View Full Version : switching heat sources; uth, or flexwatt belly heat?
06-21-11, 08:52 AM of now I have back heat. With 11" flexwatt, it works good, but I want belly heat. I don't care about prices, so uth? Or flexwatt?? I want the new source soon, but I have a wweek cuz I'm painting my rack... what's your guys input?
Oh yea, its good to be back!!!!
06-21-11, 08:56 AM
what is the snake,
is it nocturnal or a day roaming snake,
the reason why i ask is because if its a day snake, why not try a heat lamp with a slate tile underneath or something similar.
if its a nocturnal snake then go for uth
well thats my honest opinion anyway lol
what is the snake,
is it nocturnal or a day roaming snake,
the reason why i ask is because if its a day snake, why not try a heat lamp with a slate tile underneath or something similar.
if its a nocturnal snake then go for uth
well thats my honest opinion anyway lol
The OP has a rack, so heat lamps are not feasible.
To the OP, I would go with flexwatt; cheaper and you can heat the entire rack with one piece.
06-21-11, 10:08 AM
A UTH is essentially flexxwatt... only difference is you pay more for the outer layer of plastic and if I am not mistaken the highest heating capacity is lower in UTH's
06-21-11, 03:04 PM
Heat tape it is!! Al though I can't use 1 piece for the whole rack:-(, but it is all good, I will gwt some hwat tape ordered..
Off topic, if I paint my rack, should I spray paint, or brush... or does it matter?
06-21-11, 03:06 PM
I would assume snakies will be well out of the way so no worries about excess spray or fumes? Personally i likes a brussssh but thechoice is yours.
06-21-11, 03:35 PM
Yea, they are in their tubs in the floor. With a heat light pointed at the tubs..... it is pretty crappy set up, but I'm still getting the right temps lol. I think brush would be easier, I could almost paint it in the room its in... witch would be easier ... I'm painting it a deep brownish red...
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