View Full Version : most pathetic display ever.(good news NO cancer found)
06-28-11, 02:44 PM
Folks, I just returned from the hospital intensive care unit, earlier today uncle Tom collapsed on the floor, turns out he is bleeding internally (his colon ruptured).
Anyhow, Dorothy called 911 and an ambulance was sent to our home....
The first medic here started through the front door and as soon as he noticed 7 aquariums in our living room, all with snakes inside them, he ran back out the door!!!!!:mad:
Out of the whole crew that arrived, only one medic had the balls to enter our house and help.
They have admitted Tom to the hospital, and he will require surgery to repair his ruptured colon.
But what really has my blood boiling is the stupid fact that we had medics here that were afraid of garter snakes housed in sealed cages!!:mad::mad:
They made that poor man come out on the front porch before they would put him on a stretcher (Gurney)
06-28-11, 02:48 PM
Honestly you would think medics would concentrate more on the fact there is a guy dying (or possibly dying) on the floor. Hell I would wade through a sea of beetles (I HATE them) to save someone's life. So sad to hear they were that incompetent. I would complain if I were you.
Also I hope your Uncle all the best to get well ASAP
06-28-11, 02:48 PM
You have got to be kidding me............. They are in cages, they aren't going to jump out and attack you! Not that they would do that anyway...
06-28-11, 02:52 PM
You have got to be kidding me............
Couldn't make that up if I tried.
He passed out in the middle of my race track Sunday and freaked out some kids racing around on their dirt bikes, we drove him to the emergency room then, the doctors gave him a MRI, they concluded he was "bound up" and gave him a bottle of hospital laxatives to drink.
Yesterday he was bleeding into the toilet most of the day and refused any help.
06-28-11, 02:58 PM
I would kick some ***... There is no call for that level of negligence...
06-28-11, 03:00 PM
In the hospitals defence, the MRI did not show any ruptures.. He was schediled for a colonoscopy (butt camera) on July 6.
No excuse for the medics.
06-28-11, 03:03 PM
I'm referring to the medics, they should get canned, and you should get some form of compensation... They should pay medical bills, for all you know it didn't rupture till after they danced outside crying.
06-28-11, 03:04 PM
I'm referring to the medics, they should get canned, and you should get some form of compensation... They should pay medical bills, for all you know it didn't rupture till after they danced outside crying.
What if making him walk outside cause the rupture?!?! The fact they made him move at all to me is awful conduct!
06-28-11, 03:06 PM
Thats just sad.. shame on them for being so childish.
Sending good thoughts for a fast recovery!!
06-28-11, 03:07 PM
that's bad. apparently one of our friends who is prone to siezures had one at my buddies the other day and they called 9-11 and i guess the paramedics saw the waterpipes on the mantle (everyone in that house has medical cards) and started asking if she did any drugs and they said no she didn't do anything and he basically didn't believe them and started incinuating that she was on extacy and accusing people of things and basically they looked at him and went dude she doesn't even live here, she just happened to have a seizure and we need help, she wasn't even smoking or doing anything but she does have a serious allergy to nuts, so she has medicine for that i guess. luckily her sister was down the street and saw all the commotion and told the paramedics exactly what medication she was on and all the info they needed and it was ok, but it was just bad that they saw the people's stuff and just started making this whole rediculous story in their head when they could have just believed us in the first place. if someone is having seizures and potentially dieing, i'll GLADLY tell you what drugs they took, if any. i don't see how someone could lie about that, or why they would expect someone would.
06-28-11, 03:07 PM
I am so sorry to hear that. I hope there is something they can do for him to make him feel better.
As for the medics they are taught, same goes for cops, that if they feel in danger it is OK to back off and make sure everything is safe first. Their life is more important because they do a public service and the city/state has invested a lot of money into their training. Sad but true. Good thing that there are a few special individual who don't give a rat's arse and help wherever they can.
06-28-11, 03:10 PM
What if making him walk outside cause the rupture?!?! The fact they made him move at all to me is awful conduct!
The internal bleeding has been going on for days now.
I just hope it's not colon cancer.
06-28-11, 03:11 PM
I am so sorry to hear that. I hope there is something they can do for him to make him feel better.
As for the medics they are taught, same goes for cops, that if they feel in danger it is OK to back off and make sure everything is safe first. Their life is more important because they do a public service and the city/state has invested a lot of money into their training. Sad but true. Good thing that there are a few special individual who don't give a rat's arse and help wherever they can.
Snakes behind glass = not a threat even if they were venomous. The fact that there are other people in the home, no snakes out, and the places the snakes are in are secure should be realized. The fact they made the man walk out of the house is just sickening.
There is a difference between stupidity, fear, and cautiousness. I am sure Infernalis and family were telling the paramedics the snakes weren't dangerous.
06-28-11, 03:13 PM
There is a difference between stupidity, fear, and cautiousness. I am sure Infernalis and family were telling the paramedics the snakes weren't dangerous.
I was 20 miles away when I got the call, I arrived home just as the ambulance was leaving.
