View Full Version : just bought a zoo med under tank heater

07-11-11, 06:51 PM
if i put it on a wood table could it start a fire? im experienced i know

07-11-11, 06:54 PM
it usually comes with little plastic things to lift your tank off the table so that the uth doesnt even touch the table. and even if it did come in direct contact i think youre fine.

07-11-11, 06:56 PM
it usually comes with little plastic things to lift your tank off the table so that the uth doesnt even touch the table. and even if it did come in direct contact i think youre fine.
this ^^^^^^^
Avoid letting them make contact though.

07-11-11, 07:42 PM
Is there a manual? It should say if its a hazard to come in contact with the table or not.

07-11-11, 07:47 PM
Not a hazard, I use them on my snake and my leopards. There are little plastic tabs that come with it but honestly I have had mine come off and it has been no problem. What you do have to be careful of is the tank sitting on top of the plastic area that is on the pad. That could cause damage and thus it not function properly OR the fire you dread.

07-11-11, 07:48 PM
I would not put it on wood it will mess it up with the heat and can cause fire.

07-11-11, 07:53 PM
I would not put it on wood it will mess it up with the heat and can cause fire.

I have never had a problem with it and all my tanks are on wood of some kind. Both painted and non. Finished and non. Hasn't messed up the heat production either. The only time I have seen that is if the aquarium is resting directly on the housing part of the UTH which is where the cord goes into the UTH.

07-11-11, 08:00 PM
I have my tank sitting on a dining room bench, it fits on it perfectly, and the heater has those little knobby thingys on it just to make sure it doesn't touch the wood, but so far I have not noticed any change in shape or color of the bench.

07-11-11, 08:21 PM
Unless the enclosure is already lifted off the table or whatever surface, use the pastic 'feet' to do so.
Not doing so /will/ cause damage to the cord as your tank edge will smush it, can damage the pad itself, and /can/ cause a fire, as jen said.
Just because you haven't had it happen yet doesn't mean it won't.

07-11-11, 08:32 PM
that paper you ripped out because you dont need that junk LOL dont worry im the same way, well it tells you that its good on any surface as long as the back has and inch of space to vent off the back of the pad, or somthing like that i read it a few years back because i wasnt sure either. i use the heat cord on my wood/mallemine cages and its fine.

07-12-11, 08:46 AM
Just want to mention that if its hot enough to cause a fire its far to hot for your animal!! If you have it on a thermostat it "should" be fine. I would just make sure you don't pinch the cord.

07-12-11, 09:32 AM
If you're concerned about contact with a wood table, place a ceramic tile or two underneath the heat pad. But as mentioned, make sure there is a half inch or so of ventilation for the pad (i.e., raise the viv).