View Full Version : so i turn around..........again....

06-15-11, 12:36 PM
was playin some counter strike when i get the random urge to turn around and this is what i see.


06-15-11, 12:37 PM
Rofl, dogs are awesome:P

06-15-11, 12:47 PM
LMAO!!! Dogs are hilarious!!

06-15-11, 01:28 PM
she's a character ;)

06-23-11, 10:58 AM
lol....not a shocker....i turn around yet again and...


06-23-11, 12:59 PM
ROTFLMAO My pit mix will often sleep the entire night like this! Though not on my bed ;) To me, even though I own two, dogs are tolerable at best. It is times like this though they make me snicker a little. My hubby loves his dogs...

Oh and I love the poster ;)

06-23-11, 01:56 PM
ROTFLMAO My pit mix will often sleep the entire night like this! Though not on my bed ;) To me, even though I own two, dogs are tolerable at best. It is times like this though they make me snicker a little. My hubby loves his dogs...

Oh and I love the poster ;)

haha, thanks :)
it's a flag, i got it years ago while i was traveling.


06-26-11, 09:07 AM
im a little late but i was playing team fortress 2 and the same thing happened to me haha. i just turned around and my dog was on her back swatting at a fly.

06-26-11, 09:12 AM
was playin some counter strike when i get the random urge to turn around and this is what i see.


"Draw me like one of your french girls TeaNinja" - - Dog

06-26-11, 09:19 AM
TF2 is awesome, I play on the account "Inappropriate Erection Dilemma" if you ever see me around :)

06-26-11, 09:26 AM
TF2 is awesome, I play on the account "Inappropriate Erection Dilemma" if you ever see me around :)

awesome game. its just as fun if not more fun than cod but its not nearly as frustating. except when you get killed by pyros. :P

06-26-11, 09:37 AM
I play CoD too, but my CoD name is way more inappropriate then my TF2 name and I would be silly to post it on this forum :P

06-26-11, 09:43 AM
TF2 is awesome, I play on the account "Inappropriate Erection Dilemma" if you ever see me around :)

Iv been enjoying TF2 100% more recently since it became free.

06-26-11, 09:44 AM
Haven't touched it in a while. Been too busy lol.

06-26-11, 12:10 PM
haha. do you play on the computer or do you have a xbox/ps3. i have a xbox

06-26-11, 12:19 PM
haha. do you play on the computer or do you have a xbox/ps3. i have a xbox

PC is the only way to play.

06-26-11, 12:23 PM
i agree. i dont play xbox as much.

06-26-11, 12:24 PM
PC is the way to go :P I have my Razor Naga and my N52 gamepad so I'm set :)

06-26-11, 01:31 PM
oh maaan. i want a n52 sooo bad ahaha. i have a pretty good mouse though. which cod do you have?

06-26-11, 01:33 PM
The only reason I like the Naga is the rebind, the 2 corner buttons can be rebound as alternative modifiers, so instead of 17 buttons you have 45 buttons directly on the mouse. That and the cord cant get tangled which is always a bonus.

I just wish it was bigger because I have large hands.

06-26-11, 06:48 PM
I just wish it was bigger because I have large hands.

Thats what she said.

Personaly I want one of thoes Area51 Keyboards from Alienware.. because they light up according to the game your playing :D

06-26-11, 06:50 PM
You tried the N52?

We are getting a little side tracked so I'll toss in a comment about the OP :P
Dogs are awesome so maybe we should make a new post about our mammalian friends who live with us :)

06-26-11, 06:52 PM
I play CoD too, but my CoD name is way more inappropriate then my TF2 name and I would be silly to post it on this forum :P

ahahaha... really? i thought the first was pretty inappropriate... i guess we really dont need to know the call of duty name lol

06-26-11, 07:00 PM
Nothing wrong with my TF2 name I wouldn't think. A mildly shunned word but nothing bad.

06-26-11, 08:18 PM
i have TF2 but i've only played it once lol. i got it the other day because it's free on steam. it's kind of rediculous lol.

06-26-11, 08:26 PM
The skill requirement to play isnt high, but the skill cap is, especially with some players like pyros and Soldiers and engies. But overall the game is fantastic!

06-26-11, 08:27 PM
like i said, i played it for like 20 minutes and i was running around shotgunning people as a scout. i was playing CTF and they had a sentry turret just sitting on their flag lol. i spent like 5-10 minutes going Wtffffff.

06-26-11, 08:29 PM
Rofl. Get good with a soldier, they are a blast, same with scouts and pyros :P
Rocket jump as a soldier is amazing, baseball bat stun as a scout is bad-*** and reflecting missiles as a pyro is just awesome!
Not to mention running into a room with 10 ppl as a pyro and lighting them all on fire then dying and getting 10 kills seconds after you die :)

06-26-11, 08:31 PM
haha, yea it seemed like it can be a lot of fun, but when i am just starting...it's mayhem lol.

06-26-11, 08:32 PM
Mayhem is a good thing, as long as you are getting a shot in here and there :P Getting spawn camped sucks lol.

06-26-11, 08:35 PM
i like soldiers and scouts. but not pyros. they annoy me. :P but i agree they are fun to play with. snipers are really hard to play with so idk why but i love to play as them.

06-26-11, 08:35 PM
Bow or gun? I'm a beast with the bow lol.

06-26-11, 08:49 PM
i got like 4 or 5 shotgun kills on like 5 deaths. im not new to FPS's by ANY means, but i'm not used to all the madness that comes along with TF lol.

06-26-11, 09:49 PM
I use to own my own server in CSS. America's Last Army.

06-27-11, 07:58 AM
ive never played css but i reaaaalllyyyy want to. i usually use a gun but im starting to use the bow

06-27-11, 10:28 AM
i have 2 steam accounts with css lol. i bought it on my old account YEARS AND YEARS ago then it got stolen. then i got it on my new account, then i eventually got my old one back lol.