View Full Version : Toronto Breeders

07-08-11, 03:11 PM

I'm looking to eventually get a ball python, as this will be my first time taking care of a snake and I just would like to be able to ask someone questions and make sure I have everything covered. I'm also looking to build a relationship with a builder specifically in Toronto, or as close to Toronto as possible. If anyone knows of any breeders or are a breeder yourself in Toronto then please let me know.

07-08-11, 08:18 PM
TONS of ball python breeders in and around the GTA. Myself included.

07-08-11, 08:19 PM
Mykee is awesome, great guy :)

07-08-11, 11:54 PM
I was actually looking, and bookmarked, your website earlier. I've been through a lot of different sites, including Markus and Jayne's, trying to find the closest one as possible. They're pretty far away, and I've been hoping to find a good breeder that would be as close as possible. The funny thing is that when I was reading the "about us" part the thing that really caught my eye, especially after having been through so many other site today, was that you have a lab named Kayla lol
I would love to have the oppourtunity to talk with you more, and just discuss what I am looking for in more detail. See what your opinion would be, and such if you have the spare time.

07-09-11, 05:04 AM
Trust anyhting that Mykee tells you about BP's - he can be kinda blunt but you know exactly where you stand and he will set you up right.

07-09-11, 07:06 AM
Trust anyhting that Mykee tells you about BP's - he can be kinda blunt but you know exactly where you stand and he will set you up right.

Really? That's great, exactly what I'm looking for. Someone to tell me how it is, and know what they're talking about :D
Although so far, a lot of people on this site do, I'm glad I found it. Everyone seems so nice and don't mind helping with all my questions.

07-09-11, 10:55 AM
Mykee won't stear you wrong, and he's produced some really nice looking balls. :)
Good luck on your search for your first scaley baby. Ball Pythons are a huge joy. :)

07-09-11, 11:01 AM
Lol thank you :)
I hope it goes well too, I can't wait till I finally have one of my own instead of going to pet stores and staring.. >.<