Luckily, Ed (one of the Med Techs) is a personal friend who has sat in my living room for many hours with those snakes.
He was the one who had no problems entering the house.
06-28-11, 03:15 PM
sheesh. just goes to show how uneducated most people in reptiles. its even more sad that they were just little garters.
06-28-11, 04:05 PM
Thought and prayer with you and your family Wayne. Hope all works out for you all.
06-28-11, 04:26 PM
That is one of the most disgusting stories I have ever heard. A mans life is at stake and you, as a professional, run out the door like a child? They should be ashamed.
Hope your uncle is ok man
06-28-11, 05:04 PM
It's almost unbelievable that in the year 201 and in the most technologically advanced and powerful nation to ever exist, snake hysteria still exists. It is pathetic.
Just a friendly suggestion to try to turn this into a positive. Maybe you can contact the ambulance/firefighter folks and set up an educational presentation. If they are reasonable people, I don't see why they would object.
06-28-11, 05:12 PM
Just a friendly suggestion to try to turn this into a positive. Maybe you can contact the ambulance/firefighter folks and set up an educational presentation. If they are reasonable people, I don't see why they would object.
That is a good idea actually. After their display they should be more than willing to do something to get control over themselves and their fear.
06-28-11, 05:35 PM
Hope he as a fast recover and it turn out to be nothing major.
As for the rescue crew maybe then need to find a news job. Just plain disgusting their lack of professionalism.
06-28-11, 05:46 PM
They just dont know any better, the dept needs to train people better so they learn how to react...
06-28-11, 06:05 PM
Dorothy just returned from the hospital, what a mess.
Tom tried to yank out his tubes and leave, then started yelling at the hospital staff like a drunk sailor with turrets.
06-28-11, 06:24 PM
Someone doesn't want the hospital bill me thinks. I recently had to go because of a kidney stone (which I still think was indigestion) and I am STILL receiving bills from outsourced work the hospital sent to other companies. Close to 10k in bills for a 8 hour visit, pee work, and a CAT scan. Ug...
06-28-11, 06:29 PM
Tom sounds just like my father, who has colon cancer. Acts just the same in hospitals - when we actually manage to drag him there, and it takes even more effort to keep him there.
Very sorry to hear about what he's going through, my prayers go out to him, and you and Dorothy as well.
I deffinetly think you should go on with either placing a complaint or trying to press them to get educated so this doesn't happen again - next time they're iggnorance may just kill someone. ;/
06-28-11, 06:29 PM
Wayne, I am so sorry you had to go through that. I'd honestly press charges against the paramedics service. That they refused to come into your house and made your uncle walk outside is just disgusting. There HAS to be a malpractice suit in that.
06-28-11, 06:40 PM
How do medical bills work in the US? Do you claim them on insurance or? Never payed a medical bill in my life, only found out the US did recently.
06-28-11, 06:40 PM
sorry to hear of uncle tom's current situation wayne
i hope he gets back to full health soon mate
one thing about the paramedics over here they have huge testicular fortitude
they work through all sorts of crazy goings on.can't imagine your snakes bothering them
imo its a disgrace the way the medics acted
at most a simple are any of them poisonus " no " well step aside and let us do our job would have been the appropriate response
cheers shaun
06-28-11, 06:42 PM
I have yet to meet a poisonous snake ^^
06-28-11, 06:44 PM
How do medical bills work in the US? Do you claim them on insurance or? Never payed a medical bill in my life, only found out the US did recently. If you have medical insurance it will take care of most of the stuff that I am getting. However I cannot afford medical insurance right now since I am unemployed. My husband and son have it, but if I had it we wouldn't be able to afford our home ect. The insurance company takes money automatically from his paycheck. He gets it automatically for no charge because he works at the company...and I decided it was more important for my son to have health coverage than myself.
Now our state will help in a small way for medical bills and possibly cover an entire charge. However the hospital I went to outsourced so much of the procedures I had done and had called in doctors that aren't actually employed at the hospital that instead of one large bill (which I do have one from the ER and Hospital) I also have to deal with about 4 other smaller bills that don't fall under the coverage of the help the state might give me.
06-28-11, 06:51 PM
Wow that's lame!
06-28-11, 07:18 PM
Very much lame! If I had known they were going to outsource over half of the procedures they did and bring in these doctors that would charge me separately I would have walked out of the hospital then and there.
06-28-11, 09:29 PM
Hope all goes well with your Uncle man, and as for the Paramedics... no comment it would just get censored.
06-28-11, 09:33 PM
Uncle Tom receives social security and full medical. This is not costing him a penny.
He even called the nice doctor from India a "terrorist towel headed quack"
The only reason he stayed is because we told him that if he refused treatment he has to leave my house, I refuse to make my kids watch him kill himself because he can't just take a magic pill and be all better.
