View Full Version : Does this kit have everything I need?

06-28-11, 02:14 PM
I was looking at things I needed to buy and came across this. Zoo Med Snake Kit (http://www.reptiledirect.com/zoo-med-snake-kit.aspx)
Does it look like there's everything needed for a baby corn? Besides food and a tank obviously. It would be wonderful if it had everything. Thanks ahead of time.
By the way sorry for seeming like I don't really know anything about snakes :P I was more into wild animals until about a month ago. So I don't know much about pet snakes, but I do know quite a lot about snakes in general.

06-28-11, 02:15 PM
Not sure what Trial Size ReptiSafe, Trial Size Wipeout 3 is the rest looks fine, although U might want a thermostat. And tongs.

06-28-11, 02:19 PM
I have tongs, and I need a thermostat. I didn't know what they were so I looked it up. Reptisafe basically cleans tap water so its perfectly safe for reptiles. Wipeout is like hand sanitizer for before and after you handle your friends.

06-28-11, 02:26 PM
Looks alright I suppose, The only thing you really need from that package is the Heater/thermostat. I dont really like aspen bedding and you need 2 hides if your doing it in a tank.

Generic all reptile kits arent always a great choice in my opinion.

06-28-11, 02:38 PM
You can buy everything in that kit for $10 with a little shopping.

06-28-11, 02:40 PM
Kits are generally a way for a company to make more money. Probably cheaper to buy everything you really need separately. Heck the hand sanitizer stuff...I never use anything other than a good soap and water wash, if anything at all. Also buying bedding in "bulk" will save you money in the long run of things rather than buying just enough.

06-28-11, 02:47 PM
and why "purify" tap water?? a jug of spring water or distilled water is all of a dollar.

06-28-11, 02:49 PM
and why "purify" tap water?? a jug of spring water or distilled water is all of a dollar.

Oh yeah! That is another thing. I don't even use spring or distilled water...just normal tap. Never seen anything wrong with it at all.

06-28-11, 02:53 PM
Oh yeah! That is another thing. I don't even use spring or distilled water...just normal tap. Never seen anything wrong with it at all.

I do too, but I have a well.

06-28-11, 02:55 PM
makes me wonder if I should do some sort of test on my local water. But considering the amount of different animals in my home that drink it straight from the tap without worry (including other reptiles) I think everything is probably safe.

06-28-11, 02:57 PM
my mom has worked for an eco friendly pyramid scheme type company on the side as long as i can remember (probably before i was born) and they sell vitamins and soap and toothpaste and biodegratable detergents and all this good stuff, and we have a water purifier that costs like $1000 or something rediculous in the kitchen. it is pretty pimpy. i generally drink that and use it for my pets. when you taste the purified water it tastes like crystal clear nothing, when i taste the tap i can taste all the nastiness in it that it purifies out.

id take a picture of it but my camera finally bit the dust this morning. i was taking pictures of a bird shaking itself off from the rain outside my house and when i went to upload the pictures to my computer the crappy connection to the memory stick in the camera finally cut completely. time to earn abunch of money and find a new camera eventually =/ lol

06-28-11, 02:58 PM
makes me wonder if I should do some sort of test on my local water. But considering the amount of different animals in my home that drink it straight from the tap without worry (including other reptiles) I think everything is probably safe.

You are fine, in the wild snakes drink from puddles of swill that would make most people gag to think about it.

06-28-11, 03:00 PM
A few years back some company dropped a few TONS of feces in the river about 10km from my house, my well has been useless since...

06-28-11, 03:00 PM
You are fine, in the wild snakes drink from puddles of swill that would make most people gag to think about it.

Ha ha that is very true! They don't have time to be picky! I have heard of wild snakes drinking pool water before, but I am not sure that is something they survived.

