View Full Version : update on my bp

06-14-11, 01:06 PM
so u all know that i got a new bp on saturday and she fed perfectly, well when i got home today, she was constantly trying to get out of her tub, so i just thought, take the lid off and see what happens
so i take the lid off to check her humidity and i just left my hand on the edge of the tub, above where she was, and she takes alittle sniff of my hand and starts to slither up my hand and onto my wrist, she then happily coils around my wrst for a few minutes and then she starts to happily slither all over my hand and wrist and has been doing it since, its been about 10 minutes now and shes being a right little sweet heart.

first feed on the first day and now, first handle (of her own free will and accord) on the 4th day of having her, what an accomplishment and im so happy about it thats it unreal.

06-14-11, 01:16 PM
Happy for you, but even if they want to come out, I'd advise leaving them in there for at least a week to settle.

06-14-11, 01:19 PM
true, i was in all honesty, just dying to hold her and saw my opportunity and took it, shes been such an angel, its hard to believe that i only got her on saturday.

06-14-11, 01:26 PM
Post some post shed pics later :)

06-14-11, 01:32 PM
oh i will definitely do that, also do u mean after shedding or before lol

06-14-11, 01:33 PM
Post = after
Pre = before

06-14-11, 01:34 PM
ah ok thanks, i always got them 2 muddled up lol