd be interested, I've cleaned lots of skulls in the past and its tricky but rewarding.

07-17-11, 08:38 PM
Yes! I have a black bear skull that I want to clean up, but o have no idea how to do it so it'll look nice

07-17-11, 08:57 PM
Careful with skulls like that in Canada, allot of them require that a registered taxidermist does the work and marks the skull. (some provinces)

07-17-11, 10:42 PM
I was interested but then you said no blood and gore. What a turn-off. hahaha j/k I would love to see progress pictures.

07-17-11, 10:46 PM
I would also love to see how you do this without boiling or insects, what else could you possibly do carve forever with a hobby knife? Like Stephan said be carefull...if fish and game saw you in possion of a dead heron you would be in some trouble... like thousands of dollars trouble...

07-17-11, 11:29 PM
Okay I will be more than happy to let everyone know. Tomorrow I will take some photos (and make sure they are tasteful) as well as give you my process. I am surprised more people don't do this technique...but then again it isn't a well known method to be honest.

07-18-11, 12:57 AM
Id be interested in the pictures as well.

07-18-11, 01:16 AM
Honestly I am surprised at all of you...but pleasantly so! Good to see a bunch of open minded people interested in this sort of thing. To be honest this will be my first attempt at a bird so I dunno how the feathers will handle the procedure...but we will see!

07-18-11, 01:21 AM
Im also interested in the process as ive always heard of people using beetles..

07-18-11, 01:26 AM
I think the process will surprise EVERYONE lol. Though I don't have my tools yet so tomorrow will be pictures of the bird and process explanation. Perhaps during the process I will take some pictures of how things are progressing...but I don't want pics that will possibly gross people out at the same time.

07-18-11, 01:36 AM
I will take some pictures of how things are progressing...but I don't want pics that will possibly gross people out at the same time.

We watch our snakes and monitors eat live food. I think we can handle it. ;)

07-18-11, 01:43 AM
We watch our snakes and monitors eat live food. I think we can handle it. ;)

Trust me the look of it after a few days...well the fox and coyote looks made me wretch physically and caused me to get a sort of "eerie" feeling. It can be unnerving. But I will see what I can do if you are really up for the torture ;)

07-18-11, 01:47 AM
Trust me the look of it after a few days...well the fox and coyote looks made me wretch physically and caused me to get a sort of "eerie" feeling. It can be unnerving. But I will see what I can do if you are really up for the torture ;)

Don't know what I won't like until I see it. ;) But I love horror movies, especially Zombie stuff.

07-18-11, 01:50 AM
Don't know what I won't like until I see it. ;) But I love horror movies, especially Zombie stuff.

Zombies are my one true fear and I love to watch the zombie movies too. A nice little fear rush the entire time watching. Not to mention a semi-sleepless night because of it later.

What are some of your zombie favorites? You an old school zombie person or some of these new ideas they have come up with?

07-18-11, 01:50 AM
LOL F/T food!! But in a sense your right.. Whats a bird skull to us "watching death vets" lol

07-18-11, 01:56 AM
hahaha Exactly.

If it is a Zombie movie I have probably seen it. Started out with "They're coming to get you, Barbara" and its remake. Love all the Resident Evil and watched The Walking Dead religiously. But I also enjoy oldies with Boris Karloff, Vincent Price, and Christopher Lee. But one of my real favorites is "Shaun of the Dead". So hilarious.

07-18-11, 01:58 AM
LOL F/T food!! But in a sense your right.. Whats a bird skull to us "watching death vets" lol

I guess it is a thing of perspective. Thankfully this heron is a "crispy critter" already and not as fresh as the coyote was. It was really retching at times checking on it's progress. Skin and flesh falling off while the eyes still in there and staring blankly -shudders- Still terrifies me.

If it is a Zombie movie I have probably seen it. Started out with "They're coming to get you, Barbara" and its remake. Love all the Resident Evil and watched The Walking Dead religiously. But I also enjoy oldies with Boris Karloff, Vincent Price, and Christopher Lee. But one of my real favorites is "Shaun of the Dead". So hilarious.

My two top favorites is Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the dead (both the original and the remake). Another one is 28 days later. But I have seen just about anything even remotely considered "zombie" as movies goes. Shaun of the Dead was epically funny. OMG Have you seen "Fido"? If you loved Shaun of the Dead you will LOVE L-O-V-E Fido.

07-18-11, 02:01 AM
Zombie movies really don't scare me but I enjoy when I get to jump. :) Last night I watched Insidious with my boys and it was actually pretty good.

