View Full Version : Madagascar Day Gecko discoloration

06-12-11, 05:04 PM
I have a 3 year old female that has been in very good helath so far. However, about a week ago her right back foot started to discolor and I left for a trip and returned to 2 more gray feet and the tip of her tail discolored. She has just recently shed and still the discolor is there. I feed her repashy formula daily and about a dozen crickets a week. I had been dusting all crickets with calcium but cut back to 1/2 of the crickets recently as her calcium sacs were enlarged. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

06-13-11, 04:14 AM
Dont know much about them but when she shed did it all come off her toes/tail? I know this can be an issue with some lizards....

06-13-11, 04:51 AM
discoloured limbs normally means there retained shed on the affected limbs, best thing to do is use a warm bath about 1-2 degrees higher in temp than her hot spot and leave her in the bath until the temp lowers to about 5 degrees below her warm spot, do this for a couple of days, thats what i do with my leo and within a day or 2, she goes back to normal.