View Full Version : Terrarium Backgrounds?

07-03-11, 07:21 PM
Anyone know a good place west of toronto or online that has nice terrarium backgrounds. I been to a few local pet stores but most of them only have ones for fish tanks or like the desert, might print my own off if i cant find one.

also, what do you use for a back drop if anything?

07-03-11, 07:25 PM
Google images "amazing nature backgrounds" and find what you like, print it out and laminate.

07-03-11, 08:08 PM
The answers to this question are as diverse as the animals we keep. Without getting into too much detail first consider what type of BG you want, be it just a picture, a foam or cork board, or something you're going to be planting in. From there, research, research, and more RESEARCH! The best backgrounds are always ones you've made yourself.

07-04-11, 05:06 PM
The answers to this question are as diverse as the animals we keep. Without getting into too much detail first consider what type of BG you want, be it just a picture, a foam or cork board, or something you're going to be planting in. From there, research, research, and more RESEARCH! The best backgrounds are always ones you've made yourself.

Yeah i think thats what im going to have to do, Ive made foam backgrounds before but have a big rack i built to put my tank in and was going to put like a poster on the back of it, outside of his enclosure, just something to hide the MDF backplate, (the racks out of nice wood)

Might have to go back to my roots of graphic design and get my own printed off.