View Full Version : LAST QUESTIONS for enclosure questions!!!!!!!

07-08-11, 12:34 PM
Okay guys, my clips came in today and i got my heat tape all hooked up... i wraped electrical tape around all clips and everything, hooked it up and it works great!!!

now, i want to clean out tubs, and get my thermometers glued down so they sit in the same spot... i want to use a glue gun, i just want to be sure that is safe to use... of course i will not do it with the snake in the cage, and i will give it about 30 min. or so to cool off...

also, i need a CHEAP thermostat... less than $40, i have a rheostat, but my room gets very warm... right now the tubs are all at 92-89 degrees, witch is fine, but thats back heat, im guessing that belly heat will be warmer... so if anyone knows a cheaper thermostat please let me know!!

and very last.... where can i buy a HUGE tub... like, 4ftx2ftx2ft...????

FInished rack, and heat tape wired up... dont mind the mess :)


07-08-11, 12:39 PM
if your gunna use a glue gun, give it 2 hrs before puting the snakes back in becoz of fumes, better safe than sorry, try something called mini habistat, there on ebay for very cheap, tubs, go onto amazon and look at really useful boxes, ad tubs, thats your best bet for cheap things, infact try amazon completely, i dont know what the american markets like for a,azon, but the uk is pretty full on.

07-08-11, 01:07 PM
Thanks, I will give it a few hours, i have some extra tubs i can put the snakes in while they get their home redone... (1 at a time).

ill check out the habistat, and the reallyuseful boxes... and see what i can do. as for amazon, they are awesome here!! thats where i do %90 of my xmas shopping and stuff!!

07-08-11, 01:14 PM
just to let eveyone know, i checked out some on amazon, and i found a 116 qt tub... not too sure of the demensions,

07-08-11, 02:46 PM
You can also try the Container store and see if they have something that will work for you: The Container Store - The Original Storage and Organization Store® (http://www.containerstore.com/welcome.htm)

07-08-11, 02:57 PM
have you got the ink for the tub boa, i maybe able to compare it for you with something on my comp and give u an approximation on dimensions , also happy to help :)

07-08-11, 05:12 PM
you can get really big tubs but have to wait around xmas for the xmas tree tubs

07-08-11, 10:33 PM
ilovemypets- not too sure on what you mean by your post, sorry :( im a little confused... lol but i would love a 4ftx2ftx2ft tub...

Mariosclan, i tried them.. couldnt find anything big enought... ill look again.

Jenn- thats may what i have to do.. oh well, i dont need it right now, guess i could wait.