View Full Version : Got a new snow yesterday.

01-05-03, 04:34 PM
She isn't as white as she should be for 12 months but I still love her and she originally comes from Donald's Dragons. Thanks Lisa and Jamie. She is doing great and eating up a store. She really loves her greens :D
I decided to keep the name she had at the Donald's so her name is Angel. :D She's a snow angel. lol.

She has her own 55 gal. quarenteen cage.


01-06-03, 05:09 PM
hee, hee, guess I should proof read, that is eating up a storm, not a store. lol.
here are a couple more pics of her. :D after lights out.



01-06-03, 05:11 PM
Nice looking dragon

01-07-03, 11:57 AM
She's a charming snow angel. Even though she might not be as white as some, she's lovely and of course she carries those good genes which makes her a valuable breeder, if you are so inclined.

I like the idea of eating up a store. I can just imagine turning my doom of dragons loose in the produce department at the local supermarket and watching them wreak havoc. ;)

01-07-03, 12:00 PM
Nice beardie:)