06-13-11, 02:24 PM
Okay, so in my previous posts I've been searching for an answer to help me with Khan. He was shedding horribly.... Pieces and they would be there for days. Though many posts here, I found my answer - A humid hide.
Now, when I first heard it I was like how much is this going to cost because I've spent so much changing substrate and logs and other things to help him.
Seriously, I used a large margerine container lined with DAMP paper towels... TA DA! He went into blue and I put it in there. A few days later I knew he was going to shed. Last night I seen a tiny piece by his head and today when I went to spray the hide to dampen it, he was head to toe shed. A little search and I found the longest piece he had ever shed, over 3/4 of his body came off in a perfect shed. I also found the head piece and seen his eye caps have shed. Yay! Celebrate Khans close to perfect shed with me :) Im the happiest girl alive right now. Ill post a pic of the shed and my beautifully shed Khan in a bit ♥
Now, when I first heard it I was like how much is this going to cost because I've spent so much changing substrate and logs and other things to help him.
Seriously, I used a large margerine container lined with DAMP paper towels... TA DA! He went into blue and I put it in there. A few days later I knew he was going to shed. Last night I seen a tiny piece by his head and today when I went to spray the hide to dampen it, he was head to toe shed. A little search and I found the longest piece he had ever shed, over 3/4 of his body came off in a perfect shed. I also found the head piece and seen his eye caps have shed. Yay! Celebrate Khans close to perfect shed with me :) Im the happiest girl alive right now. Ill post a pic of the shed and my beautifully shed Khan in a bit ♥