06-28-11, 03:21 PM
Cool. Thanks everyone. But it's too late :P I guess my mom already ordered it. No big deal though. Thanks for the tips though I'll use em later

06-28-11, 03:40 PM
The Reptisafe is for amphibians only, according to the description. You can always try to sell it on Ebay and scan Craig's List for the basics that you need like:

- Substrate (deep enough for the snake to burrow in)
- 2 Thermostats (one for cold and one for warm area)
- Hygrometer (to check humidity)
- Water dish (one for each area and big enough for the snake to submerge)
- Two hides (Plumbing pipes, paper towel rolls work great)
- Heating pad or heating lamp (depending on your set up and size of tank)
- And asking lots of questions in here. ;)

Good luck!

06-28-11, 03:51 PM
Thanks. But when you say thermostats do you mean actual thermostats to control the heat or thermometers to check the heat? And for another hide you said plumbing pipes can I just use pvc pipes? I have some extra from building a ski rail.

06-28-11, 03:51 PM
The Reptisafe is for amphibians only, according to the description. You can always try to sell it on Ebay and scan Craig's List for the basics that you need like:

- Substrate (deep enough for the snake to burrow in)
- 2 Thermostats (one for cold and one for warm area)
- Hygrometer (to check humidity)
- Water dish (one for each area and big enough for the snake to submerge)
- Two hides (Plumbing pipes, paper towel rolls work great)
- Heating pad or heating lamp (depending on your set up and size of tank)
- And asking lots of questions in here. ;)

Good luck!

I assume you mean two temp guages rather than two thermostats?

In trrms of cleaning hands before and after handling we use babywipes. They are convenient as can be left next to the vivarium and means we dont have to walk into the kitchen to wash up befoe opening the next viv.

06-28-11, 03:52 PM
Thanks. But when you say thermostats do you mean actual thermostats to control the heat or thermometers to check the heat? And for another hide you said plumbing pipes can I just use pvc pipes? I have some extra from building a ski rail.

PVC pipe works great, cut some pices and sand off the rough edges.

06-28-11, 07:35 PM
You can buy everything in that kit for $10 with a little shopping.

i was just about to suggest pricing things individually as it would work out cheaper over here that way.

i stopped using aspen substrate as i found it too dusty as have other carpet enthusiasts i have spoken to.

in some cases it caused mild respiritory problems,we put down to the amount of dust the aspen contained

re cleaing hands
over here we use a gell hand sanitiser,you squirt it on rub it in and your hands are pretty sterile

re thermostat
a thermostats is a MUST as its the piece of equiptment that controls the amount of heat your snake requires

imo more importantly it will stop you overheaing and cooking your snake

so a thermostat,thermometer,2 hides,some fake plants,a water bowl,a heat mat and some branches if its a semi arboreal or arboreal species you plan on keeping.

re hides
you could always MAKE hides and save some cash

i use plastic washing up basins,plant pots,washed out plastic butter tubs for hatchlings,etc

just remember to smooth off the edges of any holes you cut in homemade hides and they do a great job

re substrate
i and a lot of other people use old daily newspapers,makes for easy cleaning and no dust or chance of picking up mites.

re fake plants
they will give your snake a bit of security by providing cover where it will feel safe

a secure stress free snake will eat a lot better than a stressed snake

i wish you well when you get your new snakes,remember to post pictures once its settled in and eating regularily

i've found its best to always give your snake a week to settle in before offering food

i also would reccomend you do not handle the snake unless neccesary until its eating regular

i'm sure your going to love snake keeping,its a rewarding hobby

cheers shaun

06-29-11, 03:51 PM
but if you use newspaper for a substrate the herp wouldn't be able to dig, is that a big deal?

06-29-11, 04:03 PM
Newspaper is the chosen substrate for many reptile owners, make sure you use the ones whose ink doesn't run easilly because then you get inky herps and no1 likes those.

06-29-11, 04:04 PM
but if you use newspaper for a substrate the herp wouldn't be able to dig, is that a big deal?

that really depends on your herps. Corn snakes are like 5 year olds, they will have fun on pretty much anything you put them in. Now if you were getting a snake that has burrowing in its genetics etc, not being able to would cause tons of stress.

06-29-11, 04:22 PM
alright thanks a lot everyone. I'll just use newspaper then