View Full Version : New from oklahoma

07-12-11, 03:02 PM
My name is william watts and I live in oklahoma. I have burmese,retics,corns,balls, and about to get into leopard geckos.

07-12-11, 04:50 PM
sSnakeSs.com - Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules)


07-12-11, 04:52 PM
Welcome to the forums.
Post pics of the retics please!!
What morphs of retics/burms?

God, if i lived in oklahoma I'd live in Bob's facility =/

07-12-11, 04:58 PM
hello and welcome

cheers shaun

07-12-11, 05:02 PM
Welcome to the forum, where in OK do you live, i lived there for 16 year.

07-12-11, 05:26 PM
Hello and welcome! Would love to see pictures of your collection.

07-12-11, 10:41 PM
I live in midwest city. I have a lav retic male about 6 ft, a male albino green patternless burmese thats 11 foot, a 3 foot albino lab burn. I have a 3 foot albino red cornsnake that I just got yesterday, the guy hadnt fed her since march. Its unreal. And my balls pythons are a male pinstripe and a female pastel. The balls are just hatchlings so im waiting on them to shed there first time and eat befor I can pick them up. Im looking for a female retic and a female and a male corn snake.

07-13-11, 07:29 AM
Are you looking for a female retic because yours are male and you want to breed?

07-13-11, 07:33 AM
Oh so you live right next to OKC, i lived in Lawton.
If your looking for a female retic there are some great breeders out there look up Harry from monstersankesforever.com he has some SWEET looking retics and is really helpful.

07-13-11, 07:34 AM
Harry is great, Bob is great, and there are lots of smaller breeders

07-13-11, 09:08 AM
Harry is great, Bob is great, and there are lots of smaller breeders

Bob is doing things.. He is a beast.

07-15-11, 10:59 AM
I was out at bob clarks warehouse yesterday. Im going to get 2 female retics for my male and I need 2 corns, a male and another female, then I need another female burn really.