View Full Version : Weight loss..

04-22-02, 02:31 PM

I have a female burm that hard a minor respiritory infection .. I decided to simply raise her temps and she had a start of mouth rot too .. but that went away after her shed .. (this is how i got her) She weighed 53 pounds by then .. about 2 month later the RI started getting worst to a point where you could hear the breathing and her mouth rot exploded in a couple of days .. I brought her to the vet and got her on Baythrill...

Ever since then her skin has looked like **** .. very dry and broken up (due to strees I imagine) .. I give her bath everyday ... it does not help..

About 2 weeks ago .. This snake was also one that overdosed from the flagyl .. and now she is in the worst of conditions I have ever seen (still head twiching from the overdose)..

I have honestly never seen a snakes skin in such deplorable conditions..

I am possitive its completly do stress and not living conditions because she was housed with a male and he is in perfect conditions ..

She also has gone from 53 pounds to 40 pounds .. What can I do to help her? I am starting to believe I willl loose her soon if I don't do something ...

I am trying to reduce her stress as much as possible but I still need to clean her mouth everyday and give her injections .. If any one has any advise .. pass it my way ..


04-22-02, 03:15 PM
what temps do you keep her at?do you still have the male in with her?how high is the humidity in her cage?

04-22-02, 05:01 PM

But i will still say it .. she is housed alone and has been for the past month .. (seperated at the end of the breeding season).. Humidity is around 60 on anygiven basis with 2 to 3 daily misting .. she is given bath of 15 minutes to 5 hours everyday .. her temps are beween 75 and 95 (to increase her metabolism to figh the RI)

I don't mean to be harsh but i knew someone would say well its a problem with humidity or somethig .. It isn't.. I apreciate the help Joe and Mellisa but I have been going thru hell .. lost two animals this month and I don't want to loose a third .. not to metion my whole collection is overdosing.. and I might loose my two ball pythons too ..

I need to know a way to reduce her stress levels .. Any help please..

Should I keep her in a 24 hour dark enclosure ..

her enclosure is covered on 3 side and on side is open .. should I cover all sides?

I mean anything plzz


04-22-02, 05:06 PM
put her on very damp sphagnum moss to keep her skin hydrated and then you wont have to take her out to bath her that should cut down on some stress.

jason h
04-23-02, 07:01 AM
hey dom the baytrill will also dehydrate te snake causeing the skin to dry out i had to wipe mine down acouple of times a day with a wet cloth as well as put him in the tub for a soak, my vet told me about the dehydration caused when she prescrbed the baytril for my burm.hope this helps.

04-23-02, 04:15 PM
Thanks Jasone .. Joe and Melissa .. those are all great advices..

I have no Idea if she drinks or not .. but i imagine she is .. or else she would probably be dead..

I thought of tube feeding her water .. but that would simply increase her strees ..

Do u think she is seriously dehydrated.. How can u tell how badly dehydrated a snake is?

Corey Woods
04-23-02, 07:17 PM
This is what I would do. Leave her alone and don't touch her.....only interact with her to clean her cage. Give her a hide box on the hot end of the cage set at 90F. Give her a water dish that she can soak in (large rubbermaid). Then keep the lights off 24 hours a day until she starts getting better. If she isn't eating then try feeding her a live rat, rabbit or duck late at night. Burms love to eat birds so if the rat or rabbit doesn't work get a duck. The best time to offer the food is after 10pm.

If you need more help you can call me....my number is 519-648-3114.

Good Luck but it doesn't sound good.

04-23-02, 08:37 PM
tx Correy but trying to feed her right now is not an option ..

Even when I just give her her shots or simply open the cage to look at her, her head twiches .. she is still overdosing ..

Until she can lay still I will not try to feed her since it simply makes her go even more nuts...