07-18-11, 02:03 AM
I haven't seen Insidious yet...need to add it to my Netflix queue was it as good as I have heard it to be? Or was it predictable while still making you jump?

07-18-11, 02:05 AM
It was good. Really scared my boys. Had an unexpected ending and it really wasn't too predictable.

07-18-11, 03:17 AM
Zombie movies really don't scare me but I enjoy when I get to jump. :) Last night I watched Insidious with my boys and it was actually pretty good.

I thought the beginning was good but then... What happened??? LOL

07-18-11, 03:32 AM
I thought the beginning was good but then... What happened??? LOL

You fell asleep and I continued to watch it. ;)

07-18-11, 03:34 AM
You fell asleep and I continued to watch it. ;)

hahaha NO!! Did you notice that that evil guy looked just like "Darth Maul" from the recent Star Wars hahahah

07-18-11, 03:38 AM
hahaha NO!! Did you notice that that evil guy looked just like "Darth Maul" from the recent Star Wars hahahah

That is true and I found that very un-original. Much like some horror movies make the monster look like Alien (Sigourney Weaver movies). I watched so many horror movies that originality is what I'm looking for. And Insidious actually had a different story line, which was nice to see.

Some people compared it to Paranormal Activity, but that movie bored me to death. Nothing happened until the very end. The second one, the prequel, was a bit better.

07-18-11, 03:44 AM
I can't watch movies that are about ghosts and possessions. They unnerve me on a whole different level. No my thing is psychological thrillers. They aren't scary...just kinda creepy and all twisted. Like Black Swan or Buried. Two really good movies. I think the next thing on my list to watch is "Let me In" or something like that. But that is after the remake of the movie "True Grit".

Gotta love the NetFlix. Also you two are a hoot and I love chatting with both of ya!

07-18-11, 03:51 AM
@marionsclan: Alien was such a great movie! But i have to agree with you must now ah days are dumb. I thought Exorcist of Emily Rose was pretty scary LOL!

@NennaMeerkat: Possessions are always horrible haha, and black swan was decent, i really like Mila Kunis =] LOL. Netflix is good but i think they are about to or already have raised the price a few $$, ill find out when they bill me again hahah. And it does seem like it is always the 3 of us chatting hahah if you two ended up leaving the site i probably would to hahaha. As most of my replies are to you to.

07-19-11, 10:57 AM
I mess with dead mice and rats and if the snake strikes hard enough, there is the occasional blood and guts to clean up so I think I can handle it.

07-19-11, 02:01 PM
I'd love you see the skull, this sounds really neat.

Lol but on the other hand i just have to say, how can you fear zombies? the word zombie is dumb to me, something dead but alive? my cousin must be a zombie he was dead for 15 minutes before the hospital revived him and he's not scary at all. sry just cant take one more person asking me if i've tryed the new nazi zombie map or if i want to.

07-19-11, 06:40 PM
Wanted to apologize for not having anything up in a new thread! I am feeling a bit off lately and my sleeping schedule has suffered for it. Find myself sleeping 12 hours plus lately and when I am up I am just feeling drained. Gonna be taking some supplements and such to see if I can get everything back on track.

I will be putting up something ASAP in a new thread about everything along with pictures. I am not ignoring all of ya <3

As for why I fear zombies, I dunno why they are so scary to me. But they are. I have had sleepless nights staring at my big sliding glass doors that go into my backyard a bit paranoid about zombies and how it would be near impossible to defend because of those doors. When we lived with my in laws they had a HUGE house with a bunch of doors that had big glass panels in them and I often worried about the same thing in their house.

I guess that just makes me a little odd and a little crazy...

07-19-11, 06:53 PM
Im ready to see the skull and process. My uncle had a bob cat skull that he tried to boil and it didnt turn out great.

07-19-11, 06:59 PM
Im ready to see the skull and process. My uncle had a bob cat skull that he tried to boil and it didnt turn out great.

Boiling often makes the bone constrict and I have seen warped skulls where teeth no longer fit into the sockets and nasal cavities all collapsed. Boiling is only good for certain things. I would only use it to get the initial flesh/skin off but never to completely get a bone. It can also discolor the skull to a more non-natural yellow color.

07-19-11, 07:09 PM
Thats exactly what happened. The nose didnt collapse but teeth didnt fit.

07-19-11, 07:13 PM
Thats exactly what happened. The nose didnt collapse but teeth didnt fit.

