View Full Version : Skink sneazing

07-12-11, 06:54 PM
hello everyone, i have a blue tongue skink, pretty much an adult, about a foot long or more.

i finds that she sneezes alot, every half hour or so somtimes twice in a row.
everything is in spec, she seems very healthy, nothing else seems to be wrong.

im thinking its due to the way she eats, i feed her a scoop of organic baby food mooshed up with a scoop of can cat food often, she loves it, and that was what the pet store feed her on. but thats all they feec her on, im experimenting with fruits and greens/ live prey as well with not much luck.

but when she eats she digs her face right in, covering her face, nose, mouth, chin, and the rest of the tank, lol keeps me busy cleaning for sure,

so im thinking she just fills her nose with food.

anyone else expirence this?

07-12-11, 06:55 PM
Any discharge from the nose?

07-12-11, 06:58 PM
Have you ever witnessed your skink with his mouth open for periods of time?

07-13-11, 05:59 PM
no discharge from nose, have not seen her mouth open besides eatting or tasting

07-14-11, 08:31 AM
Is the substrate dusty?

10-07-11, 03:20 PM
i heard somelizards discharge extra salt from a gland from there nose dont know if its true for skinks as i know nothing about them just something i read might be worth looking into to eaze your mind

10-08-11, 08:05 AM
i heard somelizards discharge extra salt from a gland from there nose dont know if its true for skinks as i know nothing about them just something i read might be worth looking into to eaze your mind

my lacerta does that if I feed him boiled chicken as a treat

10-08-11, 10:42 PM
I know nothing of stinks- but what you said makes me imagine a person, in my head the stereotypical bottomless pit for a stomach male ;p, stuffing there face with food flying all over in an animated way, and sneezing it out their nose. o.o Hopefully nothing is wrong with the little girl.