06-28-11, 09:35 PM
Uncle tom is spunky in a not so positive way:P
Coffee Black
06-28-11, 10:45 PM
Hope Uncle Tom is well. He seems to be quite spunky so far... The paramedics response is terrible but not overly unbelievable. The stigma behind snakes is such that so many people are terrified of them for no particular reason.
Someone posted on my fiance's facebook the other day that she was terrified to leave the house because there was a snake in the garden. Her husband said he thought it was a python. In NY....a python.... It was an eastern milk. I'm going over on Saturday to take a look for this vicious monster. She was terrified by an animal that , if she had any actual knowledge of, she should be ecstatic about having around to clean up mice and such. People don't know! Its terrible. My parents thought all snakes were 16 foot venomous constrictors until I snuck my first rat snake home.
The lack of intelligence and heroism on the paramedic's part is disgusting and terrible but I no longer find such silly acts unbelievable. I hope Uncle Tom fares well and stops unleashing insults at doctors and I hope your buddy knocks some common sense into his coworker's heads.
06-28-11, 11:57 PM
Thanks everyone..
I don't have much further to add then already said...
That is indeed a pathetic display of incompetence, and I do wish your uncle the very best Wayne.
06-29-11, 10:33 AM
I am off to the hospital.. They are doing the camera thing today.
06-29-11, 10:41 AM
Good luck wayne.. Hope it all turns out ok
06-29-11, 10:51 AM
Stubborn old man just told me to stay home, he does not want anyone there while they put a camera up his butt.
The procedure should take about 2-3 hours.
06-29-11, 10:57 AM
You just gotta love the fight in "that" generation - they never will give in!
Keeping fingers crossed for you mate.
06-29-11, 12:53 PM
Stubborn old man just told me to stay home, he does not want anyone there while they put a camera up his butt.
The procedure should take about 2-3 hours.
Can't say I blame
Sending the best of thoughts your way!!
06-29-11, 01:50 PM
Results are in... NO CANCER. he ruptured a benign polyp.
aside from new dietary restrictions, he's fine.
06-29-11, 01:53 PM
nice, good thing it wasn't something worse.
06-29-11, 01:56 PM
Glad to hear he will be ok :D
06-29-11, 02:03 PM
Thank goodness he'll be ok. I'm so glad to hear it.
06-29-11, 02:15 PM
Glad to hear that all our prayers ahve been answered,
Coffee Black
06-29-11, 02:26 PM
Great news!
06-29-11, 03:32 PM
good to hear
06-29-11, 03:33 PM
Woot *does a dance*
07-01-11, 10:32 AM
Picked him up from the Hospital this morning, He couldn't wait to get out.
07-01-11, 04:21 PM
Glad he is home, let's hope he stays healthy for a long time :)
07-04-11, 08:09 AM
Stubborn old man just told me to stay home, he does not want anyone there while they put a camera up his butt.
The procedure should take about 2-3 hours.
i don't blame old uncle tom mate
i had that procedure done last year and its was one of the most unpleasant things i've ever went through
the night before you have to drink roughly 8 pints of this liquid stuff over a 4 hour period that emptys the bowel and intestines.
you end up poo'ing clear water out a slighlty hot rear end
then they blow air up your *** as they feed the camera in due to your intestines being empty and flat
the camera itself has a light,air nossle and lense,trust me not the happiest day of your life...!!
i hope it all works out for uncle tom wayne
cheers shaun
07-04-11, 08:12 AM
Results are in... NO CANCER. he ruptured a benign polyp.
aside from new dietary restrictions, he's fine.
just caught up with the thread....
thats great news uncle toms ok wayne
now you just need to get him a few of his own snakes to keep his curiosity occupied
cheers shaun
07-04-11, 08:28 AM
just caught up with the thread....
thats great news uncle toms ok wayne
now you just need to get him a few of his own snakes to keep his curiosity occupied
cheers shaun
I swear caring for this man is like having a big grey haired child in the house.
He was just discharged from the hospital, he's been told he's anemic and to take it easy.. all he wants to do is go out back and do things he's not supposed to do.
07-04-11, 08:34 AM
heres an idea for u wayne, why dont u offer to train paramedics in how to deal with snakes within the home environment and say that ur willing to do this if they reduce ur medical bills.
Either way, im sorry to hear that some people cant tell dangerous situations if it bit them on the ****.
I hope that he will be ok and that everything works out in the end.
07-04-11, 11:39 AM
then they blow air up your *** as they feed the camera in due to your intestines being empty and flat
cheers shaun
First off Wayne glad to hear he's doing ok and back home.
Second Shaun your Scottish and wear a Kilt You should be use to air blowing up your a-s.:eek: Like every time the wind blows. 13537 Just joking with you.
07-08-11, 09:31 PM
Now he's just a pain in the butt stubborn old guy who does not want to follow doctors orders.
07-08-11, 09:34 PM
Bah, hang in there!
07-08-11, 09:47 PM
Results are in... NO CANCER. he ruptured a benign polyp.
aside from new dietary restrictions, he's fine.
im very glad to hear this, after reading about him im sure cancer was just to scared to go after him lol
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