View Full Version : boa constrictor

07-11-11, 04:06 PM
i thought my female boa was pregnant but she just ate a rabbit. i wanted to see if she was pregnant because i heard snakes dont eat when there prego. the male spent about two months wrapped around her tail and then he stopped paying attention to her so i thought the deed was done. so can someone please tell me if its possible shes pregnant! thank you

07-12-11, 05:26 AM
sSnakeSs.com - Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules)


Isaac's Ark
07-12-11, 06:35 AM
Keep your chin up my friend you just learned the cardinal rule of boa breeding it sucks it is hard and you wait forever just to find out you failed.
But I swear to you as much as they are not a instant breeder kit you will soon learn that there is no greater reward then producing from the species you chose to work with. Reading the limited amount of information available in your post there is only one thing that I am seeing that went wrong but with out knowing the real deal you could have never seen this coming. I want to tell you know that I can not show you nor can I tell you how to breed your boas over such a simple medium such as the internet their for I do not judge you by your faults our your failures I will keep my judgment for the day of your success and I would urge others to do the same.
Boas can and do eat while gravid. Some may choose not to but it is suggested to try small meals every now and again to keep a steady supply of follicle developing energy flowing to the babies the problem that can arise come when we feed an item to large such as a bunny as the female will digests this prey item and pass it as stool then there runs a risk of premature labor and she can spit out under developed embryos during a bowl movement. Like I said before if you did not know then you did not know and no one can judge you for that what is important is that now you know. I would hit the books hard and prep your up and coming season with the same vigilance as DR. Frankenstein. Just remember no one person no one website can teach you more then your animals can strap in and hold on tight because these guys will take you on the ride of your life.

Good luck with your adventure.
Isaac's Ark

07-12-11, 07:32 AM
Snakes rarely eat while pregnant, but its not unheard of.

07-13-11, 12:33 AM
thanx very much for all the info its very much appreciated, i have bred her before and it was a 100% success and she had 18 beautiful babies. i dont think this time it worked she doesnt look big except she has a meal in her now. her seperation from the male was april 15th of this year when he stopped paying attention to her. the diameter of her body(mid section) last time was about 8 inches. when shes normal its about 6 inches with no food in her thats around where shes sitting right now. like i said normally when i feed her she is not one to deny food wether it be a chicken or a rabbit but after she was seperated 3 seperate times in three weeks i tried to feed her and she didnt take any of them i figured she was pregnant but i guess will wait and see. wish me luck! i also would like to Know oppinions on (i believe its ecoterra reptile incubators)that go for around 250 dollars at local pet stores, r they any good. thanks again

07-13-11, 07:23 AM
I can teach you how to make a great 4X2X2foot incubator for under 150$
Why do you want one if you are working with boas?

07-14-11, 11:00 AM
i have ball pythons and carpets to. nothing spectacular but working on it. i appreciate the help in making one but i dont have alot of time we just had a baby and for me it would be easier to just buy one but thanks again.

07-14-11, 12:01 PM
How many eggs do you need to incubate at once?

07-14-11, 11:12 PM
probably no more than 12. i found how to make one quick and easy for around $20 using a styrfoam fish container and a night light.

07-15-11, 01:16 AM
probably no more than 12. i found how to make one quick and easy for around $20 using a styrfoam fish container and a night light.
You do know that if you don't use a thermostat thats not going to work right?

07-15-11, 11:49 PM
no i no thats the expensive part of it. when i first started breeding corns wich were accidental pregnancys that i was told they were both male. i had nothing but a container in a high humid area in a tank that hatched 8o% of the eggs. this was when i was not prepared for the proper incubation procedures.

07-15-11, 11:58 PM
now i have the help from breeders out my way that have taught me what i need to know. i just ask some questions because this is what this site is about and still appreciate your assistants and thank you for the help. i enjoy talking to people that no what there talking about not the people that think they do!

07-15-11, 11:59 PM
If you had a successful pregnancy with your boa then wouldn't you know how she acts when she is pregnant? And can accidental pregnancies be considered breeding Corns? But I would think that having 20% of the eggs die you would have already invested in a proper incubation set-up.