I will have to take a picture of my fox skull. I have in tact sinuses that I am pretty proud of managing to save as well as all the teeth still fitting in the skull without the aid of glue. I would have a bottom jaw if it hadn't been broken into 6 different pieces. Poor guy was hit by a train and I found him a long time after his expiration. Which is why I am optimistic about this heron skull coming out nicely. The two were in near same conditions upon me finding them.

07-19-11, 10:28 PM
sry just cant take one more person asking me if i've tryed the new nazi zombie map or if i want to.

Have you tried the new nazi zombie map? It's pretty awesome.

Nenna- The suspense is killing me, you can't even give a hint as to how you do it without boiling/insects? My freezer consists of nothing but taxidermy projects.... Adult RTB heads, beardead dragon heads, giant monitors.....

07-19-11, 10:41 PM
Tomorrow okay ;) I promise tomorrow to get pictures of the mummified heron, my fox skull to show off the nasal passage still in tact, and of course posting up the technique that I do.

07-20-11, 02:32 AM
As for why I fear zombies, I dunno why they are so scary to me. But they are. I have had sleepless nights staring at my big sliding glass doors that go into my backyard a bit paranoid about zombies and how it would be near impossible to defend because of those doors. When we lived with my in laws they had a HUGE house with a bunch of doors that had big glass panels in them and I often worried about the same thing in their house.

I guess that just makes me a little odd and a little crazy...

Nah, you're not odd and crazy, you just fit right in with all the other humans. ;) But with glass doors I would worry about peeping Toms and Burglars. At least they announce Zombies on the radio and TV. hahahaha

07-20-11, 02:47 AM
Nah, you're not odd and crazy, you just fit right in with all the other humans. ;) But with glass doors I would worry about peeping Toms and Burglars. At least they announce Zombies on the radio and TV. hahahaha

Its funny I don't mind peeping toms or burglars but zombies are just ugh. I don't listen to the radio and since I have streaming Netflix and then any TV I record via my DVR from my cable company...I would be out of the loop. My only HOPE is the internet alerts me before it would be to late. But even then I don't have Facebook, only check my email maybe 1 time a day, and don't read the news on the net either.

Oh and did I mention if the power suddenly fails I immediately think its because of a zombie attack? Hubby likes to mess with me (if it is dark) and start making zombie moaning sounds...

07-20-11, 02:51 AM
Its funny I don't mind peeping toms or burglars but zombies are just ugh. I don't listen to the radio and since I have streaming Netflix and then any TV I record via my DVR from my cable company...I would be out of the loop. My only HOPE is the internet alerts me before it would be to late. But even then I don't have Facebook, only check my email maybe 1 time a day, and don't read the news on the net either.

Oh and did I mention if the power suddenly fails I immediately think its because of a zombie attack? Hubby likes to mess with me (if it is dark) and start making zombie moaning sounds...

Good for your hubby. Gotta get you out of that way of thinking. hahaha But just in case they do exist we will post something on here so you get it right away. ;)

07-20-11, 02:56 AM
Good for your hubby. Gotta get you out of that way of thinking. hahaha But just in case they do exist we will post something on here so you get it right away. ;)

Oh god. The mixture of my choice of smoke tonight and my sleeping aid made this statement probably 20 times more funny. Thanks for posting if the event happens. Just hope it is the American/Canadian folks that post. The UK I am not so worried about ;)

07-20-11, 02:58 AM
No problem. Oh hey, did you post pics yet?

07-20-11, 02:59 AM
****ZOMBIES**** (couldnt resist) ;)

07-20-11, 03:00 AM
No problem. Oh hey, did you post pics yet?

No I plan on making a completely different thread tomorrow with pics and an explanation that I am teasing all of you with. Gonna throw in some pics of my fox skull to show how well my process works.

07-20-11, 03:01 AM
****ZOMBIES**** (couldnt resist) ;)

HA HA HA ILU Lanky!! But bullocks to UK zombies ;)

07-20-11, 03:02 AM
UK zombies will be eating scones and drinking tea - very gentlemanly like!!

07-20-11, 03:03 AM
UK zombies will be eating scones and drinking tea - very gentlemanly like!!

With top hats (albeit moldy old ones) and monocles.

07-20-11, 03:24 AM
UK zombies will be eating scones and drinking tea - very gentlemanly like!!

Wallace: "Gromit, do you want a crumpet with your tea?"

07-20-11, 11:11 AM
So wheres the new thread

07-20-11, 11:47 AM
I haven't put it up yet. Got up about an hour ago and gotta get some other things done today first ;) Just be patient please.