View Full Version : I would like a Tegu or a BT Skink, plz. KTHXBY

07-04-11, 12:08 AM
So, I've looked into Lizards and Monitors and have falling in love with Tegus and Blue Tongue Skinks. And of course now I would like to own one.

I've looked around and priced some of them but they either charge way too much for a "Columbian" Black and White (only Argentinian come that way) or the price is acceptable but the shipping is over the top.

Can I get some leads as to where to go from here or maybe one of you has Babies that you are adopting out? Any suggestions are welcome!

red ink
07-04-11, 04:51 AM
No experience with Tegus..... but blue toungues are cool. I have a shingleback skink which is a species of BTS. It's the most hassle and worry free reptile I have ever owned. I have also owned Eastern blue toungues in the past and their cool as well.

07-04-11, 05:56 AM
Yes, they are. I've handled one at the pet store and he was just so contend hanging out on me. Very cool!

07-04-11, 09:35 AM
I'd recommend a BTS. Unless you're prepared for a lizard that will need a large custom cage, I'd stay away from a tegu. They can also be very expensive to feed, just because they can eat A LOT.

Blue tongues, on the other hand, will do fine in a 40 breeder or 55 gallon tank. They tend to be very friendly, depending on the locale and whether it's WC or CB. If you haven't already checked it out, here is a GREAT care sheet for BTS: Blue Tongue Skinks - Welcome to BlueTongueSkinks.NET ! (http://bluetongueskinks.net/)

07-04-11, 09:43 AM
Get a blue tongue unless you're very experienced with large lizards. I assume you are from Loveland CO, so if you decide you are set on a tegu, I should be able to get you something locally so you don't have to deal with the shipping costs.

07-04-11, 04:38 PM
just wondering why your looking for a columbian over a argentina. just curious. i have a golden tegu.

07-04-11, 04:55 PM
i recomend a argentina as well if your going for a tegu as well, i read and have heard from people who own them that i trust, and columbians not only imho not looks as good, but their temperments are worse as well. you will expect to pay 3x more for the argentina as well, but with a tegu it does not matter because the prise of the lizard is the last of your concern, big $ feeding and heating and housing them. i dont know anything about skinks so this is clearly a biast point of view lol. Gl with your choice, either way i want to see lots of pics :)

07-04-11, 05:12 PM
No exp, but I love the look of skinks. Tegus are awesome looking, but can be alot of work. Feeding can be a large expense as well. If u ever needed to have someone care for ur animals a skink would be much easier. I almost lost a finger to an Argentinian, he was hungry and much faster than I thought!

07-04-11, 05:34 PM
i recomend a argentina as well if your going for a tegu as well, i read and have heard from people who own them that i trust, and columbians not only imho not looks as good, but their temperments are worse as well. you will expect to pay 3x more for the argentina as well, but with a tegu it does not matter because the prise of the lizard is the last of your concern, big $ feeding and heating and housing them. i dont know anything about skinks so this is clearly a biast point of view lol. Gl with your choice, either way i want to see lots of pics :)
Never seen a difference in the 2 species myself, mostly the difference in keepers. Cheap kids buy columbians because of the cheap price tag. Educated individuals pay more for the "better" looking animal and get a more placid behaving animal as a result. Swap the 2 species and you'll find mean argentines and "tame" columbians.

No exp, but I love the look of skinks. Tegus are awesome looking, but can be alot of work. Feeding can be a large expense as well. If u ever needed to have someone care for ur animals a skink would be much easier. I almost lost a finger to an Argentinian, he was hungry and much faster than I thought!
Get a BTS, Tegus are not a beginner lizard.

07-04-11, 07:20 PM
As others have said, Tegu's are not beginner lizards, although they are one of the most amazing species to keep!

If you do choose to get a Tegu, there are only 2 places the breed them within the US, all others are wild caught imports, I bought mine from TeguTerra:
Home - (http://www.teguterra.com/)

Varnyard is also very good:
HOME - Varnyard Stock Tegus For Sale (http://www.tegusforsale.com/)

07-05-11, 12:09 AM
Great responses, everyone.

I don't prefer Columbian over Argentinian, only when it comes to the money, but I've read that many breeder trying to trick people by telling them that their Columbian is a true Black and White when in fact that term is only used with Argentinian.

As for food, they do eat lots of different stuff and most of it is human food. Dog food can also be added and because I've been owning big dogs all my life the Tegu would just be another big animal to feed. :) But I do like the BTS compactness.

And thank you for the suggestions about where to get one. So far I found one for $55 and if it were only that then great, but I hate having to pay for shipping.

Dehlida, please let me know what you can find here locally in either Tegu or BTS. I would greatly appreciate it. Btw, Petsmart has a BTS for $100 on sale right now.

07-05-11, 12:29 AM
As for food, they do eat lots of different stuff and most of it is human food. Dog food can also be added and because I've been owning big dogs all my life the Tegu would just be another big animal to feed. :)

Do not feed a Tegu dog food. Simple as that.
Also, a Tegu is not "just another big animal to feed". Not trying to be rude, but you seem to be approaching the idea of a Tegu with a complete wrong mindset.

Tegu's take work, if not treated properly throughout their life you may end up with a 5 foot long lizard that despises you, with full ability to remove a finger for you.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think there is a reptile that gets any more "affectionate" than a Tegu, they are truly an amazing animal. But they come with great responsibility, you absolutely need to do plenty of research before considering purchasing one.
YouTube - ‪Gibson2010.wmv‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqFMbApxNzA)

YouTube - ‪Do Tegus Seek Attention? - SiscoReptiles.com - tegu-attention‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBICGcshTV0)

07-05-11, 08:04 AM
Tegus are allot of work, Avoid them if you aren't willing to dedicate allot of time.

Herp Honey
07-05-11, 09:12 AM
Blueys are much better pets and very cool. Love mine!!

07-05-11, 09:45 AM
Blueys are much better pets and very cool. Love mine!!

There is no validity to that statement. Easier yes, better no.

07-05-11, 09:59 AM
Blueys are much better pets and very cool. Love mine!!

I wouldn't say they are better in general. However, I'd say they are definitely better for a first time lizard owner than a tegu.