View Full Version : Isaac's Ark secound breeding project comes full circle

Isaac's Ark
06-16-11, 06:40 PM
What a busy week!! As stated before Isaac's Ark started with a few humble steps As Chris was being trained I still remember him facing his first case of empty cage syndrome. LOL. Looking at me saying that he could not handle all the empty bins. So I had to appease him we brought the future of Isaac's Ark off of the idea page and placed it in the hold back rack, this helped for a period of time. Then the empty baby bins started to get to both of us. Wednesday we had our first litter 8 amazing little babies. Then I walked in with Noémie my daughter she is Isaac's little sister. (Noémie Oasis is in the making lol) This time I found the litter and she was rushed out of the room so I could get the job done. All skepticism from the Staff and the Owner was squashed today Isaac's Ark was given the greatest stimulus package ever from our 100% het Albino (Bertha) She was bred to a Salmon Poss DH Sunglow no Sunglows to be found but hey I will take 35 Babies and 1 slug with no deformities (12 commons, 23 Salmons) this girl will be paired up with a Coral Sunglow next year to determine if she really is 100% Het Albino.

Male Salmon Poss DH Sunglow.


Female 100% Het Albino



http://isaacsark.webs.com//1.0%20Salmon%20poss%20dh%20sunglow%20%200.1%20%20h et%20albino.JPG



06-16-11, 09:35 PM
Thats a big load O' babies

06-16-11, 10:07 PM
awesome litter.

Isaac's Ark
06-16-11, 10:13 PM
Thank you guys

06-17-11, 10:33 AM
Dang how many are there?

Isaac's Ark
06-17-11, 10:41 AM
She was bred to a Salmon Poss DH Sunglow no Sunglows to be found but hey I will take 35 Babies and 1 slug with no deformities (12 commons, 23 Salmons)

I stated the results in the short blurb but I am a stickler for skipping content and just drooling over the pictures as well..lol

06-17-11, 11:24 AM
Congrats on a beautiful bunch of babies.

06-21-11, 10:10 AM
Hi there, I just wanted to say thank you to Mark and Chris for allowing me and my daughter the opportunity to vistit the Ark! We had so much fun, learned so much! All the snakes were amazing, I've never seen so many babies! Looking forward to more!:Wow:

Isaac's Ark
06-21-11, 07:27 PM
By all means thank you for stopping by and lending a helping hand and taking the time to see a new side of this world. As for the babies there are still more to come..fingers crossed.

06-21-11, 07:32 PM
Where is the ark btw? just wondering. There is a storm coming =/

06-21-11, 07:48 PM
The female looked so much smaller (and thinner) than the male....or was it the other way around. Whatever the case glad to see that everything worked out! You now have some pretty pretty babies. Hope if you sell them or give them away they get good homes.

Isaac's Ark
06-21-11, 08:02 PM
We are located in Moncton New-Brunswick, we will be making our way to the ACRE so if you want to discuss the storm that is coming we are Zeitgeist friendly people not to mention James Cameron makes some of my favorite films.

Isaac's Ark
06-21-11, 08:06 PM
The tiny worm trying to breed that monstrosity of a boa is the male and he actually quite large lol she is just so much bigger that was how we got such a great litter from here. If we would have a male motley 100% het albino we would have walked away with a heavy chance of 10 albino motleys ohh how things could have been LOL.

06-21-11, 08:12 PM
The tiny worm trying to breed that monstrosity of a boa is the male and he actually quite large lol she is just so much bigger that was how we got such a great litter from here. If we would have a male motley 100% het albino we would have walked away with a heavy chance of 10 albino motleys ohh how things could have been LOL.

ROTFL Tiny worm is right! But at least he doesn't mind his women big ;)

07-20-11, 04:58 PM
What is that blue thing on the male?

07-20-11, 06:25 PM
it represents hes the male i think