View Full Version : madras forest scorpion

07-17-11, 10:46 AM
hi all, im thinking of getting a madras forest scorpion and i was wondering if anyone has had any experience with them and if so, what do i need, i have a couple 19l tubs lying around (1 of these: Really Useful Boxes® 19L Box - Clear - Staples - Staples (http://www.staples.co.uk/office-supplies/storage-archive-organisation/storage-boxes-plastic/really-useful-office-storage-boxes/19l-box-clear)), would this be ok and also whats the hustbandry for 1.

thanks all

07-17-11, 05:10 PM
The 19 is fine, although its alittle to deep.. But its suitable. Eco Earth, Coco Husk any of that substrate is fine. Just provide a hide, the shallower the better. I have a scorpion also, really easy to maintain.

07-17-11, 05:19 PM

07-17-11, 05:24 PM
wow cool and thanks for the info

07-17-11, 05:45 PM
Neat, maybe Il grab one of those badboys. Whats the price like, will I die if it tags me, etc. :3

07-17-11, 08:38 PM
Emps have mild venom, but you can be allergic. Like 10-25$.

07-17-11, 09:01 PM
Emps have mild venom, but you can be allergic. Like 10-25$.

Nice, Iv been googling the crap out of them for like 3 hours. Gonna get a breeding pair :3

07-17-11, 09:24 PM
i want a scorpion too, how hard are they husbandry and all that?

07-17-11, 10:20 PM
i want a scorpion too, how hard are they husbandry and all that?

Looks pretty simple.

The Emperor Scorpion, Pandinus imperator (C.L. KOCH) (http://www.thebts.co.uk/Pandinus_imperator.htm)

Black Emperor Scorpion Care Sheet Facts and Information | Scorpion Picture Guide (http://www.scorpionpictureguide.com/scorpions/emperor-scorpion-care/)

07-18-11, 12:43 AM
The husbandry is so simple ecoearth and a shallow hide and water dish.. Thats it.. you really dont need heat on the unless your house is considerably cold.

@vendettaseve 3 hours of research is plenty, theres not much to them.. Breeding is really easy to. And the Scorplings are awesome looking, they will ride the moma's back lol. Its also really really easy to tell if there males or females.

The claws are worse then the stinger IMO, they can cut and draw blood, and they will most likely use there claws before there stinger, or both at the same time. Chances are if you get one and handle it once week, carefully you will never get stung.

07-18-11, 01:42 PM
Yep Im deff interested in getting a pair, especially since you can cohab them till the female becomes gravid. I love watching little communities like that :D

07-18-11, 03:37 PM
"It will need a heat pad on one side of the tank." Taken from that caresheet.
I thought those were bad for scorps.

07-18-11, 04:41 PM
"It will need a heat pad on one side of the tank." Taken from that caresheet.
I thought those were bad for scorps.

Duno, Iv read 4 or 5 different care sheets and they all suggest Heat pads over Lights due to the nocturnal nature of the little guys.

07-18-11, 09:29 PM
I would never recommend one.. Scorpions bury themselves to escape the heat.. If the heat pad is on the bottom it can easily cook them.. A heat pad on the SIDE is fine, just not under the substrate.

07-18-11, 11:48 PM
I'm looking at them too, don't mean to thread jack, sorry, I was thinking of keeping mine In a tub... would that work? And my snake room will always be 85-90 degrees, so woukd I even need a uth or anything ..... again, sorry to thread jack.

07-19-11, 12:06 AM
Your not thread jacking in the slightest.. A tub is fine for a single specimen and 85F is great 90f will be pretty high... you could even go lower then 85f and still be fine.

07-19-11, 05:29 AM
i believe its 80-87f for scorps isnt it kd

07-19-11, 11:31 AM
cool, i may be getting one, i have always wanted one, but just really never thought of getting one.

I will prolly use a tub, and just set it int he snake room (away from snake rack ) so it will be around 84 ish.... i do have 4 thermometers in the snake room... or i may just use a 5 gal tank, i read that that is fine too, im just getting one...

07-19-11, 11:41 AM
I believe its a 10 gallon.

07-19-11, 11:53 AM
I believe its a 10 gallon.

I read on a care sheet 5-10, if its best for a 10, i will use a tub instead...

i will probably use a tub regaurdless though...

07-19-11, 12:34 PM
@ilovemypets1988: yea anything a few degrees above or below 80F is fine.

@Lil Boa: Tub will be fine, as will a 10G, 5G may be alittle small. If you do choose a tub, make sure you provide 3x the amount of ventilation holes you would for a snake.

07-19-11, 08:05 PM
@ilovemypets1988: yea anything a few degrees above or below 80F is fine.

@Lil Boa: Tub will be fine, as will a 10G, 5G may be alittle small. If you do choose a tub, make sure you provide 3x the amount of ventilation holes you would for a snake.

THAnks!!! What size tub would be good??

07-19-11, 08:10 PM
THAnks!!! What size tub would be good?? 12 quart sterilite will be fine. and no problem.

07-19-11, 08:38 PM
12 quart sterilite will be fine. and no problem.

okay, and i must thank you again...:) hopfully i can pick one of these guys up!

07-19-11, 11:47 PM
If shipping wasn't so expensive id give you one.. If you found a overnight quote to 29607 was cheaper then one in the pet store ill give you a well started sex of your choice.

07-20-11, 07:18 AM
i have no idea how to even get a quote for a animal shipping... lol i live in Bellevue Ohio 44811, if you get me a quote on shipping, i may just pay for it :) getting one from you would be worth it... seeing as you do know what your talking about and all that...