View Full Version : Need help identifying

06-24-11, 04:58 PM
I found this forum in searching for what type of snake this is, thought it was a brown water snake but I am not really sure, any help would be appreciated. It was living in and near my backyard pond and I think was feasting on some of my fish as the population has gone down some. I caught tonight and relocated to another pond that is away from people so he can have a good life. My dog actually found him tongiht.

Thanks in advance

06-24-11, 05:31 PM
Banded water snake.. harmless.

06-24-11, 05:32 PM
Very nice water snake!

06-24-11, 05:35 PM
How nice of you to release the snake and not kill it.

06-24-11, 05:37 PM
its head looks kind of evil for some reason lol.

06-24-11, 05:43 PM
Wow thanks for the fast responses. Yes when I was getting him out of the rocks he opened his mouth rather wide and freaked me out for a minute not knowing if he was poisonous.

Thanks everyone.

06-24-11, 05:45 PM
its head looks kind of evil for some reason lol.

Like this one that lives by my creek?


06-24-11, 05:47 PM

Major props to you for relocating the snake.

06-24-11, 05:48 PM
Like this one that lives by my creek?


haha, yea :)

06-24-11, 06:00 PM
I am not a big fan of snakes but they too a right to live and serve a purpose in the food chain, I just didn't want him eating my fish or frogs so he was relocated to a bigger pond where I think he will be happier.

06-24-11, 06:18 PM
To me the short fat body reminds me of a cottonmouth...but the head angle is so skewed I just have to go with Infernalis on this one.

Thank you for having the good sense to just move him to a new home! So many people would have snagged the shovel instead. Also how big is your pond? For one snake to deplete your population seems off.

06-24-11, 06:42 PM
Also how big is your pond? For one snake to deplete your population seems off.

I have heard more than once of Garter snakes and water snakes wiping out all fish in decorative garden ponds.

06-24-11, 06:53 PM
To me the short fat body reminds me of a cottonmouth...but the head angle is so skewed I just have to go with Infernalis on this one.

Thank you for having the good sense to just move him to a new home! So many people would have snagged the shovel instead. Also how big is your pond? For one snake to deplete your population seems off.

My pond is 12x16 and is 2-3' deep. I should have gotten a better pic of its head but I was just glad to get it out from under my waterfall rocks. However the head was sort of flat and reminded me of a rattlesnakes head on a much smaller scale.

06-24-11, 06:59 PM
I have heard more than once of Garter snakes and water snakes wiping out all fish in decorative garden ponds.

Did you mean to make it plural I wonder? I can understand that being true, but I didn't know if they had one of those little things or a true pond. That is all :) Though not to say the smaller ponds aren't "real" but I think ya know what I mean by that.

06-24-11, 09:18 PM
Glad you relocated it :)

06-25-11, 04:26 AM
I am not a big fan of snakes but they too a right to live and serve a purpose in the food chain, I just didn't want him eating my fish or frogs so he was relocated to a bigger pond where I think he will be happier.

Kudos :)
Kudos :)
Kudos :)
Kudos :)
Kudos :)
Kudos :)

06-25-11, 05:18 AM
Kudos :)
Kudos :)
Kudos :)
Kudos :)
Kudos :)
Kudos :)


Quoted for truth.

06-25-11, 05:29 AM
I would rather have the watersnake in my pond over the fish!!

06-25-11, 05:30 PM
I didn't mind him so much as eating my goldfish in the pond but my koi that's another thing. Plus I had to worry about my dog she is the one who found it and she is a hunter and would eventually get into a conflict with the snake. So to protect the dog and the snake I thought it best to seperate them. :) Had to do the same thing last year when a 4' black snake was hanging out on my railing where my grape vines grow.

Once again thanks for identifying it.